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00:00:00 - Introductions and sound check

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Partial Transcript: All right. So today is July 30, 2019. My name is Lea Goldstone...

00:00:32 - Upbringing

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Partial Transcript: So could you just give me a little background about like your upbringing?

Segment Synopsis: Born and raised in Madison, Wisconsin. Lived in Madison until graduation from Madison General Hospital and then moved to Milwaukee.

Keywords: Madison General Hospital; Madison, WI; Milwaukee, WI

00:01:14 - Choosing nursing

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Partial Transcript: Did anything in your background kind of guide you towards nursing?

Segment Synopsis: Tom Berthold (TB) took care of his ill grandfather when he had a stroke and took him to physical therapy. This experience made TB aspire to become a physical therapist. He took the Introduction to Physical Therapy upon arriving at UW-Madison but decided this was not what he wanted to do. He still wanted to work in the medical field, so he decided to attend nursing school

Keywords: Nursing school; Physical therapy; University of Wisconsin-Madison

00:02:37 - Short questions

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Partial Transcript: Did you have any perception of what nursing school was going to be like, before you went?

Segment Synopsis: He had no preconceptions of what nursing school would be like. He attended nursing school from 1976-1978 and does not remember the size of his class.

Keywords: 1970s

00:03:47 - Dorm and social life

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Partial Transcript: Did you live in the dorms? Or how did that work?

Segment Synopsis: TB explains he did live in the dorms as it was an inexpensive way to attend school as his family had moved to Milwaukee at the time. He lived on the first floor in McConnell Hall. He recalls attending a reunion recently and how much the dorm has changed due to remodeling. TB says it was one of his best decision to live in the dorms. TB recalls a lot of camaraderie within his class and times they celebrated together. He also remembers enjoying the gender ratio as there were nine males in his class, and most of the class was female. He attended football games, went to bars and parties. He recalls having limited time for recreation because of studying.

Keywords: Dormitory; Dorms; McConnell Hall

00:07:21 - Academic life

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Partial Transcript: So could you describe also some of, what were your classes like, from what you remember?

Segment Synopsis: TB recalls his theory classes in McConnell Hall. He recalls it being mainly in lecture form. He remembers how dedicated everyone was. He remembers it being about as rigorous as it is now, he explains as he teaches at UW-Oshkosh currently. He explains there was a lot of studying involved.

Keywords: McConnell Hall; Nursing theory; nursing education

00:10:19 - Transition to professional life / Technology

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Partial Transcript: And so technology-wise, especially, because you said you went ’76 to ’78, you were kind of on the brink of a lot of things kind of coming up...

Segment Synopsis: He felt prepared for his first job. He had received many clinical hours, which made him prepared for the technology of the time. He reflects on the changes in technology that have happened since then.

Keywords: clinical experience; technology

00:13:13 - Specific Practices

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Partial Transcript: If you can remember again, this is all just as best as you can do, do you remember kind of any specific like practices that you were taught...

Segment Synopsis: : He remembers some specific skills such as Foley catheters, IV insertion. He notes how care planning was different without the use of computers.

Keywords: Foley Catheters; IVs; care planning; manual care planning

00:15:04 - Experience in other hospitals / duties outside the classroom

Play segment

Partial Transcript: And when you were a student, did you have much experience like working in hospitals?

Segment Synopsis: No, TB had all his clinicals at Madison General. He explains that they were doing everything that professional nurse does and provides some examples.

Keywords: Madison General hospital; clinical work

00:16:59 - Memories from Madison General

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Partial Transcript: And do you have any particular stories or anecdotes or anything that you remember in particular that sticks out to you about your experience as a student nurse at Madison General?

Segment Synopsis: TB recalls developing a close friendship, Don Wolfe and reflects on his death. He also recalls the great instructors and nursing staff and their accepting nature.

Keywords: friendships

00:20:22 - Post graduation career

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Partial Transcript: Can you tell me more about your nursing career after you graduated?

Segment Synopsis: TB explains he went back to school in Illinois, got certificate to practice in anesthesia but didn’t like it. He worked in the sales arena. He went to work at UW Oshkosh School of Nursing. He got his Master’s in Nursing Education to become an instructor (since 2016). He also works in home care part-time

Keywords: Home Care; Nursing Education; Traveling Nurses; UW Oshkosh; anesthesia

Subjects: TB explains he went back to school in Illinois, got certificate to practice in anesthesia but didn’t like it. He worked in the sales arena. He went to work at UW Oshkosh School of Nursing. He got his Master’s in Nursing Education to become an instructor (since 2016). He also works in home care part-time

00:24:37 - Advice for future nursing students

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Partial Transcript: That’s great. What advice, if any, would you give to future nursing students kind of based on your experience as a student nurse?

Segment Synopsis: TB answers to never think that you are not good enough. He elaborates on the importance of goals. He explains how former students are keeping in touch over social media. Call fails and he then continues to elaborate on the level of competition and growing need for nurses.

Keywords: competition; goals; social media

00:29:15 - Any other remarks

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Partial Transcript: And is there anything else that you’d want to include about your experience as a student nurse before I conclude this interview?

Segment Synopsis: TB answers that he ran into a former colleague with whom he has worked with after nursing school. She explained the impact of his help during that time. It reinforced his decision to become a nurse

Keywords: Nursing conferences; nurses; nursing

00:31:47 - End of Interview