00:00:00JOHN TORTORICE: Well, I guess we're in business. So. Well, today is January,
12th 2022. I'm John Tortorice, director emeritus of the Mosse program at UW
Madison, and I'm delighted and honored to welcome Paul F. Grendler professor
emeritus of history, at the University of Toronto, to the Mosse oral history
project. Professor Grendler, received his Doctorate in history, in 1964, under
the direction of George L. Mosse. Thank you so much. Paul, if I may for agreeing
to do this.
PAUL GRENDLER: I'm happy to do it.
JOHN TORTORICE: Great, so we'll start at the beginning. When and where were you born?
PAUL GRENDLER: I was born on May 24 1936. It's a while ago, in a little town
called Armstrong, Iowa population 700 and I'm, my ancestors were really very
modest. My grandparents on my father's side came from Silesia, which is now part
of Poland between sometime between 1880 and 1890. My grandparents on my mother's
side came from Luxembourg sometime between 1890 and 1900. I don't really know
the dates. My parents were really, were not very wealthy. They were really blue
collar etc. one interesting thing about my, both my parents. They both taught
one-room country schools in counties in Northern Iowa, as adults. My father, did
it from 1924 until 1942 that's 18 years and my mother did it from 1926 to 1935.
Neither never had the opportunity to go to university. But you could do this
sort of teaching. If you had an extension course, which is a few weeks of
training in the, in the summer and then they sort of turn you Loose. And my
father stopped doing this in 1942 because it's simply no longer supported a
family. It just didn't earn enough. They married in 1935 and by 1942 they had
two sons and a third child on the way. So he became a school custodian, which
meant that he was in charge of cleaning the school and running the boiler, you
have a boiler license to do that, you know, these gigantic places that burnt
coal to produce steam to heat the building and all that sort of thing. So I grew
up in a whole bunch of small towns. The smallest had 150 people, the largest had
00:03:00a magnificent total of thousand people. And I graduated from high school in
Greene, Iowa has three Es in it, northern part of the state, not too far from
the Minnesota border. It had a population of 1,300 now has a population of about
1,000. I got my high school diploma in 1953. I started college at Loras College
in Dubuque, Iowa. Why Loras College, well, two reasons, first because it was
Catholic and my parents were Catholic. Second the awfully competitive
examination in which the reward was a was free tuition. And so one spring
morning. I went down to Waterloo, a bigger town and along with, about 50, other
students wrote an exam for about 3 hours. And the same thing happened in a half
dozen other places in Northern Iowa and I assume Southern Wisconsin and so forth
and I was very fortunate in that. I was one of the six winners which meant free
tuition. Now free tuition was only, tuition was only three hundred dollars, but
it's still meant a great deal to my parents. I should explain that even when I
was in high school. It was always a given that I and my two brothers would go to
college. I mean, they didn't have the opportunity, but they were determined that
we would. So in addition to going to high school and so forth. I also had jobs
before and after school and later on so did my two younger brothers. So I
started school college, at Loras, the fall of 1953. My parents very sensibly,
thought I should study to become a certified public accountant because I was
very good at math. I didn't want to do that. All I really wanted to do is to
play the piano and I also played the trombone. So I became a music major. And
that seemed to go fairly well. Then my piano teacher and I thought that I needed
to broaden my horizons and go to a Conservatory of Music. And so, I did I played
a tape. I played a Beethoven Piano Sonata and applied to the Oberlin
Conservatory of Music. And to my surprise, they accepted me. So, I left Loras
College in 1956 and began studying at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music in the
fall of 1956. One of the great things about conservatories, is you meet all
sorts of very, very good musicians, young musicians play, all sorts of
00:06:00instruments and you learn very quickly, how good you are not, and I realize, I
really wasn't that good. I didn't have a good ear. That is I didn't have perfect
pitch. I didn't have particularly good relative pitch, either. I realized that
my career would be as a high school music teacher, which is a very honorable
profession, but I didn't think it was for me. I'm not sure. I would not have
been very good at dealing with a bunch of teenagers, leading them in a chorus or
band. So, I transferred to Oberlin College. I wasn't sure what I wanted to
study. It was either history or english. I'd always had an interest in history
when I was in Greene, Iowa in high school, the public library. Got one by one,
the six volumes of Winston Churchill's history of the Second World War and I
read them as it came out. Whole books, even the appendices. I enjoyed it. So I
always had an interest in history. So I opted for history then in my senior year
at Oberlin, George Kren, he by the way, is the first of the three George's I'm
going to talk about George Kren. Was there on a one-year appointment while he
finished his dissertation to substitute for somebody who was on leave and I took
three courses with him. One was a survey of European history in the 19th to 20th
century. Another one was a seminar on historiography, which I enjoyed. And the
third was a reading course in which I did a, I wrote a paper on the clerical
fascist regime of Austria in the 1920s And 1930s. You know that George Kren came
from Austria, I'm sure. And that he and his sister and later the rest of the
family escaped in 1938 and then came to the United States, etc. You probably
know all this. I'm going to say one other thing about Oberlin before I talk
about applying to graduate school. I continued to have jobs all the way through
my undergraduate years, my last two years. I was a waiter at the Oberlin Inn.
Now, they hired about 16 to 20 students to be their waiters, waiters and
waitresses, men and women. And this was part of the operation of their of their
restaurant. What we got were tips. And of course, we pooled the tips. And every
00:09:00year they elected, that is the waiters themselves elected someone to be the
co-head waiter. We had to have two, because always had to be true because the
schedule is so complex, and for my senior year, they elected me co-head waiter
at the Oberlin Inn. I know this sounds crazy. But I'm really proud of that. I
mean I've been president of three scholarly organizations, but I think the one
that meant the most was being elected co-head waiter anyway and my job, by the
way, was to do the scheduling which was sometimes complex. The other thing about
Oberlin, I'm going to mention is even though George Kren was really a historian
of modern Europe, Modern Germany, to be particular. I developed an interest in
the Reformation in my last year or so at Oberlin and this was because at that
time, there was a Protestant, I've forgotten the denomination Graduate School of
Theology on campus with a few graduate students in Theology and they had their
own library, and it was a quiet place to study. So I go over there and study and
the main reading room, their main room really. There are a whole lot of standard
works on the Protestant Reformation and I started reading it and found them
interesting. So I really wanted to study something having to do with the
Protestant Reformation. The other thing about my preparation is this, as I knew
I needed more language preparation and I had two years of Latin at Loras and one
year of French at Oberlin and so, in the summer of 1959, when I graduated, I
stayed at Oberlin for the summer. I worked full-time at the Oberlin Inn that
summer and I took an intense course in German, two hours of the morning plus
homework and all that sort of thing. So that was really my preparation for going
to Wisconsin now. Kren recommended that I go to Wisconsin to study with George
Mosse. I had no idea who George Mosse was and I wasn't bright enough to look up
his works at that time. But George Kren strongly recommended that I go there. I
applied to four or five different places. And I think I was turned down by one
and accepted by two or three others, and I was accepted by Wisconsin and above
all, they gave me a non-resident tuition remission, which meant that I didn't
have to pay a non-resident tuition, and tuition and state resident, which
really, they made it into was really almost nothing. I was very grateful for
that and I'm very grateful that Mosse accepted me. I sometimes wonder why, I
00:12:00have very mixed record to put it mildly, but I assume, it was George Kren's
letter and maybe the Oberlin undergraduate training that got me. Anyway, I got
there. So I arrived at Madison in the fall of 1959. Mosse, did not do a seminar
in the fall semester. So I signed up for Henry Hill's seminar and it was on the
French Revolution. You know, that Mosse and Hill were great friends.
