00:00:00Narrator: Lawrence Baron
Interviewer: Skye Doney
Date: 20 December 2022
Transcribed by: Teresa Bergen
Total Time: 1 hour, 57 minutes, 13 seconds
Begin Track 1
Doney: Okay, this is the twentieth of December, 2022. I'm Skye Doney and I'm
interviewing Professor Lawrence Baron who received his PhD in December of 1974
from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Completed a PhD titled "The Eclectic
Anarchism of Eric Mühsam" with Professor George L. Mosse. And this is part of
the University of Wisconsin, Madison archives oral history project. Professor
Baron, thank you for joining me today.
Baron: Looking forward to it.
Doney: We're going to start really at the very beginning. Where were you born?
What kind of milieu were you born? Feel free to talk about your childhood and
early schooling.
Baron: I was born in Chicago. My father was a truckdriver for Schlitz. He
delivered beer to, initially to the Gold Coast, to some of the great nightclubs.
But then to Roosevelt Road, which drank a lot more beer. It was a predominantly
Black neighborhood. And my mother was a kind of the classic homemaker for that
era. I wouldn't call our home an intellectual environment. I'm the only one of
three children who went to college and got a degree. My brother, who was
considerably older than me, joined, enlisted in the army right after the Korean
War and ended up in Korea and then in the hardware supply business. When he came
back he was basically an adult and didn't live at our house. My sister got a
technical education. She was a medical technician.
But to the extent that I remember books being around our house, they were mostly
popular biographies and things like that. The only sort of real input I got
there was from my father, who loved film and loved documentaries and used to
take me, I remember Saturdays we would go to this theater and watch movies
often. And I also remember all these documentaries, particularly about World War
Two, that I watched in the 1950s. probably that was my first exposure to the
Holocaust. Though I grew up in Albany Park. I don't know if you know Chicago
very well. At that time, it was kind of like the Williamsburg of Chicago. It was
an orthodox, ultra-orthodox neighborhood. But my parents weren't particularly
religious. We were "Holiday Hebrews." So we celebrated the holidays and maybe
lit candles on Shabbat and had a challah, but not much more than that. And I had
no Holocaust survivors in my family at that time. But my parents did have
friends who were survivors, though I wasn't particularly interested in that, and
I didn't know much about their stories back then.
And I had a Hebrew school education, which was lousy. I remember I hated it very
00:03:00much because we would have to go after school. And I would often fall in puddles
so I wouldn't have to go. (laughs) My parents were wondering if I had a physical
disability. But I do remember one of my teachers being--this was probably my
first conscious exposure to the Holocaust. I'm not sure I knew what it
meant--whose name was Mr. Brodetsky. He was a Holocaust survivor. His hands were
misshapen. I remember the number on his arms. And we gave him hell. And he would
always, after he really got frustrated, he would say, "And I survived Auschwitz
to teach you brats?!" (laughter) But that's really all I remember of that.
I went to an amazing public high school. I wasn't a very good student in grammar
school. But I think it had to do with being in the Chicago school system. We
moved to Skokie. There, there was a lot more exposure to Holocaust survivors who
were parents of my friends. And I fell into a kind of a nerdy group, I guess,
brainy group. And that's what really got my interest in serious study going. I
mean, we would play poker and do other things. But we also would talk about the
books we were reading in classes. And the school was Niles East, for the whole
Skokie system consisted of Niles East, West and North. East no longer exists,
except on film in Risky Business. It's the high school in Risky Business.
(laughs) But it was an amazing school. And I had teachers who were as fine of
teachers as many of the professors I had in college. And some courses that I
think were more rigorous than I experienced in college.
And I remember, the one thing I do remember is my high school counselor, my
father didn't think we could afford for me to go away for school. Or at least I
had to stay in state and go to University of Illinois. And so I wanted to go to
Northwestern, which was probably ten miles from where I lived. And I was in the
top 1% of my class and won a local scholarship. And my guidance counselor looked
at my record and she said, "Do you want to go to Northwestern?" I said yeah.
This is 1964. She said, "You know Northwestern has a Jewish quota." And she
dissuaded me and I went to University of Illinois, which was not a bad decision.
But, 1965 is when the Civil Rights Act is passed and the quotas came down. So I
was one year away from going to Northwestern.
Doney: Wow. Were there particular teachers, history teachers that got you
00:06:00interested in the discipline or books? Okay.
Baron: Yeah, there were two of them. These were AP history courses. One was US
and the other was European. They were both excellent. And in fact I tested out
of my college intro courses both in European history and American history. So,
yeah, they were amazing. And I wasn't interested in history. I mean, I was
interested. But at that time, I wanted to be a veterinarian. And Illinois seemed
like a good choice. It was one of the better veterinary schools.
Doney: So you entered the University of Illinois on a pre-veterinary track.
Could you talk about--
Baron: Well, I very quickly shifted over to be a history major.
Doney: Can you talk about that process and sort of following the discipline
again after--
Baron: Yeah. Well, at University of Illinois, which was at that time, I don't
know if it still is, probably on a par in history with the University of
Wisconsin. And I ended up taking some amazing professors. The one who stands
out, not that his field is anywhere near what I ended up doing, is Chester Starr
(1914-1999), who was one of the leading classicists of ancient Greek and Roman
history. But just amazing. And I think one of the things that attracted me was
during the late [19]60s, and the Vietnam War. And he always related Greek
history and Roman history to what was going on in the world. And I had another
very good professor in classics, a guy by the name of [Richard E.] Mitchell who
was very good.
But then I ended up with a history professor who was new, he had just gotten his
PhD, by the name of David Sumler (1941-2012). I don't know what became of him.
But he taught the 19th and 20th century European surveys. And that really caught
my attention. And particularly with everything going on in the United States
student movement, the link, the interwar period and the link between
intellectuals getting radicalized and politicized and then just many of them
disillusioned really interested me. And so I wrote my honors thesis with him on
Stephen Spender (1909-1995), who was a British poet who got involved in the
Spanish Civil War. Eventually he got disillusioned. And the book I most remember
from that period is The God That Failed (1949) by Richard Crossman (1907-1974),
which got me involved in this research.
But it's also Sumler's course where I first learned about Mosse. Because I can't
remember whether he assigned the book or whether he lectured about it. But he
talked about The Crisis of German Ideology (1964, 2021). And that interested me
a great deal as well. But again, not from so much a Jewish perspective. I was
00:09:00just sort of interested in the activist history of the background of the Weimar
Republic and then Spanish Civil War and the Soviet Union. So that was my
experience at Illinois.
Doney: Were you then also studying languages? Did you have in mind to continue?
Baron: Well, I had done two years of German in high school. And I continued, we
had to have a minor then at Illinois. So I had four years of German there. And I
remember Mosse when I first met him and I said well, because I don't know if
they still do this. But you used to apply to the professor. And Mosse had to
pick you. So I said, "Why'd you pick me?"
And he said, "I liked your language background." So that was a nice thing.
Though it was mostly a literary background. I certainly couldn't speak very well
until I'd spent a year of research in Germany. And actually that's the other
thing. I have very strong memories of my German lit courses at Illinois. And
really loving that literature of [Thomas] Mann, [Bertolt] Brecht, Hermann Hesse,
who was all the rage then. And reading it in German. That's another thing that
kind of set me in the direction I went the rest of my life, which was studying
intellectuals and culture and how it reflected broader historical trends or
shaped them.
Doney: Yeah, many of these texts still really resonate with students.
Baron: Yeah.
Doney: I think Hesse is one of those that just continues. Did you have, so did
you apply to several programs? I'm wondering about how do you decide to come up
to Madison from completing that?
Baron: I was worried, yeah, I was worried whether I could come up to Madison
because I was draft bait and was very low on the lottery when they had that. I
think I was forty. But I was also active in the antiwar movement. Had campaigned
for [Eugene] McCarthy (1916-2005) in Wisconsin, by the way. We went to, because
if you remember, the Wisconsin primary's the one that drove [Lyndon B.] Johnson
(1908-1973) out. We were driving home, I remember, back to Champaign. And I
remember Johnson making his announcement he wasn't going to run because McCarthy
was doing so well.
So I (laughs) have funny little side story. We campaigned in Appleton door to
door. And Appleton is where Joe McCarthy (1908-1957) came from. So they said,
"When you go to the door, just say, 'Vote for Eugene McCarthy. He's a good
Joe.'" So we, I had that background. And out of that, I became a draft
counselor. I had the good fortune to get to meet Alice Lynd, of Alice and
Staughton Lynd (1929-2022). And so I would help people figure out ways they
could delay being drafted or legal ways they could get out or ways they could
00:12:00make their cases or become conscientious objectors. And I did a little of that
work when I got into Madison as well.
Doney: And did you start that, you started that as an undergraduate.
Baron: Well, much of this happened my last year at Illinois. I got a degree in
history. But because I was of draft age and looked like a primary target, I
ended up also getting a double degree. So I also had a degree in social studies
education. And it was when I was doing my student teaching that I got involved.
Part of this had to do with my wife's mother, who was an activist and ran a very
important women's group that was connected, that got me connected with Alice
Lynd. So, yeah, that started that last year.
Doney: So did you two meet, I'm just curious, did you meet through activism? You and--
Baron: Oh, no. We met at University of Illinois.
Doney: Okay. Okay. Well let's, all right. So now we're in your last year. You're
involved in the antiwar movement. You've completed four years of German. You're
studying history and you're applying for graduate schools.
Baron: Right. And I don't remember applying to any other graduate school. But
again, as we were talking about before, our memories are faulty.
Doney: Yeah.
Baron: But I mean, I knew of Mosse. I liked that book. But what really connected
me to want to go to University of Wisconsin was I had many friends from Chicago
who went. And whenever we'd get together during vacations, usually over poker.
