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00:00:00 - Name Check and Interview Introduction 00:00:22 - Interviewee Background and Position as Associate Provost of Academic Affairs

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Um so why don't we start with your background.

Segment Synopsis: Discusses professional history as a humanities professor and provost. Details role as Provost including academic planning and offices overseen such as Student Success and Distance Learning.

Keywords: UW Green Bay; UW System; academic affairs; academic programs; administrative affairs; faculty; student services

00:03:32 - Campus Missions, Programs, and Integration with UW Green Bay

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Could you talk about... I guess why don't we start with

Segment Synopsis: Discusses role at the beginning of restructuring and discussion of merging missions, roles, and degrees between UW Green Bay and the branch campuses. Discusses integration of branch campuses into UW Green Bay, and process of creating and delivering programs. Moves into discussion of tuition differences between campuses.

Keywords: UW Colleges; UW Green Bay; UW Manitowoc; UW Marinette; UW Sheboygan; academic programs; branch campus mission; communication; governance; mission; receiving institution mission; restructuring; staff

00:12:28 - Impact of Restructuring on Relationship with Northwest Technical Colleges

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Partial Transcript: CF: So you mentioned articulation agreements too, let me just talk

Segment Synopsis: Moves into discussion of articulation agreements. Discusses relationship with Northwest Technical Colleges, and discusses movement of curriculum at UW Marinette.

Keywords: Northeast Wisconsin Technical College; UW Colleges; UW Green Bay; memorandum of understanding; mission; restructuring

00:16:41 - Community Reaction to Restructuring

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Have sort of community members... what have sort of their reactions been

Segment Synopsis: Discusses expansion of programming to branch campuses, providing reassurances and relationships to community members, and hiring of Campus Executive Officers at branch campuses. Discusses community relationships.

Keywords: UW Colleges; academic programs; accessibility; community relations; restructuring

00:22:48 - Finances and Restructuring of UW Colleges

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Yeah, so you said that there are sort of continued financial challenges

Segment Synopsis: Discusses the economy and the history of the former UW Colleges, and continuing financial challenges at the branch campuses despite need to continue services.

Keywords: UW Colleges; academic programs; enrollment; financial affairs; higher education administration; restructuring

00:29:45 - Integration of UW Colleges and UW Green Bay Mission Statements

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Partial Transcript: LEH: So in terms of that mission statement, what was the process of sort of

Segment Synopsis: Discusses similarities between mission statements and "open access" mission of the former UW Colleges, as well as extension of open access through the branch campuses and UW Green Bay. Moves into discussion of mission statements and what mission statements reflect about the goals of an institution and their student bodies.

Keywords: UW Colleges; UW Green Bay; academic affairs; branch campus mission; receiving campus mission; restructuring; student affairs

00:37:02 - Student and Academic Affairs, Coordination and the Branch Campuses

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Expand on sort of how some of like student services and support networks

Segment Synopsis: Discusses services in areas such as tutoring and areas where services have been expanded or provide online access, and disability services.

Keywords: UW Colleges; academic affairs; branch campus; restructuring; student affairs; tutoring

00:41:36 - Immediate Concerns of Restructuring

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Obviously some of these things have come over the long term

Segment Synopsis: Discusses importance of transparency and communication between administration and staff/students during immediate process of restructuring, concerns over budgets, and concerns over academic programs.

Keywords: UW Colleges; budget; communication; community relations; faculty; financial affairs; restructuring; staff

00:47:25 - Student Concerns during Restructuring

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Would you say that student concern... how did student concern

Segment Synopsis: Discusses concern over loss of programming and ability to transfer, and delivering services equally across campuses. Moves into discussion of misperceptions among students at UW Green Bay towards the branch campuses.

Keywords: UW Colleges; UW Green Bay; academic programs; restructuring; student affairs; tuition

00:54:12 - Discussion of Public Perception of Universities and Colleges

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Why do you think she thought, that student thought that the quality of education would go down

Segment Synopsis: Discusses people's understanding of prestige between schools in higher education, and reasons why students may want to go to certain schools. Moves into discussion of faculty perceptions and issues such as tenure.

Keywords: UW Colleges; UW Green Bay; community relations; faculty; mission; restructuring

01:02:53 - Faculty Concerns over Restructuring

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Partial Transcript: LEH: So you mentioned tenure, um were there other faculty

Segment Synopsis: Discusses issues over rank, title, and salary, as well as tenure.

Keywords: UW Colleges; UW Green Bay; faculty; governance; restructuring; teaching

01:06:08 - Discussion of Governance and Branch Campuses

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Could you expand maybe on governance either as it pertains

Segment Synopsis: Discusses representation of branch campuses in UW Green Bay governance and on faculty search committees, as well as through Campus Executive Officers at branch campuses. Discusses curriculum committees and creation of informal committees amongst branch campuses.

Keywords: UW Colleges; UW Green Bay; communication; faculty; governance; organizational structure; restructuring; staff; staff culture

01:11:55 - Discussion of UW Colleges Academic Programs Structure

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Yeah its interesting how different some of the same processes can be

Segment Synopsis: Discusses delivery of curriculum at the former UW Colleges and the history of the UW Colleges.

Keywords: UW Colleges; academic programs; curriculum; faculty; organizational structure; restructuring

01:15:40 - Final Thoughts

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Alright, is there anything else... um, you'd like to talk about

Segment Synopsis: Final question; interviewee felt they had no additional points.

01:17:16 - End of Interview