PAUL GRENDLER: And I also took Hill's course. On the, French history of some
sort and that worked out very well. There's some very good historians who did
French history in his seminar, [unclear] they're all very competent. They never,
none of them ever became famous. My introduction to Mosse was in the first of
his four semester sequence. What did he call it? I think he called it the
Cultural History of Western Europe or something like that.
JOHN TORTORICE: That's correct. Yes. The first one I think 1500, Europe in 1500,
something like that. Yes.
PAUL GRENDLER: Which was on the 16th century. Which was what I wanted to study
and they were exciting lectures. He talked about Calvin, he talked about Luther,
he talked about popular piety. He talked about the Baroque synthesis, all of
which was really exciting and very interesting. And he was also really
up-to-date. I remember some time in that first semester. He mentioned Annales
school of French historians. Now, this is 1959 and I'm not sure that many
historians in North America knew what the Annales people were like, but he knew
them. And another small story, at one point he said something about Luther that
I just didn't believe he said, Luther said this or was his influenced by the
mystics or something like that. That this is totally new to me and I said, can
this be right? Does he really know what he's talking about? So at noon when the
lecture was over as they're getting lunch, I dashed over to Memorial Library and
looked up the sources this, in translation, of course. And I discovered, yeah,
he had read the sources. And yes, you could read Luther in this fashion. So
after that, I didn't skip lunch. I took his word for it.
JOHN TORTORICE: So what was Madison like when you arrive there, what was the
recreation of the history Department?
PAUL GRENDLER: Oh, I think it was, I believed it was one of the three or four,
best history departments in North America. One of the reasons why I'm surprised
00:15:00they accepted me and they had some pretty famous people. You can just think of
it. Well, the Americans were very famous. I'm going to jump ahead a bit. Well,
I'll come back to this when we talk about 1967-68. I'll talk to you then about
what Bill O'Neill had to say about the department. But, yes, it was a very
well-known department and the the graduate students that I knew were eager
willing, high speed, whatever term you want to use. It was also the people on
the studies on the left. I didn't know them very well personally, but I knew
they were there and they gave a kind of left-wing excitement to the campus. I
mean, you could get into arguments. Well, we'd like calling them discussion, you
could call them arguments in the Rathskeller on Marxism, what America should do,
the Cold War anytime you wanted to. And so I found it very, very stimulating and
I roomed with a couple of other, at one point 3 other graduate students. We sort
of had a whole floor of a, in an old house on I think was Johnson Street. I
think that entire area was later transformed into university buildings but at
that time there were a number of rooming houses. And one year, I lived with
someone who studying French history with Hill, and two political scientists. So
we had very good discussions. So it was really quite exciting, at least it was
to me, and could I go on to the first semester? The first seminar I had with Mosse?
JOHN TORTORICE: Yes. Yes. Yes, I think talking a bit about what he what he was
like in those seminars and the broad range of students. What kind of what kind
of teacher was he?
PAUL GRENDLER: It was the second semester of my first year there. And it was a
dissertation seminar. That is he had some people were writing chapters on their
dissertation and he's trying to get them finished. Get them pushed through. So
it had a very mixed group of students. Cy Drescher was finishing, writing
chapters on [unclear]. And Sterling Fishman was doing his thesis on the Munich
revolution of 1919. And Margaret Donovan was writing on [unclear]. They were
pretty formidable people actually for a beginning graduate student. And the new
people, newcomers, were Bob Soucy. He already had a master's degree, I think
from Kansas, but he was just starting at Wisconsin and you know, he went on to
write several books on the French fascists in the 1930s. And, um, let me see, I
00:18:00think Stanley Grossman was there. Those are the names that I remember. Eugene
McGee was there. I don't think he ever finished. I'm not sure he ever started
studying with Mosse, but he was in the seminar. And so the papers were on a
practically anything, you can imagine, and the discussion just flew back and
forth, whether it was the Munich Revolution, or Marxist Humanism [unclear], and
then maybe something on the 16th century. It was very exciting. And to be
honest. I was just trying to keep up. And Mosse, this was in his home, of
course, and he served beer, and I think it was someone there who really wasn't
very eagerly drinking beer. And I think Mosse said drink up, it's very
nourishing, drink your beer or something like that. Mosse sort of sat back in
the big chair with his pipe and he would usually choose another student to begin
the discussion. We had to submit our papers in advance. So everyone has a chance
to read the papers in advance. You came primed to discuss the paper and primed
to find fault with it. That was the spirit of it, the idea was that you
presented a paper which tried to say something new. And then the other members
of the seminar would question you and pick apart whatever was missing or didn't
seem right to them. So you're going to defend your paper and Mosse would choose
somebody to start the discussions. You did somebody who we figured knew
something about the topic or maybe just chosen at random I don't know. And we
would go, and it was very stimulating. You learn to defend yourself. You learn
to defend your paper. And I think was very excellent training. I don't know if
it would work for everybody. He said something like this in his memoir, but it
works for the people that I knew and the people that were in the seminar because
I think most of us were fairly self driven. We wanted to impress, of course, in
my case. I knew I had to do well and also get A's if I was to continue graduate
school because I didn't have any money. That was the way it was and I don't know
exactly. Oh. Early on, we knew that as graduate students, not only his students,
but others who knew that he was concentrating his attention on the 19th and 20th
Century, even though he was very well-equipped and very learned on 16th century
reformation and all that sort of thing. We knew at that time, that he really
00:21:00switched his research interests. And you could tell because topics in the 19th
and 20th Century seemed to really excite him a bit more than talking about the
Reformation. I don't know does this help to answer your question?
JOHN TORTORICE: Yes. Well during your time there, Paul. I know that the Culture
of Western Europe was published, that textbook.
PAUL GRENDLER: Yes, published until 1961 right after he finished, in my case,
the four semesters. And so it must have occurred after the four semesters. Cause
the book was not available in the second semester of my second year there
because the, it was all new to us. And when the Culture of Western Europe came
out naturally, I read it and the curious sort of thing, I was a bit disappointed
because the lectures, hearing the lecturers was really more exciting than
reading them. I don't know. I realize that's a common reaction. That was my
feeling and they were perfectly good. They were good in print but it was really
more fun to hear them and see the interaction. Anyway.
JOHN TORTORICE: Well, he was a great teacher as you, well know, he, very, very
challenging and and he made you participate and capture interest. I think he..
education, entertainment to some extent.
PAUL GRENDLER: Another reason that we knew that his interests had switched in my
second year, there. This would be 61 his article in the Journal of the history
of ideas. Entitled, the Mystical Origins of National Socialism. Now, I had to
look up the title, but I remembered reading it when I was there, it came out in
the Journal of the history of ideas. In fact, I first learned of it because
there was a big box of the offprints in his office. You realize, at that time,
TAs didn't have their own offices. So they use Mosse's, I used Mosse's office
later as a TA in the second year, which I'll talk about next. And I saw the
articles there and the offprints and I took one for myself, and read it. So we
knew that his Interest really had shifted his research into the 19th and
especially the [unclear]. And if I remember correctly, the early history of
ideas article was a first go at some of the material that occurred in the, what
what the the Crisis of German ideology, which appeared a few years later. You
00:24:00can probably check this. That's what I remember.