That's another thing about my high school. Two of my poker mates went on to win
Nobel Prizes in science. It was a brainy group. But whenever we would meet, they
would just rave about George or about Harvey [Goldberg] (1922-1987). And that's
what really brought me there. These two great teachers, the German intellectual
thing. And I should say, there was one other course at Illinois taught by a man
by the name of [John B.] Sirich (1910-1978). I was trying to look, find out more
about him. I don't know whether he was famous or whatever. I took him because he
was known to be an alcoholic and missed a lot of classes. (laughs) and was an
easy grader. But he taught the intellectual history course. And I remember Crane
Brinton's (1898-1968) The Shaping of the Modern Mind (1963) is also something
that kind of got me going on intellectual history.
So going to Madison just was a choice that if I didn't have those friends, I
might have ended up somewhere else. But it seemed like a great place to come.
Doney: Well then let's talk about Madison. What year did you arrive? Early
00:15:00impressions of the city, of the campus, of the history department? Just general
initial experience.
Baron: I arrived in [19]69. I arrived a month early to get housing. And I loved,
how could you not love, Madison? Madison is the perfect medium-sized city. If I
ever live again in a medium-sized city, it had everything. Great culture coming
in, but it wasn't too crowded. It was livable then pricewise. We loved the
Mifflin Street Coop, things like that. It was just a wonderful place to be.
Enjoyed it a lot.
The atmosphere the first year was [19]69-[19]70, which is one of the big years.
I think of that year, especially the second semester, maybe there was the TAA
strike and the riots after the invasion of Cambodia, the bombing of Cambodia and
Kent State, that closed down the university for like I think eight weeks.
Students had an option to not take their finals, not to be graded that semester
and to come back and finish up. So it was a remarkable introduction.
And George wasn't there the first year I was there. Georges Haupt (1928-1978)
was his replacement, who was a wonderfully warm person. George came back the
second semester. Haupt was there the first semester. And Haupt was a wonderful
person. Haupt was a survivor as well as a Romanian-Jewish guy. But anyways, what
struck me about that first year was I was a little isolated from Mosse's group
because I needed to teach. I wasn't a TA in history. But I had such a strong
background in ancient history that I ended up teaching the classics department
for a wonderful course called Ancient Religions and the Early Church. And I
can't even remember the professor's name, but it was a great course. And my best
friend that time was my fellow TA in there, Victor Estevez, who went on to
become a pretty prominent classicist himself and a pioneer in the gay rights
movement as well who died of AIDS much too young. But so I was doing that.
And even when I came back to the history department and taught in the history
department, I taught for Frank "Mike" Clover (1940-2019) in his course on
barbarian Europe, I think it was. And so it wasn't I think until the third year
maybe that I taught for George. Very good students. What I remember of that
00:18:00first year, I was involved in the TAA strike. I used to go, someone's told me
they've seen me in The War at Home. But I haven't been able to pick myself out
in it. But I used to go around, I was a folk singer. I also write parodies. I've
been doing that since high school. So I would go around to picket lines and sing
union songs. Georges Haupt and Mosse loved some of these union songs. And so
that was really fun.
And the other thing I remember (laughs) during the TAA strike was a bunch of the
graduate students in George's seminar, which was always held at his house, not
on campus, decided we would bring the strike to his house. I don't know if
you've heard this story before. So we picketed his house. And we marched around.
And George came out with Schnutzie. And he said, "None of you will ever get
jobs! None of you will ever get jobs!" But of course he fought really hard for
his students to get jobs. And we won that strike. And I kind of smiled this week
when I saw about the UC TA strike and saying wow, we did that fifty years ago
and got--
And the other thing, my father was a Daly Democrat. And didn't understand the
antiwar movement or any of that and didn't understand me very well. But we
bonded over the TAA strike, because he was a Teamster. And one of the reasons
the TAs won is the Teamsters of Milwaukee supported it.
And as far as the people there, professors that I had that I remember really
clearly, part of that was, I always wanted to take a course from Harvey and I
never got a chance to. But he did direct one of the areas of my prelims. I also
wanted to take a course from [Theodore S.] Hamerow (1920-2013), and he also
directed one of my areas. George was the other and then Ed Gargan (1922-1995)
did French history.
But I had very close ties with the German department. I continued in German. And
we had that wonderful, I don't know if they still have the symposium, the New
German Critique people, the history department people. But I was involved in
that. My first article came from co-writing it with a group German graduate
students for the symposium. Since I was interested already in Mühsam and
anarchism, I wrote about the Baader-Meinhof gang and we did an article about the
anarchism in the new left in Germany. So I remember that. And I remember
[Reinhold] Grimm (1931-2009) very well, who was kind of a mentor for me outside
the department. And Evi [Evelyn Torton] Beck (b. 1933), who was a wonderful
Yiddishist in the German department.
Until doing research in Germany for Mühsam, the Jewish aspect was not as
00:21:00important to me as the his activism. Though Mühsam was Jewish and it became
important in his life, it was always the activism of intellectuals that drew me,
and which George talked about. Even my master's, I don't know if they still
require a master's thesis. My master's thesis was on an Expressionist
playwright. George loved it because it was right up his alley. It was a guy who
was antiwar at the end of World War One. And wrote a famous play that I had read
when I was at Illinois. That's why I was interested in this guy. Very little had
been written about him. Reinhard Goering (1887-1936) was his name. He wrote one
of the famous Expressionist antiwar plays, but became a Nazi. George loved that. (laughs)
Doney: Yeah.
Baron: That was his thing.
Doney: Yeah. I have a bunch--
Baron: As far as colleagues--
Doney: Yeah.
Baron: --Within George's seminar, the person I was closest with and still am
very close with is Jimmy Fisher. And we remain friends throughout this. We had a
very bright guy who was as good a friend as Jimmy when he was there by the name
of Bob Gippin who decided academia wasn't for him after one year. I think he was
the brightest of us all. And he went on to law school and then a very successful
career as, I think, a district attorney in Ohio. And the other, Al Kelly was in
my group as was Peter Gordy whom I don't know if he ever finished or not. Those
are the people I remember from that class, though a lot of the people that I
became closest with were people in the German department. And particularly an
Israeli by the name of Gad Ben Ami who I think never completed his doctorate.
But I've stayed in touch with him as well.
And I knew some of Mosse's later students, I helped Steve Aschheim a bit and got
to know him. And then Michael Berkowitz, because Michael ended up being my
replacement when I left Saint Lawrence University. And we had a lot of common
friends. And we've remained in touch as well.
Doney: And some shared visual culture research interests.
Baron: Right. Right. Michael's now into movies. I notice he's doing research on movies.
Doney: Yeah. The history of photography and increasingly yeah, moving into
moving pictures.
Baron: Which by the way makes total sense when, I've always wondered why George,
didn't do much with movies, but he always talked about Triumph of the Will in
00:24:00his classes.
Doney: Yeah.
Baron: But he was so interested in the visualization. But in many ways I think
that's something that runs through, certainly runs through my work now, is this
idea of the visualization and popularization of ideas. Not so much the original
ideas, you have to know those, but how they get understood and transmitted and
changed in the process. And movies, that's what movies are doing.
Doney: Yeah. Yeah.
Baron: I always tell my friends, how many people read academic books? How many
people see movies? It's the greatest teacher of history. Maybe miseducator of
history. But you need to study it because of that.
Doney: Yeah. I often tell my students that Hollywood's really good at listening
to historians about what people wore--
Baron: Yeah.
Doney: --and less great about what happened.
Baron: Well, actually, I think they do sometimes a better job, I was going to
raise this later, but I'll raise it now. Do you know the movie The Empty Mirror?
Doney: I don't.
Baron: The Empty Mirror is a movie about Hitler. It's kind of a, well, it's not
a soliloquy because there's other people. It's Hitler in front of a movie
camera, movie projector, talking about his life. He's supposedly dictating his
life. But he talks about all his theories. It's by a guy by the name of Barry
Hershey. And on the film website, Hershey lists the syllabi from Harvard that
influenced him. But it's very clear, and I saw an interview, I was trying to
find it yesterday from him when I was doing my book. He was very influenced by
Mosse as well. And the movie is really kind of, if you want to see a movie made
by someone who saw Nazism through the lens of George Mosse and Nazi ideology,
The Empty Mirror is it. He provides a bibliography for his movie The Empty
Mirror and has notes at the end of the movie's website about the themes he was
going to talk about including reality and myth, rationalism vs. emotion.
Everything is right out of George.
Doney: Yeah. That's awesome. I will watch that. Thank you for that recommendation.
Baron: So those were the folks I got to know.
Doney: Yeah. Okay.
Baron: And they were wonderful. And Madison certainly didn't disappoint. My wife
came, we got married in 1970 and so she then came and lived with me. So that's
probably why, my friendships were probably with other married couples. Jimmy was
married, and this guy Bob Gippin was. And Gad Ben Ami as well. So I'm trying to
00:27:00think if there's anybody else--oh, I know one other thing, which was a road I
didn't take, but it was kind of an interesting road. Ed Gargan got interested in
quantitative and computer history. And so I was in that first seminar with him
and I think it was Peter Smith from political science, but I'm not sure. And the
other person very important to me was Sterling Fishman (1932-1997). Sterling for
two reasons. One, I think he had written his undergraduate thesis or maybe his
doctoral thesis on the Bavarian Revolution and Jewish intellectuals involved.
