Partial Transcript: What was your transition like from the military to school?
Segment Synopsis: There were many similarities. After the military, he worked as a camp counselor and then applied to Madison area technical school. Overall the transition into civilian life was smooth.
Keywords: MATC; Madison Area Technical College; Madison, Wisconsin; Marine Corps; US Marine Corps; United States Marine Corps; camp counselor; civilian life; non-traditional student; student veteran
Partial Transcript: While in Afghanistan, what was your job/assignment and what did you do?
Segment Synopsis: He supervised an Afghan outpost, acted as a transition force for the Afghans, and went out on patrols.
Keywords: Afghan government; British army; Marine Corps; US Marine Corps; United States Marine Corps; War in Afghanistan; civil infrastructure; deployment; infantry; transfer of power
Partial Transcript: What were the relationships like between the Afghan people and American soldiers, and then the Afghan army and American soldiers?
Segment Synopsis: Many villagers watched the Americans while they were on patrol; others would flip them off. The children were friendly. The relations between the Afghan army and the marines was not hostile.
Keywords: Afghan army; Afghan civilians; Afghan culture; Afghan-American relations; British army; Marine Corps; US Marine Corps; United States Marine Corps; War in Afghanistan; resupply missions
Partial Transcript: In your opinion and what you saw, did you think the Afghan army was ready for the transition of power?
Segment Synopsis: They were close to ready. They were not bad. Overall, the Afghan army presence was very high in Afghanistan.
Keywords: Afghan National Police; Afghan army; Afghan culture; Afghan government; Marine Corps; US Marine Corps; United States Marine Corps; War in Afghanistan; transfer of power
Partial Transcript: In your time in Afghanistan, did you see an impact or influence of American training?
Segment Synopsis: In theory the Afghans were supposed to be already trained. The Afghan soldiers of the National Directorate of Security were better trained than the regular Afghan army.
Keywords: Afghan National Directorate of Security; Afghan army; War in Afghanistan; civil infrastructure; military training; transfer of power
Partial Transcript: What were some of your memorable experiences in Afghanistan?
Segment Synopsis: Training back home prepared him a little but it was a culture shock for him once he was in Afghanistan. But patrols were fun. Overall, very few violent moments in his tour. The kids were very smart and clever.
Keywords: Afghan culture; Marine Corps; US Marine Corps; United States Marine Corps; War in Afghanistan; culture shock; military training
Partial Transcript: Were there-- Since the British were also where you were, were there any cultural tensions between American and British?
Segment Synopsis: The British stuck to themselves. But they were nice.
Keywords: British army; Marine Corps; Narnia; US Marine Corps; United States Marine Corps; War in Afghanistan
Partial Transcript: So pretty much all of the training of the NDS was done way before you came?
Segment Synopsis: What did you learn in the course how to train the Afghans? Do not make promises you cannot keep.
Keywords: Afghan National Directorate of Security; Afghan army; Afghan culture; Marine Corps; US Marine Corps; United States Marine Corps; War in Afghanistan; military training