JOHN TORTORICE: So in your field, the culture the Europe in the 16th century
wasn't published until a little later but he had written of course on the
Reformation, Luther. So it, he did have a lot of resonance with the work that
you ended up doing. ,PAUL GRENDLER: Mosse and [unclear], [unclear] and Mosse,
whatever it was on the Reformation was a very good textbook. I never used it in
my courses because it never quite fit because I mostly taught Renaissance and
that's really a book on the Reformation. But it's a good text and we did that
little survey called the Reformation as well. I don't know if I read that, Mosse
and [unclear] came out later. The Reformation thing I think came out, I don't
know if I read at that time or not. Can I jump ahead to Summer of 1960? Oh, I
started my Master's thesis that first year. The only language I could really
handle was French. I went to Memorial Library to the rare book room, Mosse may
have encouraged this, probably did, and they had a good collection of French
historical pamphlets French pamphlets of the late 16th and early 17th century
that dealt with views about the French Wars of religion. This is around 1570s to
about the 1630s, they had good collection of them and I started reading in them
and I came up with a Master's thesis topic, which is on [unclear]. These dates
were 1541 to 1630 and he was a French Neo-stoic, and with a particular slant on
the French War of religion. And the same time, a neo-stoic philosopher. And I
started studying him, and that was to be my Master's thesis topic. And I did my
first paper on [unclear] in Mosse's seminar in the second semester. Another
thing about Mosse as a seminar director, sorry I'm going back and forth a bit.
He really got after us. He would ask in the seminar: have you passed this test?
Have you passed your German exam, etc, etc. At that time, everybody in European
history had to pass a French exam and a German exam and being very bold and
foolish. When I first arrived in the September of 1959, I tried both exams and I
failed both of the exams. So I took a German course in addition, to my other
courses and took german courses the first semester and the second semester to
improve my German. And when he asked around, in the second semester have you
00:27:00passed your german exam. I was happy to say, yes in January of 1960 I passed my
german exam maybe that helped. I don't know. And I passed the French exam, the
following fall. So I really tried to get those out of the way. Now, back to the
summer of 1960, instead of being a good boy and finishing my MA thesis. I had
enough money, barely enough to buy a very cheap airline ticket, that enabled me
to fly I think Chicago to Paris. And I bought a youth hostel pass. And so I
spent the summer of 1960 hitchhiking around Europe, France, Spain, Germany and
above all, Italy, oh and I even got to Yugoslavia, and Italy. And I really loved
Italy. Arrived in Turin. I hitchhiked from Paris on a truck. And I loved it. And
then, I hitchhiked all the way down to Rome, Florence, back up to Venice
etcetera. It was just so exciting because you would simply walk down the streets
and the history is all around you. And, you know, Italian. I knew that I really
wanted to study the Italian Renaissance. I just had immediate empathy for it I
suppose, that's the right term. Couple other things about being that summer. At
that time. Berlin was not yet divided by the wall. This is 1960. However, there
was East Germany and West Germany in order to get to Berlin in your hitchhiking.
I had to find a ride with somebody at the Bavarian border with East Germany who
was driving all the way to Berlin because you couldn't get off the Autobahn. And
so, I found somebody willing to take me there. And so I hitchhiked to Berlin and
at that time. You could go back and forth between East and West Germany. You
could not go to [unclear]. That was outside the city limits. You needed special
permission, which is very, very difficult to get. But there were students from
East Berlin there, and I remember one evening sitting outdoors with some
American students and some students from East Berlin. The street was named
[unclear]. I'll say it was one of those big streets in which the East German
government had, put up large apartment buildings for the workers. In sort of, I
don't know what you call brutalist modern style. We're sitting outside, arguing
the merits of east and west and all that sort of thing in what was pretty bad
German and not perfect English. And I was trying to make the point that the West
00:30:00was freer and the East German students say, oh, no, no, we're totally free etc.
In order to make my point. I raise my voice and started to say Ulbricht ist ein
narr which is Ulbricht, the leader is a fool, and they asked me to be quiet. So
I made my point. I mean, that's the sort of thing we did as students. It seems
kind of foolish now. But it was, it was interesting. It was exciting. Okay, I go
back to Madison second year. I finished my dissertation, but I also became
mosse's teaching assistant for the Western Civ course. And at the very first
meeting, I think about four of us who were TAs. He looked at me and said, you
are the administrative assistant and I said, yes, because Mr. Mosse, I had no
idea what the administrative assistant was. All I knew, is it meant one less
quiz section, which is fine. I learned that what it meant is, you dealt with the
nuts and bolts of the matters. That is one of the TAs has a terrible room, so
it's my job to find him a better room, and all sorts of things like that,
student wanted to transfer from one section to another, and it was interesting.
Of course. I was a TA which meant that I attended the lectures and did my quiz
sections as well. One story from that which you might find amusing, and this
occurred in January, 1961 at the end of the first semester. At that time, the
academic year was different from what it now is. The first semester didn't end
until about two or three weeks into January. And the final exam was really about
the third week in January, give or take. And the exam schedule was announced in
early January, right after the students came back. And Mosse told me, I was
going to office hours the next day using his office that you're going to have a
parade of students who are going to come up with every possible excuse not to do
the exam at the required time. And he said don't give any excuses, don't accept
any excuse they all have to do it at the exact time. I said, yes, Mr. Mosse. So,
I arrived the next day. I didn't know what he's talking about. I was using
Mosse's office and there was a long line down the hallway around the corner,
etc. in Bascom of students lined up to talk to me to ask if they could postpone
the exam. What was going on is there seems to be a culture especially on Langdon
00:33:00street in the Fraternities and Sororities, that if you could skip the regular
scheduled exam and take the makeup exam you'd have a better chance of doing well
because you have a good idea what the exam was. I don't think that's true. But I
think that was the culture. Anyway, I heard every excuse you could imagine. The
student who came in and said, I can't come to the exam. Why not? Cuz my
grandmother's going to die and I say, well that's two weeks from now, how do you
know your grandma's going to die on the day of the exam? I just now she's going
to die. Okay. I said, no, you can't do it. I was there for about 45 minutes
hearing all these excuses. Getting very kind of short tempered. And a young
woman came in. And she says, I can't make the exam on January 20th, and I said,
why not? And she said because I have an invitation to the inaugural ball.
Remember this is January 1961, and I said, hold it. She reached into her purse
and drew out a big white envelope that said the White House on the outside. I
opened it and it said, president-elect and Mrs. Kennedy had the honor of
inviting Jane Smith or whatever it was to the inaugural ball at such and such a
hotel such and such a time etc.. She really did have an invitation to the
inaugural ball. I talked to her, it appears that her father had worked for the
Kennedy campaign in Wisconsin. And as a reward, she and her family were able to
go to Washington for the inaugural celebrations. Well, Mosse said don't accept
any excuses, but I realized this was not a something that a TA should decide. So
I talked to her, I said I'll talk to Professor Mosse and we'll see about this.
So the next day I did, I explained the circumstances. He laughed and said let
her go. It has a coda. One of my jobs was to proctor the final exam, the makeup
exam because even when you say no to all the people who want an extension, you
know can make the exam there always are in the middle of January and Madison a
couple people who catch pneumonia, and that sort of thing. So my job was to
proctor the handful of students didn't make the exam including this young woman
and after it was over I asked her how was the inaugural ball and she just lit
up. It was obviously the most exciting thing that ever happened in her young
life. So that was kind of fun.
JOHN TORTORICE: So you you then were what, the only student really doctoral
student working in specifically, in Italian history at that time? And the topic
00:36:00of your thesis was Anton Francesco Doni, the critic. Did you choose that or was
that George?