Mühsam was one of them. I used his publisher to publish my book on Mühsam
because they publish books on anarchism and the left, revisionist history. But
he ran a seminar and I can't remember whether it was a class or whether it was
something that was voluntary, but it was really helpful, of people who were
writing their dissertations getting together and sharing chapters and
critiquing. And I think that's where I really learned how to avoid academic
jargon. Because I write in a kind of very matter of fact way. And I remember
listening to some things. I said, the ideas are great there, but only other
historians are going to understand you. And that's something that's stayed with
me when I did this collection on the Jewish film in world cinema. And it was
trying to feature classic articles on important movies. And I picked from lots
of them by of other people. But one of the things I demanded from the people, if
they allowed me to reprint it, I asked them to rewrite it for students. And if
they didn't, I volunteered to rewrite it. It's just a really important thing.
I'd go to conferences and I listen for the people who know how to say things
that can reach a broader audience.
Doney: But that's also very Mossean. It really, it's interesting. There's a
reason I think those books continue to be so widely read. They're so accessible.
Baron: It's kind of a funny short story. When I got to San Diego State, I was
asked to teach the graduate methodology course. And I said, I really don't know
much about methodology, because they didn't require it at Wisconsin. They didn't
have a course in theory. Maybe they do now, but they didn't require it back
then. And I remember someone asking George, "What about this theory or
methodology?" And George said, "Methodology?" He says, "I write history. I don't
00:30:00write with a method." (laughs)
Doney: That's great. Yeah. All right, before--we're moving forward here. But I
wanted to just stop in Madison for a couple more questions. One of which is I
wonder if you could talk about the mechanics of Mosse's seminar. But also the
seminar you had with Haupt. How does this work? Because graduate training was
structured differently then. And then I also, I wonder about your involvement
with the German department and the Wisconsin workshop, if maybe there was
something else to add there. But let's start with the nuts and bolts of training
with Mosse and his colleagues.
Baron: Well, I mean, George's seminars were, we had a body of material on some
common theme. And every week, I forget whether it was, probably it was two of
us, had to present on a topic that we had done some intensive research in. And
then George would just go around and have each of us critique it. (laughs) And
that was the seminar. I always remember having the breaks where we would go for,
was it Rolling Rock (it was Leinenkugel)? I forget what beer we had. It was one
of the local Wisconsin beers. Having beers together. But that was the focus. I
don't remember the Haupt one that well. I do remember the quantitative one. And
there we picked things and we had to pick things where we could get quantitative
materials and see what we could find. I remember I did mine on Chartism and how
it did in off-year elections in England. And I remember a very good seminar on
Nietzsche, which was taught by Klaus Berghahn (1937-2019). That was really
excellent. And I'm trying to think what I had, I must have done something, I
probably did a seminar on Brecht with Grimm. But I'm not sure. I read all his
books. So I'm not sure whether it was a seminar or his books. But I remember
those things very clearly.
And the excitement then was New German Critique I think started when I was there
or maybe the year after I arrived. That's where I had my first publication in
English was in New German Critique doing book reviews related to my Mühsam
research. And also Jim Steakley, though he came later. But Mühsam was a gay
rights activist as well. So I ended up reviewing Jim Steakley's book for New
German Critique. So I remember that very clearly. I just remember those
00:33:00workshops were just terrific. And we did some interesting stuff. I remember we
went to Milwaukee to see a production of The Measures Taken by Brecht. And went
to The Three Brothers, the wonderful, what's the name of that wonderful Turkish
or Serbian pastry [burek]. I'm sure the Turks would object, the Serbs would
object. But I have really fond memories of that. And the interchanges we had.
Good friendships.
Doney: Yeah. Did you also study with [Jost] Hermand (1930-2021)?
Baron: You know, I never had a course with Hermand. Grimm was on my dissertation
committee, as was Evelyn Beck. And they had someone else, Hans Mayer was on it.
He was interested because Mühsam tried to organize the lumpen proletariat in
1909. So Mayer was interested in that.
That's the other thing. I didn't even write this down, but I remember this so
clearly. That the famous scholars would come in and speak, and often were
friends with George. Just major, Hans Gerth (1908-1978). you know, really major
figures. Who was the great Camus woman scholar? Germaine Brée (1907-2001).
Doney: Germaine Brée, yeah.
Baron: Just wonderful people who were coming in and out and who we would get to
see, not just in their lectures but often George would organize things and we'd
get to hear them in smaller forums. That was really an exciting thing. Madison
was an exciting place.
Doney: Okay. So--
Baron: One other colleague whom I recall.
Doney: Yeah, please.
Baron: Allan Sharlin (1950-1983). Again, someone who died way too young, and who
went a very different path. In fact, Allan was in the quantitative seminar.
Doney: Really?
Baron: I think that's one of the things that might have sent him in that direction.
Doney: So let's talk a little bit about how do you land on Mühsam and anarchism?
Baron: Mühsam was the perfect figure.
Doney: Okay. All right.
Baron: In fact I even, though he had red hair, I even look a little like
Mühsam. And I used to wear granny glasses, which he wore. I'm trying to think
where I even learned about him, where I first learned about him. But he was just
this amazing figure. He was a poet, a journalist, a playwright, an activist,
obviously. All those things. Anarchism as a movement probably could not build
00:36:00things permanently. The idea of decentralized society--but the cultural critique
of bourgeois society and capitalist society was brilliant. And so he was a gay
rights activist. He was a women's libber. He was, he tried to organize the
lumpen. He was involved in the free love movement. He was also a performer. This
is something I think that also attracted me to him. He wrote satirical chansons
or Bankellieder and performed them in various coffeehouses. And I eventually
ended up doing some of his repertoire, to play some of his repertoire. He was
really brilliant, but he ended up being one of the leaders of the Munich Soviet.
Just by happenstance. I mean, this is not someone you would expect to be leading
a movement and of course he got arrested. Put in prison for five years. And then
was released in the same amnesty that released Hitler in [19]24. But he was one
of the most hated by the Nazis. His name appears in Der ewige Jude, one of the,
The Eternal Jew. They show a picture of him among the other hated Jews, Jewish
radicals. In the [19]20s he put out a new magazine that was very good and saw
what the Nazis were doing. Very early on he identified how dangerous they were.
In the Munich Soviet, he tried to build a coalition with the communists because
he thought that the Soviet idea was a kind of anarchist decentralization. But he
tried to build it with the SA leaders because of the Strasser brothers, whom he
saw as more proletarian and socialistic than Hitler. And that probably helped
him. He was arrested the night of the Reichstag fire. But he was put in a camp
that was run by the SA. Though he wasn't treated well, he lived there for a
year. And I think at least in part there was some respect for him because of
what he had done with the Strasser brothers. But on the Night of the Long Knives
when the SS took over the camp, they said he committed suicide. Pretty clear he
was killed by the SS.
Doney: Was most of your research then in Munich?
Baron: Actually, most of my research was in Marbach and in Berlin. Marbach is
00:39:00where the National Literaturarchiv is. And they have a full run of all his
magazines, quite a few of his letters. He was so involved with all these authors
that so it wasn't only his collections. I could go to all sorts of collections
to find his letters. George visited me there once.
Doney: Oh, really?
Baron: Which was a memorable visit because Fiddler on The Roof was coming to
town. I don't think George had seen it yet, and certainly hadn't seen it in
German. And I wanted to get tickets for it. And George was with me when I was
trying to get tickets. And they said, "Oh, we're all sold out."
And George said, "Well, let me talk to them." He said, "Ich bin professor." And
immediately they said, "Oh, there's tickets, Herr Professor." So we got in.
And then I moved to Berlin because Mühsam had married a Russian woman. And she
fled to the Soviet Union after he was arrested. She was then put under house
arrest for almost twenty years as a Trotskyite. But many of his papers, his
diaries, in particular, ended up in Soviet hands. And they copied them and sent
them back to the main archive in East Berlin. And so I did the last part of my
research crossing the border every day in East Berlin, reading his diaries.
Which were fascinating. And I also found out this whole thing about how we
reshape history by changing memories. There were cross outs in the diary where
he made them more politically correct when he knew something had changed.
(laughs) So initially he was kind of gung-ho for the war, which was unusual
among leftists, because they were fighting Czarist Russia.
Doney: Yeah.
Baron: But he crossed out that stuff. (laughs) And there was great stuff also
about his love affairs and his cheating on his wife. It was really wonderful
stuff. But he was just a great figure. And he became very popular in the [19]70s
among the student movement. And there's now an Erich Mühsam journal. And his
books keep on coming out. He really was an amazingly interesting figure. Though
I do remember, and I can't remember whether it was George or Gargan who asked
this when I did my defense. I think it was Gargan. But it might have been
George, because it kind of was George's sneaky way of doing things. The first
question was how do you justify writing a 300-page dissertation on such an
insignificant figure? And when I first heard that, I was angry. And then
afterwards I realized no, this is my chance to tell why he's a significant
00:42:00figure. So that was a wonderful experience. And my next project really was a
very George project, on Theodor Lessing (1872-1933) who wrote Jewish
Self-Hatred. And I got a bunch of articles out of that. I would have written a
book, except someone came out with one, and it had all sorts of unpublished
stuff that I hadn't found. And I decided I would drop it.
And he was a very similar figure. Theodor Lessing was a Jewish völkisch
thinkers and anti-modernist. But he ended up being on the progressive side of
politics, even though his intellectual reasoning wasn't very progressive. He was
driven out of his teaching position by Nazi students in 1927.
Doney: Wow.
Baron: In Hanover because he had written a very negative book about Hindenburg.
And also he had written a book in defense of, or at least against capital
punishment for Germany's most notorious serial killer, [Fritz] Haarmann (1879-1925).
Doney: Haarmann, yeah.
Baron: Who ate people. And Lessing was driven out. And eventually he fled to
Prague in 1933, where he was assassinated by some Nazis who followed him across
the border. So these are very George topics.
Doney: Yeah.
Baron: And that was where I was at right after graduate school. But I love Erich
Mühsam still, and got to know his niece. And it was a good experience.
Doney: So you successfully defend the dissertation.
Baron: Yeah.
