Partial Transcript: Lachrista, thank you so much for making time for this, I thought we could start by just talking about like, background, like early life
Segment Synopsis: Born in Madison & grew up in Madison and Middleton (after parents' divorce). Negative experiences in Middleton school district after being diagnosed with learning disabilities. Positive experiences with a few teachers. Parents were fierce advocates.
Keywords: early life; growing up; learning disability; middleton; school
Partial Transcript: So, English was your favorite subject, were there any other subjects or extracurriculars?
Segment Synopsis: Favorite subject in school was English. Liked art but never felt "good" at it. Took dance classes outside of school for 13 years and loved it.
Keywords: Art; Dance; Dancer; English; School
Partial Transcript: Going a little bit back to other parts of growing up, so, you mentioned that your parents divorced...
Segment Synopsis: Learned about family history and Italy from grandgather, who at first was reluctant to talk about it. Later studied abroad in Italy. Greco has always been interested in geneaology and family history. Self-published an anthology for Italian-American women about Italian-American culture. Italian-American identity was also a way to answer when people asked, "What are you?"
Keywords: Brother; Culture; Family; Geneaology; Italian; Italian American; Italian-American Women
Partial Transcript: I think, like, I love that there's so much access now to some of these resources online...
Segment Synopsis: Greco discusses family history research process and findings, including what she's learned about how they ended up in Wisconsin. Explains what is. Talks about her interest in geneaology and where that interest comes from.
Keywords: Ancestry;; Family; Geneaology; Italian-American Immigrants; Research
Partial Transcript: Stregharia, yes, we can talk about that...
Segment Synopsis: Stregharia: Italian witchcraft. Greco came across it as a teenager interested in witchcraft, and knew she had ancestors who were healers. Stregharia has been a way to connect to women ancestors.
Keywords: Italy; Natural Healing; Spirituality; Stregharia; Stregoneria; Tradition; Witchcraft
Partial Transcript: Well, you brought up instagram, I was going to ask you about social media stuff later...
Segment Synopsis: Attended Edgewood College after high school. Experienced other students asking her "what she was," and if she was Black (and felt that she had to explain that no, she was white, she was Italian). Received a poetry grant from Edgewood. Discusses favorite classes and instructors. Took creative writing classes and Women's Studies classes, though the Women's Studies program wasn't a full department.
Keywords: College; Creative Writing; Edgewood College; Feminism; Feminist Club; Italian-American; Poetry; Race; Undergraduate; Women's Studies
Partial Transcript: Yeah, so I started the first feminist club on campus...
Segment Synopsis: Extracurriculars at Edgewood included starting the first feminist club on campus. Explains "consciousness-raising groups" of the 1970s, which were an influence. Talks about a few things that the group did, including put a bowl of condoms in a common area for students (the group got in trouble for this, since Edgewood is a Catholic college).
Keywords: Conciousness-raising groups; Edgewood College; Feminism; Feminist Club; sex-positivity
Partial Transcript: What else was I involved in, I don't know, I mean...
Segment Synopsis: Other extracurriculars: wrote for the student newspaper, edited the literary journal. With a friend, wrote an expose for the paper about how Edgewood was not abiding by the Cleary act. Experience editing the literary journal. Explains who Rachel Dolezal is.
Keywords: Cleary Act; Edgewood College; Exposé; Journalism; Literary Journal; Newspaper; Poetry; Rachel Dolezal; Sexual Assault; Student Journalism; Writing
Partial Transcript: And when you were at Edgewood were you living in dorms or living at home?
Segment Synopsis: Lived in dorms on-and-off throughout college. Lived at home for part of the time, and senior year lived off-campus in Monroe St. area with roommates. Talks about what it was like to live away from home, while still in Madison, where she'd grown up.
Keywords: College; College Dorm; Dorm Experience; Edgewood College; Monroe St.; Off-Campus Housing; Women's Dorm
Partial Transcript: So you just brought up moving to Chicago for grad school...
Segment Synopsis: Started at DePaul University in Chicago in fall of 2008, right after finishing undergrad. Decided to go to grad school right out of undergrad because the economy had crashed and she didn't know what to do with her life. Had a research assistantship that paid some of tuition. Was in the second cohort of a Women's and Gender Studies Master's program. Chose DePaul because there seemed to be more professors of color and attention to marginalized communities than the other program she looked at. One problem with the program was that there was no attention to getting a job after-- no job talks, etc. Didn't want to get a PhD, and there was no guidance as to what to do after a Master's in WGS.
Keywords: Chicago; DePaul University; Job Counseling; Master's Program; Women's and Gender Studies
Partial Transcript: So, tell me about the research that you were doing for those professors...
