Partial Transcript: So the second part of that question-- You just said you got a job in cancer research...
Segment Synopsis: Remembers visiting University Hospital, which was newly built. Started work in cancer research, but decided to get a masters in Veterinary Science. After, she was looking for a good-paying job after her daughter was born, and an ophthalmologist at University Hospital hired her as a project researcher.
Keywords: Paul Kaufman; University Hospital; cancer research; ophthalmology; presbyopia; veterinary science; visual accommodation
Partial Transcript: So within ophthalmology, was Kaufman working on things like visual accommodation and presbyopia?
Segment Synopsis: First worked on experiments in glaucoma and outflow facility. Then Dr. Kaufman asked her to begin experiments in accommodation and presbyopia, around 1994. Existing understanding was very simplistic, but the Kaufman lab improved it by performing ultrasound biomicroscopy on the eyes of monkeys.
Keywords: Paul Kaufman; ophthalmology; presbyopia; ultrasound biomicroscopy; visual accommodation
Partial Transcript: The first part of this two-part question is-- when you're asked what you do, how do you describe to somebody the work that you do?
Segment Synopsis: Explains visual accommodation and presbyopia, which is the loss of the ability to view objects close up. Accommodation loss begins by age 20 and 30. MAC's lab tests devices for improving or preventing presbyopia, but she stresses that understanding the anatomy of the issue is the step to finding a cure for it.
Keywords: ophthalmology; presbyopia; visual accommodation
Partial Transcript: So you've been doing this for twenty-plus years, so it's become your career.
Segment Synopsis: Coming from cancer research, MAC has only recently realized that her career is in ophthalmology. Describes a typical day at work. The Wisconsin Institute of Medical Research (WIMER) has veterinary and medical staff to help with experiments. Describes methods and technologies used. MAC also writes manuscripts and presents results at research meetings.
Keywords: Wisconsin Institute of Medical Research (WIMER); academic conferences; academic publishing; animal testing; career change; ophthalmology; presbyopia; ultrasound biomicroscopy; visual accommodation
Partial Transcript: So your work has allowed you to travel to other places to present your findings?
Segment Synopsis: Regularly travels to Europe to present at the International Society of Presbyopia in Europe and the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, as well as the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology in the US. Finds conferences to be vital for collaborating and keeping informed on current research.
Keywords: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO); European Society Of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (ECSRCS); International Society of Presbyopia (ISOP); academic conferences; honoraria; travel
Partial Transcript: So the next question doesn't have two parts. It's how has-- or how have changes in technology changed your work.
Segment Synopsis: MAC pauses to find some family photos. She praises her parents for teaching her work ethic, and she praises various UW departments for the opportunities she has been given. Newly constructed buildings have facilitated more research.
Keywords: Crivitz, Wisconsin; Laboratory Animal Resources (LAR); UW School Of Veterinary Medicine; UW Wisconsin; University Hospital; Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research (WIMER); work ethic
Partial Transcript: So if you don't mind then, we'll get back to the technology question.
Segment Synopsis: Ultrasound equipment has improved to see farther into the eye with more detail. They have made new discoveries with better imaging of anatomy inside the eye.
Keywords: ophthalmology; ultrasound biomicroscopy; visual accommodation
Partial Transcript: So another aspect of technology that I like to talk about-- particularly for someone like you who started in the late '70s.
Segment Synopsis: MAC did not want to adopt email, which was harder to use then. Now it has improved communication between collaborators, especially in Europe. NIH grants are easier to submit electronically, and the process is more dependable.
Keywords: National Institute of Health (NIH); communication; electron microscopy; email; research collaboration
Partial Transcript: So whenever I'm interviewing somebody who's been on campus for a while, I like to ask about their memories of 9/11.
Segment Synopsis: Was in her office when a staff member told her the news of the first plane crash. She was too busy to watch the news until the evening. Does not remember major changes on campus after 9/11, except some increased security in the hospital.
Keywords: 9/11; September 11; University Hospital; security
Partial Transcript: I want to get your memories of the story behind achieving the Academic Staff Award that you got.
Segment Synopsis: Had previously applied for the Academic Staff Excellence Award but was too busy with work to worry about winning. Paul Kaufman asked her to apply again and submitted for her. Was very happy to hear that she had won, to be recognized for her hard work in research and grant-writing. Recognizes the people and departments to helped her. The letters of recommendation were particularly nice to read.
Keywords: Academic Staff Excellence Award; National Institute of Health (NIH); Paul Kaufman