Doney: This is now, I guess we're in 1974.
Baron: Right.
Doney: And this is also a turning point for higher education.
Baron: Yeah.
Doney: There are a lot of students still in the graduate programs, but now as we
get into the [19]70s, there's a lot of pressure on the job market. I wonder if
you could talk about finishing and then how you land your first gig and Mosse's
role in that. Yeah, just the transition into the professorate.
Baron: Well, (laughs) we assumed that for every job at least in European
history, there would be a hundred or fifty applicants for. And it was going to
be hard. And I just remember getting all those form letters about why, always
the same. Oh, we had so many qualified applicants, you know, this and that.
Since I graduated mid-year, the year before, I started applying before I was
00:45:00done with the PhD.
And I did finally land my first interview at an AHA conference. And it was for
Pacific Lutheran University. And I went in, I thought I did a good job. But I
got beat out by a University of Wisconsin student, Christopher Browning.
(laughs) Couldn't feel too bad about that, I guess. But who knew what
Christopher Browning was going to turn into then.
But I was getting turned down everywhere. I certainly didn't have a regular job.
Any job offers. And I had my high school teaching, which I could do. And I did,
I mentioned I got the high school degree. My first year, also, another reason I
wasn't around that much is I did a lot of subbing in the Madison system. And in
Chicago when I came home for vacations. But I was worried I wasn't going to get
anything and I'll end up being a high school teacher.
And two jobs came up last minute. One was at Shimer College, which was one of
the Robert Hutchins (1899-1977) schools. Sort of a great books, interesting
school in, God, I can't remember the name of the little town. No, I forget what
the name of the little town was. But I got that job offer. But they said to me,
"You know, right now we can't guarantee that we're going to open next fall."
(laughs) They were having, they were having terrible problems financially. Only
had 200 students, I think. So I was wary of that one. They eventually, by the
way, moved, I think they now have a small campus in Waukegan.
Then I got this other job, kind of last minute. I know exactly when I went for
my interview. It was the same weekend that Saigon fell. It was in May. I don't
have a job. And there's this job at Saint Lawrence University. Upstate New York,
in a county with more cows than people. You know, the town of Canton, 6,000 when
the college isn't there. Very conservative, Republican. Stefanik is now their
congresswoman. Gives you an idea of them. And so very, very conservative. And
the school was really kind of a classic, wonderful liberal arts school. Two
thousand students. Very bright students, but very, very preppy. It made The
Preppy Handbook in the 1980s as one of the most preppy schools. Very wealthy.
You always knew when there was a weekend, parents' weekend, because the cars
00:48:00improved. (laughs) You would see all these wonderful, expensive cars. It was
also a place where a lot of very famous people, mostly government people, sent
their kids. Because it was so remote. It's right on the Canadian border,
northern border. So remote that like General Westmoreland's son was a student
when I was there. Walter Mondale's daughter was there. Turns out Susan Collins
was there, but she was after me. But it was just a place, you know, it was a
conservative, preppy, very WASP-ish place.
But they needed someone for a one-year position to teach the modern Europe
surveys. And Western Civ. And a course of your choice, which turned out for me
to be German history. And I kind of knew Saint Lawrence a little because I had
been a research assistant for Sara Lennox, who was one of the New German
Critique people, but who was teaching at Saint Lawrence. But she hired me to do
research in the UW library's Cutter Collection.
Doney: Oh, cool.
Baron: Because she just didn't have a very good library, at least for what she
wanted to do. So I knew Saint Lawrence a little from that. But I got the job.
And I was only supposed to be there one year. And it was a nice year. I mean, I
had a good time. And there's something very nice about being a one-year person.
You don't have to worry about being so nice. (laughs) Because there's not going
to be any tenure decisions.
But then, someone didn't get tenure in the history department. He didn't teach
in my field. He was a Reformation, German Reformation scholar. But it was
last-minute that he didn't get tenure. They needed someone. They wanted to keep
the tenure track slot. And since I was getting good teaching evaluations, I got
hired and spent thirteen years there.
And as far as teaching goes, those are really, at least for undergraduate
teaching, the best years of my life. I learned to do a lot of interdisciplinary
teaching. I introduced a course called The Modern Mind. But I also did another
course on what I called Fiction as History, which was on historical novels and
what we could learn from them. I did a course on anarchism. The first day I
would hand out the syllabus and it was blank. (laughter) And I'd say to my
students, "Let's write the syllabus. This is what anarchism is about." (laughs)
00:51:00Though I had ideas, obviously, of what we would cover. But I had a lot of good
times. And a lot of team teaching, which is very difficult to do at big
universities. But very easy to do at small ones.
And kind of the crowning achievement for me was I, with a group of people, all
who were modernists in different fields, we created what was called The
Modernism Seminar. And we all taught the same, I taught the core course, which
was Modern European Intellectual History, 19th, 20th Century, primarily 20th
Century. And one colleague taught Modern British Literature 20th Century. One
taught modern theology. We had a political scientist teaching modern political
theory. We had an art historian. And so students would take my course and one of
the others. And then we would have a joint seminar on the overlap. And it was
really exciting. It was really exciting and fun and I loved it.
And Saint Lawrence was also important to me because the Jewish aspect, which had
never been my primary research interest though George obviously was teaching a
lot about Jewish history and the Holocaust. And I started veering that way after
I spent a research year in Germany and started feeling like a fossil.
In fact, great story. I was living with a German family in an immersion program,
language immersion program. And they invited us to watch TV with them. And the
first story was about Soviet Jewry. And the second story was about Northern
Ireland. This German family was very quiet about the Soviet Jewry thing. The
Northern Ireland thing came up and they said, "Oh," he said, "See, we resolved
these problems long ago between Protestants and Catholics. We resolved these
things." And then they turned to me and they said, "What are you?"
And I said, "I'm Jewish."
And they said, "Oh, well, you can see how liberal we were resolving the Catholic
and Protestant issues." (laughs) So that got me kind of interested.
Doney: Yeah.
Baron: And then my wife's aunt had been a survivor. And we visited her village.
And we realized, you know, she had told us about her friends and about how she
remembers Kristallnacht and no one really expressing sympathy. But all the
village came out and they were telling me how of them were her younger friends.
One of them even gave me a gift that she had exchanged with the aunt. But that's
what got me really involved in studying the Holocaust.
And then going to Saint Lawrence, which was, as I said, a very WASPish place,
very few Jewish professors, very few ethnics in general. I remember when I first
00:54:00got the job and the chair of the history department, well, he wasn't the chair
then. But one of the Jewish members of the history department, I was talking to
him. And I said, "Any antisemitism here?"
He says, "Antisemitism? Hell no." He said, "They're just learning about
Catholics." But I became more interested in Jewish history. Since many of the
courses I taught at Saint Lawrence were courses that were someone else's courses
my first year, I had to develop a repertoire. One of those was the intellectual
history course. But it also was the Jewish history, and then the Holocaust
history starting in [19]76.
But one of the things of doing both of those things is I realized it wasn't so
much that there was this rampant antisemitism. There was a lot of a-semitism.
Just people who didn't know much. And the Holocaust was just beginning to get
popularized in American education. I used to think I was on top of the field
because there wasn't that much research, or at least I thought there wasn't that
much. Now there's way too much and I can't do what I used to do. But that's what
really got me involved.
And my last semester there, we had a thing called winter term where we could
teach anything we wanted. Experimental and team teaching, and I did a course on
the [19]60s with a bunch of us that were all [19]60s activists and it was really
fun. But the one I really remember was that's where I taught my first film,
Holocaust film class. And that really got me going. It took me a couple of years
to start writing about it. But I had always loved film. And I had kind of a
photographic memory of all the films I saw. And it really gave me that
opportunity. So Saint Lawrence was a wonderful teaching experience, but very
isolated place.
Doney: Sure. Before we talk about leaving--
Baron: Oh, well, one other thing about Saint Lawrence while I think of it--
Doney: Yeah, yeah.
Baron: The other Holocaust connection that Saint Lawrence gave me was in two
ways. I was on sabbatical in 1981 and supposed to write this article about
Theodor Lessing and Edmund Husserl (1859-1938). Lessing had been one of
Husserl's students. Lessing wrote a book on the phenomenology of morals. Husserl
was certain that it was plagiarized from his lectures (laughs) and exposed it.
And so I did this article on this whole dispute. It was really esoteric and got
me to do research in Belgium. But the interesting thing about it was, at the end
00:57:00of that, the semester wasn't over. And my wife had gone back to school in
Albany, so I was living in Albany which wasn't far from Oswego, New York. And
Oswego's the place where the only camp that Roosevelt opened to Jewish refugees
existed. In very late 1944, it was kind of like a token gesture to persuade the
rest of the world to take in refugees. And there was pressure on him.
So I did an oral history of what it was like for this little town to take in
Jewish refugees in the middle of the war. And that actually won an award for
best local history article in New York History and became a radio documentary
that also won an award, a national award for NPR. The St. Lawrence station was
an NPR affiliate. So that got me more involved in the Holocaust stuff. Though I
was already veering that way and had written my first Holocaust article in [19]77.
And the other thing that got me was after that terrible experience with writing
about Lessing, I'm an insomniac, and I give that article to my friends who are
insomniacs, because they can easily fall asleep reading it after the first page,
but one of the things that that persuaded me was the rest of my sabbatical I'm
going to spend on a topic that has relevance. And I decided I wanted to know
more about people who rescued Jews. So I just started reading every rescuer
memoir. And I wrote kind of a review essay looking for patterns and things like
that. And at the same time, Samuel (1930-2021) and Pearl Oliner (1931-2021) had
just started the Altruistic Personality Project, which was the follow-up to the
Authoritarian Personality. It was funded by John Slawson. who had funded the
Authoritarian Personality for the AJC. So this was an international project
interviewing rescuers and people who they rescued. Again, doing oral history.