PAUL GRENDLER: That was Giorgio Spini.
JOHN TORTORICE: Oh, yes, Giorgio Spini.
PAUL GRENDLER: Yes now. My third year there, 1961-61 Mosse was on leave. And
Giorgio Spini substituted for him the first semester. Giorgio, he was a very
unusual man. Absolutely brilliant historian. Well known famous, in Italy. And he
spoke excellent English. Why? He told me, Spini did, that his father was an
anglophile. So his father insisted that Giorgio and his siblings learn English
when they grew up instead of French, which was the normal language was taught in
the Italian school. Italian schools didn't really teach much English at all. You
learned Italian, Latin. etc., and if you did a foreign language, you did,
usually, Italian [French?]. Or during the fascist era in which he grew up when
he went to high school maybe they would learn German. I don't know, Spini was a
very unusual guy. He was a socialist and that's not unusual, committed
socialist, and he was also a Waldensian, now who are Waldensians? It's a
Protestant group whose roots go back to Middle Ages. I know that's complicated
and I will explain it. But he's a Protestant living in Italy. A very Catholic
country. If you like, religions in Italy at the time were either Catholicism or
Marxism. Well, he was a Marxist, but he was not a Catholic, he was a Waldensian.
And he was an absolutely great historian. He wrote books on the 16th century and
the 17th century and the 19th century. All about Italy, and he wrote a book
about Puritan thought in North America. The title of the book was the autobio-
I'm giving it to you in English rather than the Italian, The Autobiography of a
Young America. It was a study of Puritan thought, especially Puritan historical
thought in the 17th century up to about 1776 and thereabouts, he was absolutely
fascinated with puritan thought, that should ring a bell with you. You remember
the holy pretense.
PAUL GRENDLER: I don't know how Mosse and Spini got together, but they knew each
00:39:00other. I don't know how or why, but one of the reasons is that Spini appreciated
and understood Mosse's Holy Pretense and I think that's how they got together
and Spini praised the book. Actually, I'll add one other thing to this before,
getting on to Spini as a teacher. Because it's kind of interesting. He wrote the
book on colonial America, the Puritans all that, in Italian, it was never
translated into English. But there was a rave review of it in the American
Historical Review. I found out this later and eventually I came I met Winton
Solberg who was a Colonial American historian at the University of Illinois.
Probably the only American historian of the colonial period who read Italian and
he did the review in the American Historical Review of Spini's book. He said it
was a superb book, so that's probably how Spini and Mosse got together. He
substituted for Mosse, and he's a very brilliant lecturer and I was his
assistant as well. Why? Because I was the only student in the department, who
knew anything about Italy. I think I graded papers for Spini. I looked up
references for him because he was doing a textbook on Modern Europe, in Italian.
I checked references for him. I would mail things going the post office. But my
most important job was to help Spini through the maze of a North American
University, I'd meet him in the morning at his office after he'd been at home
for a couple days and his mailbox would be full of pieces of paper and he said
Paul what do I do with this? And so we'd go through the pieces of paper and I
explain this one came from the dean, but you can throw away, or this one is an
invitation to speak from a student group. And I explained what the student group
was and that sort of thing, and he was very grateful and he really did want to
talk to students and he met with a fair number of groups and so forth. He even
wrote a little book after his year in Madison in Italian called America in 1962.
Which had some interesting things to say and it's sort of hinted at the
restlessness of young people from, this is 1962 or thereabouts. Anyway, Spini
gave me the thesis topic of, the topic on Anton Francesco Doni. I should explain
when I came back from Italy after the summer hitchhiking around Europe. In
00:42:00addition to my Graduate Studies and TAship, I also started beginning Italian
courses. And I took an Italian course that summer, that, that fall I did I did
about three-and-a-half to four years of Italian courses. Well, I knew I had to
improve my Italian. This is my last two years at Wisconsin and fortunately I
already had a couple semesters of Italian, making some progress in the seminar
paper I did for Spini was my first crack at trying to understand Doni, and he
was very charitable in my work. What else would you like to know?
JOHN TORTORICE: Well before we move on from from Spini, I once, he said once
that when he was in Madison, he recalled the fierce winds and the huge steaks
but yes.
PAUL GRENDLER: Oh, I want to say a couple other things about Spini which might
interest you. Gian Napoleone Orsini taught in Madison in the Comparative Lit
Department, I think it was and I had a course with him on the Italian
Renaissance. I'm talking Renaissance Literature. And again, he was very generous
with me and my wife Marcella because we were just sort of beginning, at least I
was just beginning Italian. Spini and Orsini got together. They were both from
Italy, Orsini was older. He left after the second World War, he was totally
disgusted with the Italian scene in some way fashion or other, and he was very
distinguished. He wrote a very big book on Benedetto Croce and he wrote a number
of other books. And what I learned indirectly from both Orsini and Spini at one
time or another, is that they were both in the opposition to Fascism. Not the
armed opposition, carrying guns, etc. but in the opposition behind the scenes in
the late 1930s, and in the 1940s except they didn't know each other at the time
and they did different things, I mean Orsini was a courier carrying messages
back and forth from Rome to Milan. Somehow he had reason to go back and forth
and Spini was in Florence. And after, when they'd talk about their experiences
except of course, the both of them told me that they disagreed in politics,
Italian politics Spini was on the left. He was socialist, and Orsini, I think
00:45:00was a bit bit more conservative. So they didn't agree in politics, but they did
agree on a lot of other things. I think. So, it must have been, kind of
interesting to them to get together. Sorry.
JOHN TORTORICE: Yes, so you received your doctorate in 1964, who was on your
committee, besides Professor Mosse.
PAUL GRENDLER: Spini, not Spini, excuse me, George Mosse, Gaines Post. Now
Gaines Post was the medievalist there at the time, distinguished scholar in
medieval law studies, and he was tasked with giving me a course on the Italian
Renaissance except he really didn't agree that the Italian Renaissance ever
existed. He was very much a student of Charles Homer Haskins, now he literally
was. Haskins wrote a infamous or famous book take your choice that said the real
Renaissance was the 12th century and he wrote very disparagingly about the
Italian Renaissance. He said it never really existed, it just repeated what they
did in the 12th century and all that sort of stuff. Gaines Post was really in
that school. So he had to give a course on the Italian Renaissance, which I took
and frankly he was a terrible lecturer and he didn't really believe in the
topic. So he was on the dissertation committee. There was somebody I think from
the Philosophy department, by the way, I did a minor, not in history, but in
philosophy, which meant the history of philosophy and I did four courses on
philosophy. I did a course on medieval philosophy under Julius Weinberg who's
well known, of course, on 19th century philosophers, which we read Marx, and the
others and Schopenhauer, a course on Hegel and I took a fourth course, I forgot
what it was, anyway. I had the bright idea since I'm specializing in the Italian
Renaissance. That I'd love to do a reading course in Renaissance philosophy. So
I gathered together the texts, which I wanted to read, and I went to Professor
Weinberg and said, I'd like to do a course in Renaissance Philosophy as a
reading course with you. I knew he should know this material and he said, no,
you have to get permission from the chair of the department. I eventually
figured out that this was a device to try to avoid reading courses. That's what
I figured out. Anyway, I went to the chair and presented the, my request and the
books I wanted to read in Renaissance philosophy, and he just sneered at the
idea. He said there was no philosophy in the Renaissance. That was a fairly
common idea. The idea was that philosophy jumped from the late Middle Ages to
Descartes, so, there was no real philosophy in the Middle Ages, I'm sorry, in
00:48:00the Renaissance and he denied my request. So, instead, I think I took the course
of Hegel, which was kind of fun, but still, I got my revenge, if you like years
later, I contributed to the Cambridge history of Renaissance philosophy, a very
good volume, which proved I think beyond the dollar, it was 800 pages on what
was Renaissance philosophy. So that's just, the point of all this was the
Renaissance reading wasn't a very big topic in North America. Medieval history
did very well, but Renaissance really was something new, and the people that
created the Italian Renaissance studies in North America were the great German
Jewish refugee scholars. Mosse was one kind of refugee scholar, but he really
wasn't interested in the Renaissance. But the people who created the field were
Hans Baron, who never really held a long-term position in American academic,
academic life, because he has very serious hearing problem, illness, which
caused a loss of hearing used a hearing aid, had problems, but he's wonderful
scholar and everybody read his books. He wrote a very famous book called the
Crisis of the Early Renaissance in 1955. And he was at the Newberry Library. He
also did seminars here in there and so forth. I've actually met him, and then
there was Paul Oskar Kristeller at Columbia University who again came from
Germany via Italy and was a very distinguished Renaissance philosopher and there
was Felix Gilbert who did a book on Machiavelli and Giucciardini. So it's people
like [unclear] in art history, these people like this who created the field. And
I also used too ask a trick question of my students when I did my upper level,
my new senior or third, and fourth year, as they called it, the Toronto course
in the Italian Renaissance, which two political figures inadvertently created
the field or had a huge influence on Renaissance, Italian Renaissance studies in
North America. It's a trick question. And the answers are of course Adolf Hitler
and William Fulbright, because the Fulbright act enabled people like me and many
others of my generation to go to Italy to study, to write our dissertations.