Segment Synopsis: The research assistantship involved researching the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Conducted oral histories with the leaders/founders of programs that were part of the ICADV. The professors she was working with were going to publish a book, but Greco doesn't know if anything ever came of the work she did. Also transcribed the interviews, which takes a lot of work!
Keywords: DePaul University; Domestic Violence; Graduate School; Oral History; Research; Research Assistant
Partial Transcript: Was there anything about the program that you did really like?
Segment Synopsis: Had some amazing professors. Wrote thesis on the ineffectiveness of restraining orders in domestic violence contexts. While researching this, Greco had a personal connection to the subject: her mom had a stalker. This was a difficult time. She doesn't think she really took care of herself during this time, instead throwing herself into work. She "was not good at taking breaks," and doesn't know how she got through it.
Keywords: DePaul University; Domestic Violence; Graduate School; Restraining Order; Stalking; Thesis; Women's rights
Partial Transcript: I was part of a Feminist group there, of course...
Segment Synopsis: Was able to find some community at DePaul through a feminist group, with whom she did activism including helping coordinate Take Back the Night. Explains "Take Back the Night" for the record. Hung out with WGS cohort. Sometimes went to concerts-- lists a few that stand out in her memory.
Keywords: Chicago; Chicago PD; DePaul; Feminism; Sexual Assault; Take Back The Night; Women's and Gender Studies
Partial Transcript: Ok, so when we left off in part one we were talking about when you were living in Chicago...
Segment Synopsis: Greco started Guerrilla Feminism when she was living in Chicago after grad school. Started by making placards with feminist messages and leaving them around the city.
Keywords: Chicago; Feminism; Guerrilla Feminism; Sexual Assault; Social Justice
Partial Transcript: And then I wanted to get more people involved outside of just my friend group...
Segment Synopsis: Created a Facebook page for the project as a way to get more people involved. Chose the name partly as an homage to the Guerilla Girls. It began as a way to get people to educate their communities about feminism via posters, and quickly grew internationally. Transitioned to an online space for sharing news, articles, and art. Started an Instagram for GF around 2013, which has also been popular.
Keywords: Community; Feminism; Feminist; Guerrilla Feminism; Guerrilla Girls; Social Media
Partial Transcript: So the Facebook page was initially just me, and then I brought on a friend...
Segment Synopsis: Initially, Greco was managing the Facebook page by herself. Brought in a friend to help, later, decided to create a collective and bring in more people. At one point, there were about 50 branches throughout the country and internationally. Greco managed about 80 volunteers online, which was a lot of work!
Keywords: Collective; Feminism; Guerrilla Feminism; International; Social Media
Partial Transcript: Oh and also during this time Guerrilla Feminism became a registered nonprofit...
Segment Synopsis: GF became a registered nonprofit after Greco received a donation from "some white guy." After a few years, though, the work of running GF became "like a full time job without pay," which Greco was juggling with a full-time job that did pay. Closed the non-profit, turned it into an LLC.
Keywords: Guerrilla Feminism; LLC; Nonprofit
Partial Transcript: So it's back to being just me, which I actually am much more comfortable with...
Segment Synopsis: GF went back to being just Greco, which she finds works better. She'd had issues with bringing people on without knowing them, and figuring out how to manage and collaborate with people remotely. Mentions that tension and infighting tend to be issues in a lot of feminist spaces. These days, Greco spends more time on the Instagram page.
Keywords: Feminist Spaces; Guerrilla Feminism; Social Media; Tension
Partial Transcript: So, it started, you're in Chicago, you're done with grad school...
Segment Synopsis: Greco discusses an Americorp job she had at the time she started GF, working as a literacy specialist with an org. that works with adults with disabilities. Liked the job and the organization, but supervisor was terrible.
Keywords: Americorp; Anixter Center; Chicago; Disabilities
Partial Transcript: So it was while you were working there with your awful supervisor...
Segment Synopsis: GF began with a project Greco started doing by herself, and a few friends later got involved. Had a website for a while. A transphobic lawyer purchased "" to just so Greco couldn't, because GF is trans-inclusive. Greco discusses early iterations of GF, including as an online magazine.
Keywords: Cathy Brennan; Feminism; Guerrilla Feminism; Transphobia
Partial Transcript: So, tell me more about how it felt when it first started to blow up...
Segment Synopsis: Greco had set out to create something beyond herself and the US, so it was really cool that it started to grow so quickly! It was also overwhelming. Chose Facebook as a platform because it seemed like a good way to reach people. Has never been concerned about "getting followers."
Keywords: Facebook; Feminism; Guerrilla Feminism; Online spaces; Social Media
Partial Transcript: So, maybe in the future feminist groups won't have so much infighting...
