Partial Transcript: So thought maybe you could start out
Segment Synopsis: Charles Alexander (CA) was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, when his father was in the Air Force. His family moved around to Norman, Oklahoma; San Antonio, Texas; Fukuoka, Japan; and just outside of Kansas City, Missouri until he was 11. Then the family settled in Oklahoma.
Keywords: Early Chilldhood; Fukuoka, Japan; Honolulu, HI; Kansas City, MO; Norman, Oklahoma; San Antonio, TX
Partial Transcript: I remember being taken, I think it was a field trip
Segment Synopsis: As a child, CA visited a Kansas City art gallery as well as the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. He was a voracious reader who liked to hang out at the public library.
Keywords: Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum; Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art; Public Library; Reading
Partial Transcript: Any follow up questions... well I was just wondering
Segment Synopsis: Growing up, CA read Tennyson, Keats, Browning and Shakespeare. By the end of high school, he was interested in writing that made him work a bit as a reader. Modern poets became important to him in college.
Keywords: Alfred Tennyson; Ezra Pound; H.D.; John Keats; Poetry; Robert Browning; Shakespeare; Wallace Stevens; William Carlos Williams
Partial Transcript: And... uh... I think also pretty aware of where I came from
Segment Synopsis: Black Mesa Press was named for CA's Oklahoma roots. He began reading Native American poets. When he first moved to Tucson, Arizona, after school in Madison, he only knew Leslie Marmon Silko, who introduced him to her circle of friends.
Keywords: Leslie Marmon Silko; Native American Poetry; Oklahoma; Simon Ortiz
Partial Transcript: Uh...Bill Chase at Stanford taught that first American Literature
Segment Synopsis: CA studied with Bill Chase and Al Gelpi at Stanford, where CA began reading the Black Mountain poets including Robert Creeley, Charles Olson and Robert Duncan. These poets were part of the New American Poetry anthology and an "outlaw tradition" not part of MFA writing programs at the time.
Keywords: Al Gelpi; Bill Chase; Black Mountain Poets; Charles Olson; Robert Duncan; Robert Creely; Stanford
Partial Transcript: And I would get broader than that and I also
Segment Synopsis: The Bay Area arts and culture scene influenced CA, too, particularly John Cage's methods and "nonintention." Zen Buddhism was also "in the air" in the 1970s. CA started reading Zen Buddhism texts when he was in high school and went to a Zen retreat as a freshman in college. CA's father died when CA was 20
Keywords: Bay Area; John Cage; San Francisco, CA; Zen Buddhism
Partial Transcript: I wondered if we could go back a little bit
Segment Synopsis: CA started writing poems around age 14. He went to Norman High School in Norman, Oklahoma. He took fiction writing with Al Young at Stanford.
Keywords: Al Young; Belle Randall; Creative Writing; Norman, Oklahoma; Poetry; Writing
Partial Transcript: So you were in Oklahoma for high school, what was that
Segment Synopsis: Living in Oklahoma gave CA the opportunity to get lost in the natural world and a freedom that led to confidence. During the Vietnam War, CA and peers protested and smoked pot. "I was always encouraged to think for myself." His parents were also strong people who came from small towns in Oklahoma.
Keywords: Confidence; Natural World; Norman, Oklahoma; Oklahoma
Partial Transcript: So getting into Stanford must have been a pretty big
Segment Synopsis: At Stanford, a friend wrote reviews for the student newspaper, and CA became his driver and attended various art events. He was quickly drawn to literature courses and became aware of small press books. He graduated in the spring of 1976.
Keywords: California; College Life; Stanford University
Partial Transcript: Did you know then when you were in undergraduate
Segment Synopsis: After Stanford, CA became a teaching assistant for a semester at the University of Oklahoma. He got married, and his wife planned to go to school in Madison. So CA also applied to graduate school at UW-Madison and was accepted.
Keywords: Graduate School; Marriage; Teaching Assistant; UW-Madison; University of Wisconsin at Madison
Partial Transcript: Where starting out in English here in grad school
Segment Synopsis: CA was on a path to getting his PhD in English. He was a teaching assistant for Melville scholar Merton Sealts Jr. CA studied poetry as a genre. When CA went to the Charles Olson Festival in Iowa, he encountered Toothpaste Press, whose Allan Kornblum told CA to see Walter Hamady about bookmaking.