And looking for the sociological, historical, psychological factors that made
people into rescuers. And that was, for me that was the most meaningful research
I ever did. I wrote the big historical chapter in the book The Altruistic
Personality about the national historical contexts of rescuers. I did all the
coding for when people would mention political parties which they belonged to.
But it is related to what I did with George, because it really was watching how
ideas turn into action. I was particularly interested in, because Saint Lawrence
01:00:00was near the Canadian border. And many Dutch rescuers had immigrated because
they didn't want to be in Holland after the war. And Canada was the liberating
country of Holland. Many of them lived across the border not far from Canton.
And if you know Canada, everything's along the river. It's why, you know, Saint
Lawrence is named after the river. We were right by the river. So I got to
interview a lot of people that had been recognized by Yad Vashem there. And then
I went to Holland and interviewed people. And it just a wonderful experience to
do. I got, particularly interested that many of these people were what we would
call fundamentalist Calvinists. So I got really interested in the theology.
Whenever they would mention, "Well, my pastor said this," or they would quote
Scripture. So I've written about this religious phenomena. Because those groups,
which constituted about 8% of the population, accounted for 25% of the rescues.
And this challenged the sort of standard thinking that fundamentalist
Christianity has to be antisemitic because all of the texts are so anti-Judaic.
There is a strain of philo-semitism there, partly through Calvin, that got
transmitted. Partly because of their own isolation within Dutch society as well.
So in many ways, it was a George project for me, even though it's very different
than what George ever did.
Doney: After the interview, I have a couple of things to say about that
specifically, and that part of your work. But it's interesting because you're
working on both the popularization of Holocaust memory, but you're also doing
these other forms of historical research.
Baron: Right.
Doney: And they're so complementary. And yet I assume speaking to different audiences.
Baron: Well, the Oswego research arose because I am interested in political
relevance. Oswego was not that far from Canton and northern New York at that
time was starting to receive in the early 1980s, boat people from Vietnam. And
there were big protests, as there were in California more recently, against
Mexican immigrants. And I thought here's this interesting case of this little
town, Oswego, a college town, which took in a thousand people. And it worked.
And it worked for a variety of reasons, some of them economic. There was an army
base that recently was closed. Good economics to have these people there. There
was a college that didn't have a lot of students because they were off to war.
Some refugee kids of college age got to go to SUNY-Oswego. But there was also
01:03:00this kind of basic decency that prevailed then. Yeah, there was some opposition.
Partly because of the way that Roosevelt did it. They weren't allowed to work.
So there was an objection, they were buying stuff in town but not contributing
anything. Meanwhile, German and Italian POWs were working on the farms. Because
there were camps for them in the area. But the university was great. Some of
these refugees became some of the best students. Some brilliant musicians there.
And it just became, terrific. And I got to go to the reunion in 1984 which
Joseph Papp (1921-1991) sponsored.
Doney: Oh, wow.
Baron: For all the Oswego people. And I got to meet a lot of them, interview a
lot of them for this radio show that we did. And it was just a really meaningful
experience to me. But also a way to really do this. You can bring in immigrants.
And they really can add a lot to your city. It's not going to hurt you. We're a
big country. And if Oswego could do it. Roosevelt initially worried it couldn't
work because he had to deal with the nativist backlash. So he said, "Well, bring
them in. But they're not officially here. They're only here as a temporary
measure. They've got to send it back." And they did, by the way, after the war.
Even though they admitted most of them, they all had to go to Canada and return
via the bridge at Niagara Falls to say that was the first time they were
admitted into the United States, 1946 under Truman.
Doney: Wow. Yeah. Huh.
Baron: So it was kind of an interesting diversion for me. But it was so perfect
after writing about Husserl.
Doney: Yeah, absolutely. That's fascinating. I want to take one step back before
we talk about San Diego and just the next phase of your career. You put together
these amazing booklets of Mosseisms.
Baron: Oh, right. (laughs)
Doney: I wondered if this is an opportunity we could talk about how did those
come about and how did you disseminate them?
Baron: Yeah. I was TAing for him. And sitting in the classes, I would write his
jokes in the back of my notebooks. Whenever George would do one of his jokes, I
would write it down. And then at the end of the semester, I would compile them
and write parodies as an introduction to each volume. I'm sure you've seen these.
Doney: Yeah.
Baron: One was written in the style of Nietzsche, or another one would be
written in the style of Freud. And then just have all his good one-liners from
this semester. But for me, as you know, part of my high school experience I
01:06:00didn't mention was my parents used to vacation in Elkhart Lake. Which at that
time, Elkhart Lake was kind of the Catskills for Jews in Milwaukee and Chicago.
There was a big resort there called Schwartz's. I don't know if it still exists.
I was at one called Pine Point, which was Jewish-owned. Not as much of a Jewish
milieu as Schwartz's, and Siebken's which attracted German-Americans from nearly Milwaukee.
But I was there with my parents. I was fifteen. I had been writing these
parodies and skits in high school for a long time. And they had a talent night.
So I decided I'd do a stand-up routine. Partly with singing. I remember the
song. It was a parody of, this was [19]63, it was right after the Cuban Missile
Crisis. I did a parody of "Lemon Tree." But it was "Bomb Shelter." And it was
about, you know, if you own a bomb shelter, you'll shoot your neighbors dead.
Bomb shelter, very pretty, but its walls are made of lead. If you own a bomb
shelter, you'll shoot your neighbor dead. Because these were the debates people
were having during the time.
Doney: Yeah.
Baron: But I did comedy routines. Mostly self-deprecating sort of stuff. But
also about what I saw happening at the hotel. And people comparing their scars
at the beach. You know, older people. (laughs)
And the owner's wife and owner were there. And they said, "We like this kid.
Keep him." So I spent three summers doing stand-up once a week. They couldn't
afford to pay me. But I got to do stand-up once a week. And I was a waiter the
rest of the time. But out of that, I've always been interested in comedy and I
think of all the great comedians. Brooks, Reiner and Brooks, and the 2,000
year-old man. My sister had a great influence on me. She brought home all these
albums by Lenny Bruce, Shelly Berman, and Mort Sahl. So I was interested in that.
And George, I don't know if it was deliberate, I think it was deliberate. George
just always threw in these zingers. It had to be. When I eventually taught, I
would kind of write out my jokes ahead of time, and I'd space them. They were
kind of like the commercial breaks, you know.
Doney: (laughs) Yeah, yeah.
Baron: You're watching this, you know, you've been writing furiously. I always
thought of my students, especially in George's class, they would write
furiously. And I always thought they were kind of like Pavlov's dogs. George
would start speaking and they would secrete ink. (Doney laughs) And so that's
where that came from. And people liked them, and it was fun to do.
Doney: Well, they're hilarious. It's an amazing, it's a unique way to remember a course.
Baron: Yeah.
Doney: And a lecture style.
Baron: You know, I did that, and something I started my last ten years of
teaching, and I do now in every lecture I give, at academic forums, papers, is I
always write an overture to my lecture and sing it.
Doney: That's great.
Baron: And I would do that in my courses as well. So I remember the World War
One one. First time I did it, I was teaching World War One. And I took Bob
Marley's "I Shot the Sheriff" and I put it "I Shot the Archduke." (laughter)
Went through a whole thing of, you know, the war. And students would say, "God,
I was writing this test and I remembered that from your song.
Doney: Yeah, yeah.
Baron: So it was a mnemonic device as well.
Doney: Yeah, it makes sense that you're drawn to Mosse. The entertainer.
Baron: I've often thought of doing a songbook, a history songbook of parodies.
Doney: I think you should.
Baron: Because I've got about 200 of them now. On everything.
Doney: Yeah.
Baron: And I did it with methodology, too. Even in the methodology seminars
(laughs) I would write songs about methodological issues.
Doney: There's this new book that's cocktails, like historical cocktails,
cocktails for historians. And if there's an audience for that, there's certainly
an audience for a parody songbook. I mean, that's great.
Baron: Yeah. And I still do that in my columns. My columns are sometimes satire,
you know, straight satire. But often I'll write a parody. I did one last week
after Trump made his statement about suspending the constitution. So I did a
song called, I forget what I even titled it for. But it's the Beatles'
"Revolution." It's about suspending the Constitution.
Doney: (laughs) Let's, okay, so we're on this other thread, this like
entertainment, this performance thread. Let's, are you writing publicly already
at Saint Lawrence? Like these sort of satirical columns? Or does that begin in
San Diego?
Baron: Well, I do some of that. And actually, you've brought back a memory that
I forgot entirely. Which is, Saint Lawrence had during this winter term, where
things were really loose, no grades. Students just had to attend. And it was
just fun. And they had a thing where they would invite a professor to be a
resident in a dorm, and be in the dorm for a week. And one of the things you had
to do was a lecture or something one night. So I did a stand-up routine. And it
was fun. I did that also when I retired from Saint Lawrence. I did a whole
01:12:00stand-up routine at my retirement dinner. So I did a lot of jokes within
courses. But I wasn't writing, I started really doing the more satirical,
serious writing at San Diego State, but for a totally different reason. My wife
and I were going through infertility treatments. It didn't work. And we met with
a group, a support group. And I wrote this comedy song to
"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." But this was about endometriosis. Even
though the sound of it sounds quite atrocious. And someone said, "You should
write that up."
So I wrote it as an article for New Woman Magazine, which at that time was a
very popular feminist magazine. Cold submission. Got published. Earned more
money from that than I've earned from anything else I've ever written.
Doney: (laughs) I believe it. Yeah.
Baron: It was called "From Here to Paternity."
Doney: That's a great title. (laughs)
Baron: So that's always been with me. It's just something I do.