Anyway, that's probably enough about that, but it was..JOHN TORTORICE: That's fascinating.
PAUL GRENDLER: I met Kristeller and Gilbert as well in the course of my career
mostly after I finished my studies at Wisconsin, and they were influential on me
and everybody else because I read their books, I was influenced by what they
thought. Because the first article substantial article I sent to what is now
called Renaissance quarterly, Kristeller read it and said it was okay. And
that's sort of influence and they were very generous young scholars. Sorry. Go ahead.
JOHN TORTORICE: Did you make use of the Newberry Library? When you were doing
your research?
PAUL GRENDLER: Oh, yeah. I went there for my research, for my master's thesis.
And later, I, in 1964, the summer, after my first year, of teaching of
Pittsburgh. I got a fellowship short-term grant really, to spend the summer of
the Newberry libraries in the summer of 1964 before I went off to University of
Toronto. And that's when I met Hans [unclear] because I think he, you know, he's
on the committee, helped me get the fellowship but yeah oh yeah I did use a
Newberry Library. I used it frequently over the years because their collection
in my field was really superb.
JOHN TORTORICE: So that, is there anything else you want to say about the
Madison years prior to getting your first job?
PAUL GRENDLER: Yeah, I will say one thing. This is not, It speaks very well of
Mosse, and the way we looked at him and the care that he took for his students.
I met my future wife, Marcella McMahon in the Calvinism seminar of Mosse. And I
got the Fulbright probably because Spini and Mosse wrote letters my behalf. Now
Marcella had her first two years of study at Madison, which she got her Master's
Degree funded by the Woodrow Wilson fellowships. And she was promised a teaching
assistantship when she would come back, now we got married in the summer of
1962. And I had the Fulbright and we went off to Italy in September of 1962. We
spent a year 1962-63 in Italy which I research my dissertation on Anton
Francesco Doni and Marcella was there as well. And she helped me at times and so
00:54:00forth. We both wanted to come back to Madison me to finish writing my
dissertation for the year 1963-64. And Marcella for her third year of residence.
But, and they gave me offered me an assistant, a TA ship, but they wouldn't give
Marcella a TAship. And the reason was because we were married, we were supposed
to live together on one, teaching assistantship, which, by the way didn't didn't
pay very much. And I'd already borrowed money so the two of us could go to Italy
for my Fulbright year, I think about a thousand dollars. I don't know what, the
Fulbright paid, but it was enough for one person but not enough for two, would
you have developed the very bad habit of eating three meals a day. So I wrote to
Mosse from Italy saying basically help. I explained the situation and said, can
you give me some help? Can you get me a job for the first year while I finish my
dissertation and he came through and I got my teaching, the job as a lecturer
without my dissertation at the University of Pittsburgh. He really was very
thoughtful. He never said anything about the policy, as I understood in any way,
in the department of history, but he went out of his way to help somebody, one
of his students get a job at the University of Pittsburgh for one year. And I
think the fact that Samuel Hayes who was then the chair at Pittsburgh, who Mosse
knew from Iowa, was a chair at Pittsburgh, and Cy Drescher was teaching at
Pittsburgh, probably helped as well. So Mosse was very, very helpful. I mean,
our nick name for people like him. Our being graduate students was we call him a
good provider. He was known. As a graduate director, who worked his tail off, to
help his students get jobs. He really did, you know, something he really appreciated.
JOHN TORTORICE: You know, he once told me that he's basically stopped taking
graduate students in 1972 because he couldn't do what he did for you and so many
others that is, he couldn't place them. And he felt that to put students through
such a rigorous, rigorous, education and not have something at the end for them
to really. So he stopped in 72. He took a few more after that, but it was a very
different time in the sixties in the humanities, wasn't it?
PAUL GRENDLER: I mean, I don't want to put it in loose terms, but practically
everybody who got a PhD got a job at that time. And that sounds wonderful. I
00:57:00mean it wasn't that we were so great. We weren't but there were so many
positions because universities were so expanding. This is true in Canada as
well, I'll talk about that a bit later, I'll go on to 1967-68, if you like.
JOHN TORTORICE: Sure. Yes, that would be great.
PAUL GRENDLER: That was my last year at at Wisconsin. And that was a very
different year. After I'd been Toronto for three years. I applied for a
fellowship to The Institute for Research in the Humanities. I was in the process
of turning my thesis into a book and I thought there would be a good place to do
it. And so I went to, I got the fellowship and I was at the Institute for
Research in Humanities in the academic year, 1967-68. And that was a pretty
exciting year to use an understatement that was when the demonstrations against
the Vietnam War really got started and the demonstrations against Dow Chemical,
you know, that the building to which the Dow Chemical people came was very close
to the old Observatory. And so we saw the students going there, and also the old
Observatory, which was where the Institute for Research in the Humanities was,
was on the route that students took, I think to the Ag building were Harvey
Goldberg was lecturing. So I saw the students going. I, in my study saw all the
students going back and forth to Harvey Goldman's lecture. Anyway, I was there.