Keywords: Charles Olson Festival; Merton Sealts Jr.; PhD; Poetry; Walter Hamady
Partial Transcript: In the spring of 79 I took my first class
Segment Synopsis: CA took his first class with Hamady in the spring of 1979. "I liked everything about his gruffness." Hamady became a mentor and a friend. CA also learned from Kathy Kuehn and Pati Scobey. CA started going to poetry readings, including ones at Woodland Pattern Book Center in Milwaukee, and he organized monthly poetry readings in Madison.
Keywords: Kathy Kuehn; Pati Scobey; Walter Hamady; Woodland Pattern Book Center
Partial Transcript: and... uh... so but they did all come together, but it did lead
Segment Synopsis: CA started a press, and making books led him away from the PhD program. He bought a press from UW grad Steve Miller and made his first and only book from Pared So Thin Press (available in Memorial Library's Special Collections). CA's work is fueled by the content.
Keywords: Pared So Thin Press; Press; To Turn Over
Partial Transcript: Just working at the library... Which library? Memorial
Segment Synopsis: While in Madison, CA worked at UW libraries, including in the Rare Book Room (Special Collections). CA started a poetry performance group with Eli Goldblatt and Chris Bruch, who encouraged CA to focus on publishing books.
Keywords: Chris Bruch; Eli Goldblatt; Employment; Memorial Library; Non Collinear; Poetry Performance Group
Partial Transcript: Um... And.. You know I think why there? My sister had lived
Segment Synopsis: CA decided to move to Tucson, Arizona, where he met his wife, painter Cynthia Miller. He also met sculptor Alejos (Alex) Garza, (Emma) Yolanda Galván and Tenney Nathanson, whose class CA took.
Keywords: Alejos (Alex) Garza; Cynthia Miller; Marriage; Tenney Nathanson; Tucson, Arizona; Yolanda Galván
Partial Transcript: Well could we go back a little bit to um Madison
Segment Synopsis: CA took book illustration, which was interpreted broadly, with Walter Hamady. CA also was involved with the Breaking the Bindings exhibition, a nationwide look at what was happening in the book arts, and catalog.
Keywords: Breaking the Bindings; Breaking the Bindings Exhibition; Courses; Illustration; University of Wisconsin at Madison; Walter Hamady
Partial Transcript: I guess I am curious too since Walter Hamady wrote
Segment Synopsis: Walter Hamady and CA both wrote poems and discussed poetry. They went to a poetry reading in Milwaukee, which inspired A Broad (Back) Side (available in Memorial Library's Special Collections).
Keywords: A Broad (Back) Side; Poetry; Walter Hamady
Partial Transcript: Um.. let's see here we where talking about Breaking the Bindings
Segment Synopsis: CA collaborated with a few UW artists, including Kathy Kuehn, who created drawings for American Sentences by Donald Westling. CA learned papermaking from Hamady and made paper for the book. CA also connected with Steve Clay of Granary Books and Jim Sitter.
Keywords: American Sentences: The History of West Seneca New York; Breaking the Bindings Exhibition; Breaking the Bindings; Collaboration; Granary Books; Jim Sitter; Kathy Kuehn; Steve Clay
Partial Transcript: And you mentioned that Breaking the Bindings is kinda like
Segment Synopsis: When CA moved to Tucson, he changed his press name to Chax Press after his father and grandfather. He met Leslie Marmon Silko at Woodland Pattern Book Center and printed a broadside of Silko's work with Ruth Lingen's illustration.
Keywords: Breaking the Bindings; Breaking the Bindings Exhibition; Chax Press; Leslie Marmon Silko; Ruth Lingen; Tucson, AZ; Woodland Pattern Book Center
Partial Transcript: So let's see, the two books that were in process
Segment Synopsis: CA published Five Kwaidan by Karl Young (available in Memorial Library's Special Collections) with an interesting structure and a book by Jackson Mac Low in a traditional style. Individuals (in Special Collections) featured work by poets Lyn Hejinian and Kit Robinson. CA began working with interns from the University of Arizona.
Keywords: Five Kwaidan in Sleeve Pages; Jackson Mac Low; Karl Young; Kit Robinson; Lyn Hejinian
Partial Transcript: you mentioned that you were looking at small
Segment Synopsis: CA brought his press to Tucson and moved it into a studio. A year later, he moved it into a warehouse. He became acquainted with artists including Marietta Bernstorff and Louis Carlos Bernal.
Keywords: Chax Press; Louis Carlos Bernal; Marietta Bernstorff
Partial Transcript: You know we have children and we need more money
Segment Synopsis: When CA and his wife were expecting their second child, he accepted a position as executive director of the Minnesota Center for Book Arts. He enjoyed putting together an exhibition on the boundless book and connecting with Minneapolis poets, including Allan Kornblum of Coffee House Press. He liked the job but found working with the board of directors challenging.