Doney: So, let's talk about "Humoring the Headlines." Well, maybe we could use
that as a transition. So you leave Saint Lawrence. Do you receive a call?
Baron: Actually, "Humoring the Headlines" comes later. It's actually my retirement.
Doney: Okay.
Baron: So I'll talk about that later.
Doney: Well let's, I have actually one other sort of non sequitur, which is how
do you come to know Judith Doneson? (1947-2002) Because I thought that was a
really interesting, she's a Hebrew U Mosse PhD student.
Baron: Yes.
Doney: So I thought this is an interesting moment of these two student groups.
Steve Aschheim's another where they're coming together to collaborate.
Baron: But Steve was at Madison.
Doney: Yeah.
Baron: I don't know if you ever heard George talk about Steve?
Doney: No.
Baron: Because Steve used to be, he was the Hasbara person. He was someone who
did, selling Aliyah to Jewish kids. And George used to call him the Jewish
Goebbels. (laughter) But I got to know Steve because he was working on these
Eastern European things. Part of that has a lot to do with Jewish self-hatred
and the Lessing work I was doing. So that became a connection between us.
But Judy is different. Judy, I mean, there wasn't much written about Holocaust
cinema until the 1980s. And Judy is one of the pioneers. So she writes her
book--that's why I taught the film course. There were no books to teach it. All
of a sudden, there's three in the 1980s. And hers was the one that I liked the
best. Because the other people weren't really historians. They were film people.
01:15:00And I was going to a lot of Holocaust conferences because of the rescue work.
And Judy and I just became friends. And I was already interested in film. And we
were kind of outcasts. Film was really not something that most Holocaust
scholars were interested in then. There were great films that came out. I mean,
obviously, Shoah. But feature films historians weren't too gung-ho on. And there
was Judy and I and maybe one or two others. And we just became very good
friends. We would call each other; we'd see a movie and talk about it. And in
fact, I wrote one of her obituaries in a journal. I wrote this up yesterday, I
didn't mention it. Here's my memory failing again. When I was working on your questions.
I was at a conference where Judy, I organized a panel on Holocaust film. It was
Judy and Stuart Liebman, who was really an important Holocaust film scholar as
well. And me. I was just starting to do this research. And George was there, by
the way. And George attended the conference. In part he said, he wanted to learn
about what I was doing. He was also a speaker there. But he came to our session.
But Judy gave this talk on movies about euthanasia. The German ones, the
propaganda ones. But then Whose Life is it, Anyway? The Richard Dreyfuss movie.
And she was very sympathetic. She said you really have to understand what people
who are really sick might want, as opposed to the state wanting this. And I
didn't understand it then, but she had cancer. And she died only a couple of
months later. And this was really her dealing with what it's like to be a
patient. But she was a great person. I enjoyed her. I brought her to San Diego
State to speak for the program I ran. And I always enjoyed my times with her.
Doney: Thank you. Let's talk about how you end up in San Diego. The transition
from Upstate New York--
Baron: Right.
Doney: --to California.
Baron: Right. Well, it's a strange thing. George certainly taught the Jewish
history course and I ended up being a co-instructor with him the one semester
after I finished being a graduate student. I was his co-instructor in the Jewish
history course. Which meant, basically, I gave a couple of lectures when he was
out of town. Not much more than that. So I wasn't really formally a Jewish
studies scholar. But I had taught Jewish and Holocaust courses at St. Lawrence
and had been writing in the field. And this job came up. So I know one of the
other things that led to this. The other thing I got interested in was rural
01:18:00Jewry. Because I lived in an area, you know, where there were these little
synagogues. Most of them were dying. They had once prospered because they were
along the Saint Lawrence River. There had been Jewish merchants and store owners
in cities, even in Canton. But as things shifted away from the Saint Lawrence
Seaway, and as the older kids started going to college and not coming back to
that area, there were these small, far-flung Jewish communities. Even at Saint
Lawrence. I became the Hillel director. Informally. Not that I had any training.
But there were, you know, 20, 30 Jewish students who wanted to do stuff. So I
did Jewish things with them. And I organized the first meeting of rural northern
New York, Vermont Jews getting together, talking about their experiences, their
communities, local history. The guy who gave me this idea now teaches, I think
it's at Colby and there's actually an Institute for the Study of Small Town
Jewry [Center for Small Town Jewish Life] that is located there. But it's such a
different experience than large Jewish communities.
But there was this job that opened for the director of a Jewish studies program
at San Diego State. And I thought I had no chance at this job because I just
didn't have the formal training that people were looking for, though I had the
publications. And I wasn't going to apply. And I had a colleague who, this is
the connection between me and Michael Berkowitz, this wonderful rabbi but also
scholar whom I helped hire at Saint Lawrence in the religious studies
department. Because until he came, they only had, they had an Old Testament and
a New Testament course. They didn't have a Hebrew scripture course. So I fought
for that and I was responsible for hiring him. Wonderful guy who just died this
year, unfortunately. And Michael's very close with him as well. But so I was
deciding whether to apply or not. And my friend Richard Freund (1955-2022) who
had been in San Diego for a year, said, "Apply for it." And this job had been
open for three years. In fact, the first director of this program, a temporary
director, was Bob Filner (b. 1942), the since disgraced mayor of San Diego.
(laughs) But he was in the history department. He was Jewish, so he was the head
of Jewish studies. He didn't do anything Jewish, but he was the head of Jewish
studies. He became very Jewish when he ran for Congress. And then he would come
to all the synagogues. (laughter) So I thought I had no chance for this job.
And I went there and they had interviewed many people over the years. I mean, I
got to see some of the files of the search. And they were interviewing people
who were far more qualified than me. Deborah Lipstadt. But it was from the
history department, which was a department that was riven with animosities and
rivalries. If one person liked someone, another person hated that candidate.
So I got it, much to my surprise. And it was a different kind of experience
entirely. And it was also when my wife and I were trying to have a child. And I
was kind of overwhelmed. It was really as much a community position as a campus
one. It was not what I was doing at St. Lawrence bur rather taking the academy
into the community. And much of my work was either giving talks--I would give
twenty lectures a year at community venues, but then I organized a weekly
lecture series that was open to the community. Mostly attended by the community
on the campus. I got to know almost every major scholar, Jewish studies scholar,
on the west coast from that. I didn't even mention this in the thing I wrote.
But I'm the founder of the Western Jewish Studies Association. Because the AJS
always used to meet in Boston. And it was held in December, what a stupid thing.
The week before Christmas. The rates were cheaper. They're meeting there right now.
Doney: Yeah. Still. Yeah.
Baron: They now meet elsewhere in part because there's a Midwestern Jewish
Studies and there's a Western Jewish Studies, which I'm still president of. So
that helped me get really involved in the Jewish studies community.
But I couldn't really afford to do research abroad during that time. In part
because we were trying to have a child, then we had a child. A 45-year-old
couple who had adopted an infant. And I just had so much of this other work to
do. Community work. And I was in charge of hiring a visiting Israeli professor
every year. And getting them booked, getting them gigs in the community. And I
organized several symposia a year. It was a busy, busy job. But there was one
thing I could do. Which was, LA was nearby with the best film archives in the
world. And I loved movies and I had already been drifting in that way. So that's
what really got me started. I could do research in archives, not go away for a
long time. And I was excited by movies as a vehicle of popularizing history.
Reflecting, one of the things Judy taught me, and it comes from Pierre Sorlin, a
01:24:00great French film historian, is that movies, historical movies, are always about
the present. Which was an important lesson to learn. The other big influence on
me was Robert Rosenstone, who was one of pioneering film historians. I don't
know if you remember the AHR for a while used to do a movie review section. But
that's because of Robert Rosenstone and Robert Toplin pushing for that. And
Rosenstone, who really argued that movies are akin to written history in the way
that oral history is akin to scholarly history. And I think he's got something.
What's the most popular form of history? Movies? Biography. We want stories.
Doney: Yeah.
Baron: We want to see how human beings interact. The broad forces, we need all
that stuff to know about these broad forces in detail. But no one reads academic
history. I wasn't joking when I tried to figure out when I got my first book out
and looked at the royalties and how many hours I had spent on that book. And I
decided, it was way below minimum wage. (laughs)
Doney: Yeah. (laughs)
Baron: And the readership I've gotten and the things that have really struck
people have been that article on infertility, the book on altruism. My book on
Holocaust films sold out the first year. But the publishing companies issued it
in an ebook version. We're not going to issue a second edition, even though it
sold out. So you know, it's just a field that has given me an opportunity to do
what I love. I started to teach my own courses on film history, Holocaust
history, Jewish film history. And at a time when there weren't many people doing
it. Now there's quite a few.
And one of the things I'm proud of is there's this book that came out, Fifty
Holocaust Thinkers [Fifty Key Thinkers on the Holocaust and Genocide (Routledge,
2010)], I forget, there's some sort of adjective before it. But I'm one of them.
Largely because of film. I think Judy is there as well. But yeah, we were some
of the pioneers. Ilan Avisar an Israeli and Annette Insdorf. Now there's quite a
few people working in film.
Doney: So in this job at San Diego, it has a strong public-facing component.
Baron: Yeah.
Doney: You're in the community. Is that, this is also a chance for you to not
just educate, but to entertain. Is that where--
Baron: Well, I do that, too. I do that, too. But you know, I took it seriously.