It was a very exciting year, partly because the student demonstrations, partly,
because of the people who were at the institute at that time. And this really
speaks to the quality of humanities departments at Wisconsin at that time. The
prominent members of the Institute were Kenneth Setton who was the director who
is a very distinguished medievalist. He later went on to [unclear] study. And
then there was Friedrich or Fritz Solmsen, who was a famous classicist, again,
someone who'd come from Germany and Emmett Bennett was there, again a
classicist. He's one of the people who deciphered Linear B, that was the ancient
Mycenaean script. It was so complicated. I think he also worked in the second
world war decoding Japanese, even though he didn't know any Japanese and
[unclear] in French was there as well. They didn't all show up every day, but
Solmsen and Bennett and Setton were there every day. And we would have bagged
01:00:00lunches together. I was alone that year because Marcella my wife was then in
Florence researching her dissertation. I actually flew there for a long
Christmas break and came back and so forth. But anyway, it was, it was fun. It
was really rubbing elbows with or languages with some pretty distinguished
people. For example, at one point, Setton, who prided himself as being a good
linguist, and he was started speaking Latin at our bag lunches, and he'd go
around asking people questions in Latin and this was easy for. Solmsen and
Bennett to respond. It was not easy for me and the couple of young scholars from
from the University of Wisconsin who had years off with him, but we practically
try to keep up with them and I managed to stammer out, some Latin and I decided
I need to do something about this. So I took the, I immediately enrolled in a
correspondence course in Cicero to try to keep up with these guys. The other
exciting thing was, of course, these were the demonstrations. And at that time,
I had a friend in the department of history Bill O'Neill, William L. O'Neill.
Who later went on to Rutgers and became a pretty distinguished historian of 20th
century American history. Bill was a friend because we shared an office at
Pittsburgh in 1963-64 and now he was at Madison in the Department of History and
he got his degree at Berkeley in 1963 and of course, the student demonstrations
began at Berkeley before they came to Madison and other campuses. And Bill would
sort of fill me in on what had happened at Berkeley, and sort of predict what
was going to happen maybe that Madison as, well. I remember there was one very
climactic, meaning of the entire faculty after the Dow chemical demonstrations,
in which the entire faculty met to discuss what to do. And I think it had to do
with what policies the administration should follow and a kind of referendum on
the Dean, I don't remember all the details. I just remember that the whole
faculty was there. I think we met in one of those big auditoriums and Bill said
why don't you come along? So I did, even though I wasn't a member of the faculty
and Mosse spoke and other people spoke. And it really sort of was memorizing,
memorizing, mesmerizing to understand how these distinguished scholars Mosse and
the others understood what was going on, Mosse understood very well. He gave us
01:03:00a statement and said, you know, this is, you can't deny this is because the war
isn't going to end unless the war ends of something to that effect. Bill O'Neill
also said something else that struck me at the tme, you know, he was a member of
the department. I wasn't a member of the department. Although I was invited to
the department lunches, which they met periodically for the whole department,
but then the untenured would leave and so forth and that's when I left what Bill
said of the time was at that time, there were three leaders on the department of
History, Merrill Jensen, Merle Curti, and Mosse. They basically said if those
three agreed on a policy usually the department would do it. That's all I can
really tell you about how the department operated at that time.
JOHN TORTORICE: That's fascinating. So you, well, let's move on to your career.
You've spent, you spent most of your career teaching at Toronto.
PAUL GRENDLER: The summer of 1964, while I was at Pittsburgh, I was applying for
other positions because the Pittsburgh position was only one year. I knew that,
I was substituting for somebody who was on leave and I got fortunate and I got
the position at Toronto. Oh that reminds me. I defended my dissertation on a
July day in 1964. It was scheduled in advance. It was the day after Goldwater
gave his famous speech at the Republican National Convention in San Francisco
saying, what was his first statement? Can you can you...
JOHN TORTORICE: Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
PAUL GRENDLER: Right, right. Anyway, I'd been up practically all night watching
the convention and so did everybody else on my committee? And I'm pretty sure
that probably helped me in my defense because there were a couple of cracks that
had more to do with Goldwater and current times in the 16th century. So I think
we were all a bit hungover if you don't mind expression. Anyway, I passed. The
University of Toronto. Toronto was undergoing a vast expansion before the 1960s
it was a relatively small University, which taught Canadian history. Maybe one
or two courses in American history. English history, of course, and medieval
history. But they decided to expand and this was under a conservative
government, which realized it was necessary for the good of Ontario for the
01:06:00economy, for the students for everybody. So they're in the midst of a vast
expansion up to that point. All the professors in the department either gotten
their degrees from the University of Toronto or from Oxford or one or two had
gotten their degrees from Harvard. But the pipeline from Oxford had dried up and
there weren't enough Harvardians to go around. So they had to do get people from
United States. Places like Wisconsin and Berkeley and Ohio State and so far, my
predecessor was an English scholar who went back to England after a year or two
at Toronto, and decided to stay in England. So, they need an Italian Renaissance
historian. I applied for the job, and I got the position. And what I basically
did is teach in the Toronto equivalent of the Western Civ course, I lectured
from on the periods in 1500 to the present something like that. I taught an
upper level or another course team taught on early modern Europe from 1400-1815
and I did a course on the Italian Renaissance and frequently I did a course of
my own choosing. I did a course on the history of censorship. Which is an
outgrowth of a book that I did and that was a fun course. That was for what we
call third and fourth year students, in American University, was junior and
seniors. And, of course, I did a graduate seminar and took students in the
Italian Renaissance. It was a very good department and had some very good
friends in it. They had, it was very large department that time. The largest
part was Canadian history of course, small American history, department, a very
large European history starting the Middle Ages onwards and there was a good
friend of mine, a colleague, who did Spanish history, and another colleague who
really was supposed to a Frenchist but with also did Portuguese history and was
fluent in Portuguese. And we used to get together and discuss things like what
was going on in Italy, you know, this is a period of all sorts of things,
demonstrations and outbreaks and the red brigades and so forth in Italy in the
1970s and was a period in which Spain, almost reverted to Fascism in 1975. And
then there was Portugal. So we discussed these things, we had sort of a little
club. It was also a period in which the University of Toronto press or rather,
the people doing Renaissance studies. Mostly outside the history department
01:09:00embarked on something called the collected works of Erasmus, which is a gigantic
enterprise, which is now public something like seventy five volumes of Erasmus'
works in translation, and I was part of that. So it was a very exciting period.
My graduate course was in Italian Renaissance studies. And the idea is that they
hired all these young people being from the United States in order to make
Toronto, a really important graduate center study in history for the country of
Canada. And I had six students who finished their degrees in Italian Renaissance
history under my direction. and at one point, four of them, taught Italian
Renaissance, in English, Canadian universities. And one of them eventually took
my position when I took early retirement in 1998, and I had a couple of American
students and one of them now teaches in John Carroll University and the other
was an American Jesuit. Who now teaches in the Jesuit university it's called
[unclear] University in Rome. One of the reasons, he's also the vice Rector. One
of the reasons is, he's very good at languages. He speaks English, fluent
Italian, and fluent Spanish, which is ideal for the kind of studies he does.
They all ended up being publishing scholars, some much more than others. This is
really the product of their determination and their intelligence and their hard
work. But I tried to help and I learned from Mosse basically, once a good
student comes up with the dissertation topic, you help, but you get out of their
way and then you try to help find them jobs and that I learned from Mosse and as
I said it had more to do with them than with me, but they managed to do it. It
got very difficult later on and I used to have a speech that I would tell
students when they came to me and said, I want to study Italian Renaissance and
graduate level. I said I would say to them yes, that's fine that's wonderful do
it, if that's what you really want to do for the next four or five years more
than anything else in your life, but don't count on any job in the academic
world afterwards because it's just terrible if you still want to do it, okay.
Know what you're getting into. And a couple of them did get into it, and did
find jobs before it was difficult. So, I greatly understand more, what Mosse did.
JOHN TORTORICE: I think it now, it's very difficult as you know, it's really
unfortunate. Well, let's get on to your research interests and what you've
published in and the kind of larger questions that you explored in your
research, over your lifetime.
PAUL GRENDLER: Well. My first book was really an expansion of my dissertation.