Segment Synopsis: Discussion of conflicts that made running GF challenging: mainly, TERFs (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists) and SWERFs (Sex Worker-Exclusionary Radical Feminists). GF is trans-inclusive and sex worker-inclusive, but there are some "feminists" (Greco would argue that they aren't really feminists) who don't believe trans women and women who are sex workers should be included.
Keywords: Exclusion; Feminism; Feminist Infighting; Guerrilla Feminism; Problems with Feminism; SWERFs; Sex Work; Sex Workers; TERFs; Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists
Partial Transcript: You've mentioned the word troll, so...
Segment Synopsis: Explains "trolls" versus "cyberbullies." Explains how TERFs and SWERFs reveal themselves, and how Greco decides to block someone.
Keywords: Challenges of Online Spaces; Cyberbully; SWERFs; Sex Work; Social Media; TERFs; Transgender rights; Troll
Partial Transcript: And so, with the international and, just the other branches of Guerrilla Feminism...
Segment Synopsis: International branches of GF and what became of them after GF transitioned from a non-profit to an LLC (and closed the international branches). Some branches, including GF Deutschland, maintained their FB pages and grew into something new. Conflicts with GF Canada. Challenges of maintaining consistency throughout the branches while realizing that things are different in different areas, and branches want to post things that are relevant locally. Monitoring all of the branch pages was exhausting.
Keywords: Facebook; Feminist Spaces; Guerrilla Feminism; International Feminism; Social Media
Partial Transcript: Is there more that you would like to say about Guerrilla Feminism in its early days?
Segment Synopsis: Wrap up discussion of GF's early days. Greco started doing public speaking engagements once GF took off, which was exciting. First speaking engagement was in 2013, as the keynote speaker for an event at University of Rochester.GF also led to opportunities to get paid by Instagram sponsors), and to Greco getting a literary agent.
Keywords: Advertising; Guerrilla Feminism; Public Speaking; Social Media
Partial Transcript: So, you started Guerrilla Feminism, you're in Chicago...
Segment Synopsis: After Americorp job, had a horrible job at a call center (Wyzant Tutoring). Was fired after a few months, and stayed in Chicago trying to find another job for a few months. Left Chicago and moved home to Madison in 2012. Was working at her former high school as a special education assistant when she applied for the job at UW-Madison.
Keywords: Call Center; Career; Chicago; Job Search; Middleton
Partial Transcript: And then I started here January of 2014, so this is the longest I've been at any job...
Segment Synopsis: Started at the Office of the GWSL in 2014. Process of applying/interviewing for job at UW Madison. The position was/is "kind of a glorified secretary position." Positive work environment at the Office of the Gender and Women's Studies Librarian.
Keywords: Feminism; Gender and Women's Studies; Gender and Women's Studies Librarian; Office of the Gender and Women's Studies Librarian; UW-Madison; Work Environment
Partial Transcript: How has the role evolved since you started?
Segment Synopsis: How/whether or not role has evolved. Greco has gotten a few raises due to taking on more work, and more specialized work, including: digital projects, supervising student workers, creating bibliographies and Library Guides ("Lib Guides"). Answers phones and is the first point of contact for visitors to the office. Discusses effort made by Karla Strand to promote GWSL resources to undergrads as well as grad students.
Keywords: Career; Librarian; Library; Office of the Gender and Women's studies Librarian; UW-Madison; UW-Madison Library
Partial Transcript: Tell me more about the bibliographies and library guides
Segment Synopsis: One Lib Guide that has been popular is about Puerto Rican women and forced sterilization. Currently working on a resource guide for survivors of sexual violence at UW.
Keywords: Forced Sterilization; Library Guide; Puerto Rican Women; Sexual Violence; UW-Madison Library
Partial Transcript: What about committees, have you served on any committees?
Segment Synopsis: Climate And Staff Engagement subcommittee of Equity and Diversity committee. Has also served on search-and-screen hiring committees. Co-facilitated a discussion/reading group called "Confronting Whiteness in Libraries" with Karla Strand.
Keywords: "Confronting Whiteness in Libraries"; Climate and Staff Engagement; Library Staff; UW-Madison
Partial Transcript: Tell me more about your work with the Equity and Diversity Committee...
Segment Synopsis: Discusses the work of the CASE committee. Came up with the idea for affinity groups for library staff, then surveyed staff to determine what kind of groups would be useful (for example: University Staff, staff with children, people of color, Black people within the libraries). Also discusses what she might do the same/differently if doing the reading group again.
Keywords: Affinity Groups; Campus Climate; Power Dynamics; UW-Madison; UW-Madison Libraries; University Staff
Partial Transcript: Is there anything else that you would like to say for now?
Segment Synopsis: Wrap up thoughts on Office of the Gender and Women's Studies Librarian. Vision for the future of the Office of the GWSL.
Keywords: Gender and Women's Studies; Office of the Gender and Women's Studies Librarian; UW-Madison Library