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00:00:00 - Name Check and Interview Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Um... ok can you state your name and then spell out your last name?>

00:00:21 - Discussion of Community Outreach and Economic Development

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LEH: Alright, looks like we're good to go. So I'm just going to start

Segment Synopsis: Discusses use of expertise and role of community outreach and Wisconsin Idea in decision to take job, as well as the funding and roles of the position as the Chair of Economic Development. Discusses Research and Economic Development Committee (READY). Talks about helping students with careers, creating partnerships/collaborations, and raising the profiles of existing partnerships.

Keywords: community relations; county relations; economic development; student affairs; student services

00:07:35 - Local Communities and Funding Sources/Initiatives

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LEH: Your point about um providing capital... Could you expand on sort of how that

Segment Synopsis: Discusses pairings of different types of funding to create collaborations. Talks about ideas and patent protection for students, faculty, and building businesses. Discusses growth in food industry and ideas in rural areas.

Keywords: UW Colleges; UW System; business; community relations; economic development; innovation; patent protection

00:12:39 - The UW, Financial Growth, and Counties

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LEH: Yeah I think that goes really well into the question of how economic needs are dictated

Segment Synopsis: Talks about county funding for former UW Colleges, funding for four year Universities, and community involvement. Talks about county growth surrounding campuses, and types of economic growth associated with campuses. Moves into discussion of the impact of the UW System on the state economy, and importance of working with regional councils. Discusses relationship between two year and four year campuses, and extension of new classes/opportunities to non-traditional students.

Keywords: UW Colleges; budget; business; community relations; county relations; economic development; restructuring

00:20:03 - Challenges and Maintaining Identity in Restructuring

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LEH: Um so when restructuring was initially announced, um were there any sort of

Segment Synopsis: Discusses questions, meetings, and informational sessions at the beginning of restructuring. Talks about emphasis in local communities on additional resources, and need for innovation as a result. Talks about local identity and name changes, as well as extending resources.

Keywords: UW Colleges; UW System; academic affairs; accreditation; communication; community relations; county relations; economic development; faculty; organizational structure

00:25:12 - Partnerships and Academic Innovation with former UW Colleges

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LEH: Yeah, yeah um... I think with the two year colleges too it's interesting because

Segment Synopsis: Discusses change in identities of former UW Colleges, and relationship with four year universities/other partnerships. Discusses example of Barron County and innovation in the engineering department.

Keywords: UW Colleges; UW System; communication; economic development; innovation

00:29:41 - Restructuring of Small Business Development Centers and Opportunities

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Moving... There were some personnel movements within the Office for Economic Development

Segment Synopsis: Discusses movement of individuals working at the Small Business Development Centers, which were attached to the former UW College campuses, and discusses roles of individuals working at the centers. Talks about modifications of roles, and involvement of the development centers in existing committees. Talks about continuation of existing management with people in the field, and improvement of visibility/funding for centers. Discusses accreditation of centers through the Small Business administration, meetings with accreditors, and positive model of the UW small business structures.

Keywords: UW Colleges; accreditation; budget; business; business development; business financial aid; small business development centers

00:38:00 - Discussion of Business Growth in Wisconsin

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LEH: That's something... just I don't even really think about is being bankable

Segment Synopsis: Discusses importance of growing small businesses, looking at markets for different products, and building rural businesses.

Keywords: UW System; business development; economic development

00:41:51 - Discussion of University Relations with Businesses

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LEH: It's important. Um so before I let you go I was wondering if we could talk

Segment Synopsis: Discusses importance of communication, helping people find things online, and connecting people. Talks about connections for small businesses, and creation of a talent generator. Discussess different collaborations.

Keywords: UW System; business; business development; communication; community relations; economic development; small business development; university relations

00:47:15 - Final Thoughts on Economic Development

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LEH: Um five o'clock at this point so I know you said you had to go

Segment Synopsis: Discusses importance of the Wisconsin Idea, building connections, and finding places to make things better.

Keywords: UW System; community relations; economic development

00:49:55 - End of Interview