My dissertation was on Anton Francesco Doni. The book was called critics of the
Italian world and involved three authors, Doni, Ortensio Lando, and Nicolb
Franco, all of whom were sort of critics of the Italian world of the 16th
century. They didn't like humanism. They criticize Catholicism at the time. They
didn't like the social structure. And it turned out they wrote book after book
in vernacular in Italian rather than in Latin which appealed to a popular
audience. In a way, I learned a bit from Mosse, remember in his early years in
his later years. He was fascinated by the study of second-rate intellectuals
because they really tell you what the people are thinking about or following
etc., in the way Doni, Lando, and Franco were the equivalent of the kind of
second rate intellectuals in Germany that were part of Mosse's studies. And so I
studied them and wrote a book on on them. The reaction was kind of curious. The
American reviewers, didn't know what what I was doing. They didn't really
understand what I was doing because these people weren't important literary
figures. So the Italian literature people didn't understand it. And the people
in history said why study these guys? The Italian reviewers understood perfectly
well what I was doing it became a pioneering work and now there's a whole
industry thanks to the internet and so forth of there are now critical editions
of all the works that I scrambled to find copies of in the libraries and
sometimes I would buy a copy of 16th century editions. That was the first book.
The second book was a study of, the title is, let's see if I can remember it,
The Roman Inquisition and the Venetian Press 1540 to 1605. I was absolutely
fascinated with the vernacular press, I want to learn more about it. So I
started working in the Venetian archive because this was the most important
publisher of books in Italy. It was about the biggest publisher in Europe, with
01:15:00the exception of Paris in the 16th century. So I start looking in the archive
for references, documents about the press and how they chose authors, and what
the relationships with all, I didn't find much, but I did stumble onto the
archive, of the Roman Inquisition in Venice, the records were there in Venice,
rather than in Rome. And I found them absolutely fascinating. No one had really
begun to study these records before. And so I wrote a book on the Inquisition.
My question was, how effective was the Inquisition. I'm sorry. The index, the
inquisition was really the, the enforcement agent for the index of prohibited
books. I really was on the index and the Inquisition, my question was, How
effective was it in practice? Then it keep out Lutheran books. Did it wall off
Italy from scholarship and learning that was protestant-oriented? or was
protestant oriented but didn't really have much to do with religion from the
rest of Europe. And my conclusions were that it was a very mixed bag. Sometimes
the the index and the inquisition were effective. They did stop a lot of
products and books from entering Italy, but it was never totally effective, I
mean, this was Italy after all. And at the same time, it did not block off Italy
from learning about developments in medicine and law and biology. Everything
else, Italian professors did get books that were written by Protestants in
northern Europe, they did get them into Italy. So it was really a case study of
how in practice the index and inquisition worked. And here, this is really part
of what I tried to do my entire life as a scholar. And, again, there's some
connection with Mosse. What I tried to do is to start with a question. Why did
this happen? Now, what usually happens is they start with a very bad, general
question, but as I get better, I start to come up with better questions. I come
up with more refined questions getting more getting into the details. The other
thing I try to do. Is I try to go to the original sources whether they're
printed sources or archival sources as soon as possible. I don't spend a lot of
time reading the secondary literature in advance. I do a little bit of it, but I
try to get into the original sources as soon as I can. So I'll start with a
01:18:00fresh eye, with a fresh mind. I won't be influenced too much, by whatever is in
the secondary literature and then when I know my way around and begin to
formulate hypotheses, then I'll go back to read the secondary literature and I
usually do it in a hurry, because I now know what I'm looking for and what isn't
very useful to me. So I gradually find my thesis or my argument. And when, I
keep looking for evidence. And what I find more evidence, that seems to fit my
hypothesis. I know I'm on the right track. If I find evidence for that's
archival or by somebody what someone's written in the time, and it doesn't fit.
I have to go back and adjust my hypothesis or maybe discard it. Eventually I get
to the point where I'm pretty sure of what I know when I have to write it up in
a way that everyone else can understand. There's some then some of Mosse in what
I do. I think I think Mosse also approached scholarship in terms of questions.
You know his work better than I do. You can probably correct me if I'm wrong on
this. I think of something like that. Mosse also had a great sense of curiosity
and imagination. Mine doesn't begin to compare with his but I try to have some
curiosity and some imagination. Nothing. Nothing compared to his. But I think
that also matters. Ah. My second book. The English language audience people
Scholars of America, Canada and England liked it very much, the Italians hated
it. Why? Because at that time, appeared in 1977. Italian scholarship was very
much dominated by Marxism and anti-clericalism. And there was very much the
ideal that the counter-reformation really shut down Italy. It walled-off Italy
from becoming modern that it really shut down. Is the cause of all of modern
Italy's ails in the modern world ever since, now there's some truth to that, but
it's vastly exaggerated. So they didn't dislike my book because it didn't prove
that thesis, in fact, it sort of said the opposite, but it was very mixed bag.
I'm happy to say, oh, when I did the book on the Venetian press, what I wanted
to do was I wanted to use the Inquisition archives in Rome so I but they were
closed. So I went to Rome and I sort of asked around in the Vatican library and
the Vatican archives and so far. Well, are they open? And of course, they
01:21:00weren't open to scholars. What I was told was you have to get a cardinal to help
you get access. Who can make intervention etc for you. Well, unfortunately, I
didn't know any Cardinals. Still don't know any Cardinal. So I didn't do it.
Eventually under the Pope John Paul II. Not my favorite pope but he did do this.
He did open up the archive of the Roman Inquisition, which has a new name and it
has been rushed by Scholars, and now all sorts of books, it appear as a result
of the scholarship. Now that the Roman Inquisition archives are open and I'm
happy to say while not everybody agrees with my book of 1977. A lot of the
scholars Italians and others say I had some of the things right, that it would
did end up being a kind of a bureaucratic exercise and it wasn't totally
effective. And there were exceptions. Anyway, third book. This came about, as a
result of the schooling that our son had in years 1970-72. I had two, I had two
years off with a bunch of fellowships, including [unclear], and [unclear], so
forth. I had two years off and I spent it in Florence at [unclear], which is a
Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance studies. Now at that time
Peter, our son was aged five, and he spent two years in an Italian School. Doing
Prima and Seconda, first and second Elementary School in Italian, his was very
good. And my wife's Italian was very good, better than mine. Anyway when I
looked at his notebooks and when he told me about what the school is like I
realized at the time schooling was different from North American schooling and I
came up with an idea what was going like in the Renaissance? This is a new idea
because while we knew a lot about theory of Education, humanistic pedagogical
treatises. We didn't really know anything about what went on in the classroom.
We didn't even know how many classes are were and who the teachers were? Was
there public, free education. We knew nothing of this. So I started looking for
that sort of information and I'll spare you the details. By that time, I was a
really thorough archival historian and I started in Venice and working some of
01:24:00the archives. I started to find information. And I put together a big fat book
of about 500 pages which try to explain all this the title is Schooling in
Renaissance Italy: Literacy and Learning 1300 to 1600. And it tried to answer
these questions. I was able to answer some questions, who the teachers were, how
many boys went to school, the difference in boys and girls schooling, what they
learned in school, what textbooks they studied, all that sort of thing. And that
book was a success. It was published in 1989, is translated into Italian. It won
a prize and I'm happy to say is still in print, in real print. Now how many
years later it's sold over 4,000 copies which is, you know, pretty good these
days and it's still in print and it's probably been my best known book. The next
book, leaving aside collections of articles, was about Italian Renaissance
universities. I think the title is the universities of the Italian Renaissance.