We held very serious academic conferences. One of the other influences, it's
interesting how these things jar memory. But one of my colleagues at San Diego
State was Maurice Friedman (1921-2012), who is the great Buber scholar. He had
been at Temple for years. And after the strike there, he was unhappy. There had
been a big strike there. He came here. And so I organized an international Buber
conference with him. I organized a symposium on women in Judaism with Marge
Piercy. I brought her in for readings and a wonderful talk called "Hugging the
Porcupine: Being a Woman and Jewish." So it just was an opportunity for me to
start the Western Jewish Studies Association came because I would ask the
scholars I brought to San Diego State "Are you going to the AJS?" "No, it's too
far. It's a bad time of the year." There's an AJS theme song which I sing every
year at the conference, but it's about how, Jews like the Robbins and the
Siegels know you go south for winter. (laughter)
The Israel component was important too because the community was very gung-ho on
Israel. But the only reason I resigned from it is I was offered another job as
director of another Jewish studies program. And I was about to leave because
they didn't agree to certain demands I had for staying. San Diego State went
through a bunch of terrible economic crises because of the state budget cuts.
There just wasn't a lot of money, you know, I had to do a lot of traveling. We
had limited travel money. I had to go to conferences as the head of Jewish
studies. And I was going to go to this other place which was offering me more.
And San Diego States finally agreed, they wanted to keep me. But then they
reneged on almost all their promises during the next financial crisis. So that's
when I resigned from the directorship and became--the other great teaching part
of my life was, the advisor to the master's program in history which I loved and
did for six years. And I tried to do some things that the university ultimately
didn't approve, but I thought were really creative and practical. And the AHA
01:30:00thought they were creative. The AHA published an article of mine on trying to
offer a community college history teaching certificate. And I tried to combine
the MA in history with the generic community college teaching certificate
offered by San Diego State's Department of Education. I did research and
discovered that a large portion of the people teaching at community colleges had
an MA, not a PhD. And they were getting jobs more so than PhDs. But
unfortunately, San Diego State at that time decided it wanted to be seen more as
a high-powered research university with PhDs. My department and college
supported me, but the university didn't.
Doney: That was rethinking the, rethinking the MA thesis?
Baron: Yeah.
Doney: It's a great idea.
Baron: Yeah. And it's still there. And actually we had a bunch of students who
did it informally. I tried to make it more convenient and make it fewer courses.
But we had a bunch of students who went through this community college program,
teaching program, who were history majors. They got jobs. Some of them are
tenure track jobs. A lot of them, a lot of the people who were MA students or
teachers coming back, a lot of them are people who just love history. And they
only want to teach part time. So most of them, I mean, were adjuncting. But they
liked their adjuncting. And then we have a bunch of people who have done really
well. Gotten tenure track jobs. And I'm proud of them.
Doney: Yeah. As you should be. That's great. We have like a few questions that
are reflective questions about changes in the field and pedagogy. You've talked,
I think, very nicely about your own changing research interests and the origins
of how your questions, your sources, and your general teaching and research
interests have shifted. But before we go into those, I just want to pause and
ask if there's anything up to retiring from San Diego that we've missed. Or if
there's anything about your early interest in history, your time in Saint
Lawrence, your time in the graduate program, that you want to touch on before we
go in this final direction.
Baron: Well, I think I covered that pretty well. The retirement actually, it
wasn't early. I mean, I was 65. But I easily could have stayed on. And there
were economic reasons to stay on. Or to take a FERP program, an early retirement
program and then continue teaching. But one of the things that's happened at San
01:33:00Diego State is, it grew enormously. It really is a very, very good place to go.
But one of the things they tried to do, they've done it everywhere, is focus on
these big lectures so it could support fund the smaller courses. And San Diego
State was originally built as a teachers' college. And most of the rooms were
for 30 or 40 students, which is how it was when I came. There were some bigger
rooms. But when they started remodeling these older buildings, they would knock
down walls and create these big lecture halls with the clickers. I don't know if
Wisconsin did that as well. I never taught a clicker course. The biggest course
I ever taught was 80, but that was enough. I walked into it in the spring
semester of 2012. I walked in there. I had 80 students in my Holocaust class,
which was a course I really prided myself on in getting student discussion
going. And I said, I can't do it anymore. And they even gave me a teaching
assistant, which I never had because teaching assistants were reserved for the
big lecture courses of 200 and 300. But I had never had a teaching assistant.
And I just decided I couldn't teach that way. The university had changed.
Doney: Yeah.
Baron: And in retrospect when I see what's happening in terms of political
correctness and things like that, I'm glad I made that decision. Though I did go
back and teach in 2015. I was a visiting professor at Stockton University, which
has probably the most interesting and diverse MA Program in Holocaust studies in
the country. And they have this visiting Holocaust scholar who comes every year.
And I was it for only a semester. I couldn't stay away a year. But that was fun
going back and teaching. And that was not a politically, very politically
correct place. So I felt comfortable there.
Doney: Yeah. This is something that often comes up in my conversations, whether
Mosse's provocation, style of provoking students.
Baron: Yeah.
Doney: I don't know if it would work now. Probably not.
Baron: And these are, I think look back and I think oh, I told this joke. Could
I have ever--even in my film course, Jewish film course, I thought it was
important to show The Jazz Singer (1927). Such a seminal movie. And I had a
couple of Black students in there. But I explained it to them. And actually when
they watched it, and then I talked a little bit more about [Al] Jolson
(1886-1950), who was very active in civil rights. And fought to get the first
01:36:00Black musicians on Broadway, and boycotted certain things where Black musicians
weren't allowed. And gave equal billing to Cab Calloway (1907-1994) in one of
his later musicals. You know, they understood. And then I said, and did you know
that when they wanted to remake The Jazz Singer in the 1970s, it was to be as a
Black movie about a Baptist minister from the South who moved north and his son
wants to become a jazz singer. This is a universal story. This is not just a
Jewish story.
Doney: Yeah. Yeah.
Baron: So, you know, the field has changed. As I kind of expressed, I'm wary of
the current emphasis on methodology, I always taught my students, I said, don't
start with a particular theoretical methodology because it's going to determine
what you're going to look at. I said, these are always tools. There's going to
be things, I mean there's great stuff that I find in there. I find in film
studies, which is probably the densest field you could imagine in terms of
writing about the most exciting thing you could write about. (Doney laughs) But
I always say these are just possible approaches, don't view them as entirely
shaping your outlook, because you're going to limit yourself. And I always
remember George's statement about theory, about methodology. And why we didn't
do that, why they didn't require that of us.
Doney: Okay. So you talked about changes in teaching over the course of your
career. You've talked a little bit about how just the field of Holocaust studies
has also shifted.
Baron: Yeah.
Doney: Not only making space for film, but just the explosion, the proliferation
of studies on the topic. The truly international nature of the conversation now,
global nature of the conversation.
Baron: And the comparative part of it, too.
Doney: Yeah. Absolutely.
Baron: Which I've gotten involved in. You know, I do work on Armenian genocide movies.
Doney: Oh, really?
Baron: Which initially, because here's this genocide which happened, which has
been suppressed that it happened. I wrote an article on the first waves of
Armenian genocide movies and there weren't a lot of them, because you couldn't
distribute them. Threatening distributors in various countries, Turkey would say
well, we're going to boycott you or we're going to withdraw from NATO. And so
these movies just didn't get made until the 1980s. Except for one that was made
right after the World War I. So these movies weren't being made, for the most
01:39:00part, until 1980. But because you're not only making this movie about this
genocide, but you're trying to say this is a true story. So one of the things
that most of these movies do is they invoke the Holocaust in one way or another.
They either have an epilogue or a prologue of Hitler's statement of the Armenian
genocide. Or if they're set in the time, they feature the [Hans] Morgenthau
(1904-1980) meeting with Talaat Pasha (1874-1921). This is from his memoir where
he talks about the Armenian genocide. But Talaat always asks thing, "Aren't you
Jewish? Why are you so concerned about these Armenians?" And that means a whole
different thing after 1945 than it means in 1915. And it's also key to the Forty
Days of Musa Dagh by a Jewish, you know, by Franz Werfel (1890-1945), Jewish
author. And he writes the great novel of Armenian resistance. And he writes it
in 1933. And it's in many ways a parable about what's going on in Germany with
the Jews. So you can't ignore it.
And they even take plot lines. There's one movie that is borrowed from The
Garden of the Finzi-Continis, but it's in Armenia. A wealthy Armenian family
thinks they're immune. They live in this grand villa where nothing's going to
ever happen. And of course it doesn't protect them.
So the comparative thing, I think, is really important. I mean, I just think,
mentioning about filmmakers picking up on things. Filmmakers do pick up on
history. They may not do it in the way we want. This is what Rosenstone talks a
lot about. There are interpretations of history inherent in films. Sometimes
it's the great man theory. It's pretty simple. But a lot of times there's other
things. A lot of movies have picked up about the Nazis, have picked up on Arendt
and Hilberg and the bureaucratic aspect of it. The movies The Wannsee Conference
and Conspiracy certainly picked up on that. But a number of the [Adolf] Eichmann
(1906-1962) movies have picked up on it too. They've picked up on debates about
the Jewish councils whose image changes from sort of the dupes Hilberg portrays
to the more sympathetic view of Lucy Dawidowicz (1915-1990) and Isaiah Trunk
(1905-1981) of Jews drawing on historical precedents and trying to mitigate the
worst in a strategy that worked in the past. There's been shifts in what we
study, who we study. The shift that I was involved in was the rescuers were
always these kind of, happy stories that you could tell. But there was no
01:42:00analysis of what really motivated these people. It was just good that we knew
about these people. And Yad Vashem in part is to blame for that. Could have done
much more extensive interviewing than it did when recognizing them.
But there was a shift to the social science-y kind of model, which I was part
of. And there were a lot of these things that came out. Nechama Tec (b. 1931)
came out with a book about the, and Eva Fogelman, what's her name, Kristen Monroe.
And now there's more of a nuanced thing, which I agree with. And you really have
to look at, there's often, there's a local, there's micro-histories you have to
understand that kind of explains these Calvinists in Holland. In Friesland.
Friesland was where they hid them. The most isolated place in Holland. The place
with the fewest Jews! (laughs) But the best place to hide them as well, in many
ways. So there's these local aspects. Now there's this whole turn to geography
in Holocaust studies.