Keywords: Allan Kornblum; Career; Coffee House Press; Minneapolis, MN; Minnesota Center for Book Arts; Nonprofit Institutions; Parenthood; Teaching
Partial Transcript: So then from there where did you go
Segment Synopsis: CA has good memories of his daughters in Minneapolis, and some of them inspired his book of poetry Near or Random Acts, named for Nora. He wrote the book around the time of Sept. 11, 2001, so that also influenced the poems. The book was accepted for publication by Gil Ott at Singing Horse Press. CA's first book was Hopeful Buildings, which CA published himself at the encouragement of Charles Bernstein. CA's other books include Certain Slants and Pushing Water. CA has enjoyed working with other presses that have published his books of poetry.
Keywords: Certain Slants; Gil Ott; Hopeful Bindings; Near or Random Acts; Pushing Water; Singing Horse Press; Tucson, AZ
Partial Transcript: Speaking of Cynthia you have worked with her on book
Segment Synopsis: CA worked with Cynthia on a broadside of his poems, and she spray-painted it. She hand-painted covers for chapbooks that CA published, and she made drawings for Wo'i Bwikam = Coyote Songs: From the Yaqui Bow Leaders' Society. CA says he's more productive when they're working in a shared space.
Keywords: Chapbooks; Cynthia Miller; Hand Painted Covers; Wo'i Bwikam = Coyote Songs: From the Yaqui Bow Leaders' Society
Partial Transcript: Well you mentioned Naropa University, when did you start
Segment Synopsis: CA has taught on and off at Naropa University. He got to know Anne Waldman, who invited him to teach there. He also gave lectures as part of U.S. Poets in Mexico in Oaxaca.
Keywords: Anne Waldman; Lecturer; Naropa University; Oaxaca, Mexico; Teaching
Partial Transcript: Um... so one of the books actually hoping you could talk about
Segment Synopsis: CA met Paul Metcalf in Milwaukee at Woodland Pattern Book Center. They worked together on Firebird, which joins stories about the Peshtigo fire in Wisconsin with bird counts. They collaborated with Steve Clay at Granary Books.
Keywords: Bird Count; Firebird; Massachusetts; Peshtigo Fire; Steve Clay
Partial Transcript: Um... So I guess I wanted to hear a little bit about what you thought of
Segment Synopsis: CA does more printing from polymer plates than he used to, and he taught himself design software. For CA, letterpress training was profound in learning how to design books.
Keywords: Adobe Framemaker; Adobe Pagemaker; Digital Age; Linotype; Polymer Plates; Publishing
Partial Transcript: Charles last time we were talking a little bit
Segment Synopsis: Charles Alexander (CA) is influenced by the poets he reads. He doesn't feel like he needs to make statements in his poetry. Writing is like riding a wave, and CA enjoys reading his work to others and the sense of community that brings. He likes to continue to read new poets and connect with artists of all kinds.
Keywords: Community; Poetry; Poets; Robert Duncan
Partial Transcript: Um... you were saying that you collaborate with not just
Segment Synopsis: Collaborating with artists began at the UW, and CA continued to collaborate with artists in Tucson. He enjoyed working with Orts Theatre of Dance and painter/designer Margaret Bailey Doogan.
Keywords: Artists; Collaboration; Dennis Williams; Margaret Bailey Doogan; Nancy Solomon; Orts Theatre of Dance; Tucson, AZ; University of Wisconsin-Madison
Partial Transcript: Well you mentioned that you know you do readings
Segment Synopsis: CA likes having an audience when he performs, and he also appreciates other poets' performances. He enjoys poetry that isn't limited to the page. He's interested in the permanent but also in the ephemeral.
Keywords: Audiences; Performance Poetry
Partial Transcript: Well speaking of teaching you started out your teaching career at
Segment Synopsis: As a UW graduate student, CA was a teaching assistant working with Merton Sealts Jr., a Herman Melville scholar who was friends with the poet Charles Olson. He also taught creative writing at Madison Area Technical College, Pima Community College in Tuscon, Arizona, and the University of Arizona. He taught creative writing and design at the University of Houston-Victoria.
Keywords: Creative Writing; Lectures; Madison Area Technical College; Merton Sealts Jr.; Pima Community College; Poetry; Teaching; Teaching Assistant; University of Arizona