Doney: Yeah. Space.
Baron: Maps. And so the field really has changed. And I think the comparative
genocide, though a lot of people are very afraid of it, that it kind of drowned
out the Holocaust. I think Michael Rothberg understands this kind of these
intersecting memories. The way that Armenian movies would justify that there was
a real genocide was by invoking the Holocaust. And all these things. Even
Platoon, the movie, the scene where they're bulldozing the bodies. That's right
out of the footage of the body bulldozers at Dachau.
Doney: Yeah.
Baron: These movies have lives of their own and get cited. And a similar scene
occurs in the movie, oh, the one about Guy Fawkes, about the terrorist group in
England that's bombing stuff. And it's a kind of dystopia. I want to say Z, but it's--
Doney: V, V, V for Vendetta.
Baron: V. V for Vendetta. It has a scene very much like that that's right out of
the concentration camp liberation footage at the end of the war. So these things
do inform each other. And in film history, I mean, now the exciting theme in
film history is reception history-how a film is understood by audiences. It's
harder to get at, but it's I think something that George was always doing. I
remember always George talking about Gustav Freytag (1816-1895) and
popularization and Karl May (1842-1912)
Doney: Felix Dahn (1834-1912).
Baron: He emphasized that it was really important to see how popular novels
depicted ideas and movements, and how people received these messages. And now
there's really interesting research coming out on reception.
Doney: Yeah.
Baron: Movie reception. Hard to do. But I did one recently for a piece I'd
written on the Oscars and the Holocaust and on Anne Frank. And you know, Anne
01:45:00Frank, the original, gets kind of dumped on. One, you've got to see it in its
context. You have to see it in its context. It's the first great American
Holocaust movie, but as Judy Doneson knew the film made Anne the girl next door,
you know. You don't cast a very Jewish girl. You don't cast a very Jewish
family. But everyone identifies with Anne.
But one of the things that was amazing, I was doing my research at the Herrick
Library, which is the library run by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and
Sciences. It has all these great production records. And I'm coming across
surveys of audience responses to The Diary of Anne Frank. And so I could see
what audiences were really picking up on. Film historians often say audiences
were only interested in the love story, or they're only interested in the
adolescent coming of age story. No, audiences picked up on the Jewish stuff as
well. And some of it is kind of naive, sort of things. "Well, I didn't know Jews
were persecuted." (laughs) Stuff like this. It's there. And you can sort of get
an idea, this is what people are seeing in a movie. And that's kind of exciting research.
And you also get that when you work with the production records. Because you see
how, you come up with an original script and you'll see it's much tougher. But
then they have all the production notes. Part of that is the production code,
which was the internal censorship agency of the movie industry. And they would
put out these eleven-page things. They would look at a script before it was ever
a movie and highlight all the negative things that couldn't be in a movie or it
wouldn't be distributed. Because the movie studios owned the theaters as well.
The theater chains. And you just see how things get changed.
I just wrote a little piece on Frank Sinatra's The House I Live In, this
wonderful song he recorded right after the war to protest antisemitism and
discrimination. And in doing this, often we think only the big movies are the
important ones. This was a ten-minute short. It won an Oscar. But it also got
distributed to 20,000 schools. So there's this whole sort of category of film
history called useful films that aren't feature films that become very important.
There's also one that the US government made called Don't be a Sucker, which was
to resist demagogues and prejudice. These are important things. So I'm
interested in that.
And then looking at these organizations. I did a thing on movies Hadassah made
about the Holocaust, arguing that when Hollywood was treating the Holocaust very
01:48:00gingerly and treated almost in a generic way, people were being exposed to the
Holocaust in films that were being made by organizations, by relief organizations.
And some of these films, they started hiring big directors. And they would get
these films into theaters. When we used to go to films, the first twenty, thirty
minutes was always shorts of some sort. They would get into theaters. And some
of the first films exposing general audiences to the Holocaust were ones made by
these organization. Hadassah makes this film called Can You Hear Me? In [19]47.
It's about a woman who's phoning--but she's dead--she's phoning someone on
Earth. Says, "Can you hear me? Can you hear me?" And then she tells her story.
It's a woman who was killed in the Babi Yar Massacre. But she talks about her
experiences. And then there's this film clip in there. And it's a film clip from
a Russian movie that came out towards the end of the war where they recreated
the Babi Yar Massacre. And it's uncredited. And this film was highly touted when
it came out. I found, I worked in the Hadassah archives, I found all this stuff
about this film. And Babi Yar, I would say probably most Americans never heard
of it maybe until Yevtushenko in the [19]60s. Or recently when it came back into
the news because of being nearby where bombs were falling.
So I'm interested in those kind of little things as well. But those are things,
that's kind of micro-history.
Doney: Yeah, absolutely.
Baron: It's kind of entered into this. And Holocaust studies has mirrored that.
And it's an exciting field. And the introduction of gender. I mean, I remember
when gender was first introduced. Joan Ringelheim (1939-2021), and she did this
conference on gender. It's published and it's almost like mimeographed. No one
could sell this thing. And now there's loads of books on women in the Holocaust.
But initially, historians thought Jews all had the same experience. It was
because you were Jewish. Well, yeah, it was because you were Jewish. But there
were different things that were done to women than were done to men. And so
that's how the field has changed.
Like I say, when I first started teaching it, the Holocaust, I taught
everything. I did the history, but then I'd do a thing on intellectual history
at the end. I'd do the Holocaust and philosophy, the Holocaust in literature.
This was all in one course, because I thought I could do it. (laughs) Now I
can't do that. At all.
Doney: Yeah. Yeah, each of those is its own course.
Baron: Yeah.
Doney: More content than you could cover.
Baron: Yeah, I did a thing on Holocaust and international law. That was always
01:51:00the last unit. And when I do my genocide course, I started teaching comparative
genocide as a graduate seminar. And we'd always do a unit on international law
and genocide at the end.
Doney: Wow. Thank you for that reflection. I mean, there was one thing we said
we were going to come back to and we haven't, which was how did you start
writing "Humoring the Headlines."
Baron: I had been writing for this newspaper called the San Diego Jewish
Heritage. And I'd written pieces for them every once in a while. Usually movie
reviews. And there's a big Jewish film festival here. So they would often get me
to write overviews of the festival offerings. I often was on festival committee
screening films. So I'd write up the best movies to watch. And occasionally I'd
write articles on different things that interested me. But I'd been asked
several times, "Do you want to do a weekly column?"
And I said, "No, I can't do that writing under deadline pressure." Academic
writing has made me a slow writer. And it would drive me nuts.
But when I retired, I decided well, I've always wanted to write satire. So, I'm
going to do it. And the column started out with, it was really kind of
spitballing. I'd watch the news all week and I'd write down things that I
thought would be funny. Kind of disparate things. And then I started adding the
parodies in there. And then I eventually started focusing the columns on one
theme. So the last column that I wrote last week was just was originally called
"Dealing from the Rock Bottom of the Deck" and it was about Donald Trump's
commercial for trading cards. But it's all about it and all sorts of things that
are the implication there. Him on Mount Rushmore. That's because stone erodes
more slowly than political popularity. (laughter) And just one thing after
another after another of what was so insane.
Doney: Yeah. (laughs)
Baron: He's a caricature of himself. But all those sorts of issues. I'll send
you a copy.
Doney: Yeah, please do.
Baron: And unfortunately, because of Trump, it became too focused on Trump. And
I still have to recover from him and write about other things. But he's such a
perfect figure to write about. (laughs)
Doney: Yeah.
Baron: When he left office, I said oh, I'm not going to have to write about him.
But he's there. He's there.
Doney: Yup. Still percolating.
Baron: Yeah.
Doney: Okay. Is there anything else you would like to add?
Baron: Well, yes.
Doney: Yeah.
Baron: About the humanity of George. I did come to the memorial service and to
one of the reunions. I didn't get to go to the biggy, that I should have. I
guess, was that the fiftieth anniversary of the [19]60s, or--
Doney: Yeah. Yup. In 2018. Yeah.
Baron: Jimmy went and he told me, but I still enjoy every once in a while
listening to some of the lectures George gives that you can still stream online.
And some of the ones you can get of Harvey as well from the Ohio thing. And like
I said, I really feel badly that I never got to take a course with him. Because
in a different way, he was as interesting as George.
Doney: Yeah.
Baron: But George, I just have all these fond memories. And I think almost all
his graduate students do. He really nurtured us. He didn't, and it's something
that was hard to learn from me, interrupt his students. He really was, at least
in the seminars, a student-centered professor. And we basically were the
seminar. And George, you know, put his comments in. But he always, you know, it
was really us presenting. And getting critiques from our colleagues. Which were
not necessarily negative. There were helpful things. And like I said, Sterling
did that with this workshop he had on writing your dissertation. And I'm very grateful.
I still every once in a while find Mosse being mentioned in introductions of me.
O did a talk for the Miami Holocaust Memorial Center recently and Michael
Berenbaum was hosting. And introducing me, he mentioned Mosse and he says, "Most
of you probably don't know this name, but you should read his books." It's
amazing how well they age. The book on masculinity. Amazing. And sexuality.
George was, had his finger on the pulse of a lot of things that have become much
more popular and much more mainstream than when he was writing about them. And
including, I think, the importance of myth and symbol and irrationality. And I
think of James Young and all his work on Holocaust memorials and how important
this subject of visualization is.
Doney: Absolutely. Well, thank you. Thank you for that. Thank you for sitting
with me for so long.
Baron: That's fine. That's fine.
Doney: This is Skye Doney on the twentieth of December, 2022, concluding an oral
01:57:00history with Professor Lawrence Baron for the Mosse Oral History Project.
[End Interview.]