And that started in a curious way, it appeared in 2002. I mentioned Paul Oskar
Kristeller, one of the great German Jewish refugee scholars, who came in North
America and taught at Columbia. Kristeller had the idea of writing a book on
Italian Renaissance universities, very early in his career, as early as the
1940s. He was never able to get around to doing it. He finally persuaded one of
his students to do the book instead. His name was Charles Schmidt. Who's a very
good friend of mine, Charles and I met in Italy in 1962-63, when we were both
fulbrighters. And then he later on became a very distinguished scholar of
Italian Renaissance universities and Italian Renaissance philosophy and so far
and he taught most of his career in England. He persuaded Charles to write the
book. Charles had already done some studies on Renaissance universities in the
teaching of Science in them and so forth. And the last letter, he wrote to me
came from London where he was teaching at the Warburg institute the University
of London. He said I'm going to start the book on the universities now, this is
April 1986. But first I have to go off to the university of [unclear] and give
some lectures. He went there. And he collapsed and died. Probably of a heart
attack. He was only 53 and it was a great loss to me, I mourned him. Okay, time
01:27:00went on. This is April 1986. And suddenly in the middle of July one night. I got
a telephone call from Kristeller. He never telephoned me again. He never
telephoned me before. I don't know if you knew Kristeller, I won't try to
imitate him, but he still had a strong German accent and he's very forceful room
and he started off by saying "you must write this book on Italian Renaissance
universities." I said, huh? What are you talking about? And he said it's a very
important book, Charles died. You know the field, you should do it. I said, I
only promised to consider it. I was really quite taken aback. But the more I
looked at it. The more I thought, why not? Is an important topic. Yep, never
been done before. That's true. And also I can rescue Italian Renaissance
universities from the medievalists. Most of the history of universities dealt
with medieval universities, especially Northern Universities, such as Paris, but
Italian universities were different. I knew that already and they were very
different in the medievalist kept trying to fit them, in as far at they paid
attention to Italian renaissance universities at all into the northern Paris
model. Which I didn't think worked. So I agreed to do the book partly in memory
of Charles Schmidt. And I finally finished it in 1999. And I dedicated it to
Kristeller and Charles Schmidt because Kristeller had also died in 1999 and it
appeared in 2002 and it's still in print, still doing well. It's a big fat book.
It's never been translated into Italian partly because it's probably too big and
I think that's the book which I'm second best known for. If I can mention one
other thing I will, I won't mention the other books.
PAUL GRENDLER: That's the Encyclopedia of the Renaissance. This. The idea came
up from Scribner's reference books, which no longer exists. I'm sorry to say
they've been gobbled up by one of the conglomerates. Scribner's reference books,
produced the dictionary of the Middle Ages in 15 volumes I think. Wonderful
work, in the 1970s and they did the dictionary of scientific biography 16
01:30:00volumes, which is still a standard work. And they came up with the idea of doing
an encyclopedia of the Renaissance and 1990s. They obviously needed help. So
they went to the Renaissance Society of America and ask for them to co-sponsor
it, and they asked the RSA board to recommend some Renaissance Scholars, who
might be the editors in Chief. And so, the Renaissance Society of America, of
which I'd been a former president. Recommended other Scholars, very
distinguished people. And at various times when we had to go to New York, we met
individually with the people from Scribner's. I did it one time when I was on my
way to New York and we had a good meeting in the airport etc. Time past, things
I thought were shelved. I forgot all about it, then suddenly they came back in
1995 and said, we're going to do the encyclopedia of the Renaissance, we'd like
you to be the editor-in-chief. And I gulped, they said, and the RSA will be the
co-sponsor, and it also made some money for the RSA and we always needed money.
So I agreed to do it. And it turned out to be a fascinating experience. I worked
with with some very professional people with Scribner's, including one of them
Steven Wagner, who was a managing editor, who became a very good friend. And my
job was to coach a very good board, Advisory Board, which I did do everybody
from English literature to economics to what have you? I did do one innovation
from previous encyclopedias. I insisted on somebody from Jewish studies in the
Renaissance because they were very important. I knew that field a little bit and
so I got together a very good board of about 10 to 12 people. Are we started
working and we put together a table of contents and got people to contribute.
And we ended up with something like six hundred and forty authors in about 1,150
or whatever articles. Strictly limited. I mean the our longest article was about
ten thousand words and the smallest was about 500 Words and we tried to cover
everything beginning with Petrarch going up through Milton. Basically the the
01:33:00chronological period varied a bit because you have to make adjustments according
to the the country, when it's Italy or Germany, or whatever, and American
university curriculum. If you're in English literature, the Renaissance goes up
to Milton. If you're in French literature, it really stops at about early 17th
century, in Italy you stop about 1600 as well. So you have to make those
adjustments. We wanted it to be useful to students, to the general public, and
to scholars, who are looking for important, useful, beginning information on a
topic that is not theirs. That is the scholar of French literature, can go to
the Encyclopedia of the Renaissance, get a good introductory article on
Machiavelli, for example, or vice versa and I think we achieved success in the
end, we came up with six volumes. We had some scares and everything else about
scholars, who didn't come through, we had to get last-minute replacements and so
forth, but it came out at the end of 1999, my copy arrived on Christmas Eve of
1999. And it was a great commercial and critical success. It has sold well over
7,000 complete sets and I don't know how many individual volumes and they'll now
sell for over a thousand dollars. And the reviews were excellent. And it one a
couple of prizes including the big one which is the medal, I forgot what it's
called, the medal for the best Reformation work in a year published in in the
United States in any field. And as I said, I got to work with some wonderful
Scholars and so forth. I'm really proud of that. It was an adventure. It was an
experience and it really kept the development and flourishing of Italian
renaissance studies in the United States, that really started really in the
1950s, the great Jewish emigre scholars.
JOHN TORTORICE: Well, I'm going to have to take a look at that those volumes
when I'm next at the University libraries in Madison. I assume they're not online...
PAUL GRENDLER: They're not online. I wish they were. But what happened after,
Scribner's was bought by another conglomerate which was bought by another
conglomerate and everything was cut into pieces, and I think I know who owns the
copyright now, but it's never appeared on online. And I think I know why. We had
01:36:00a lot of illustrations in that book in those six volumes. And you had to get
permissions and pay money for every single permission, for every single
illustration. But it's only for the printed volume, printed volumes. If you're
going to put it online and you want it to be Illustrated, I think it has to be
Illustrated. I think you have to go back to the firms from which we got the
permissions and pay them again. To be very cross about it. I think, and they
also have to come back to me because they have to renegotiate the contract with
me. And probably with RSA. I think the reason why hasn't been put online is the
current owners of the copyrights haven't figured out how they can make money on
it. That's what I think, Now, you can't get any information. I tried a couple of
times. I don't really know what's happening. I wish it could be online. That's
all I can tell you.
JOHN TORTORICE: It's a very difficult onerous process to try to track down all
of those. And yes, I could see where that would...
PAUL GRENDLER: Well, the publisher, whoever it is now owns the rights of the
individual articles because when you write for an encyclopedia article, it's
called, there's a particular term for it, but what it means is, you assign your
rights as author to the publisher. Now, you don't do that when you publish a
monograph normally, with a, with the university press, but that's what
commercial presses do, which means they can do with it, whatever they want to.
But the contract also says, they have to come back to me. They have to come back
to RSA, and of course they have to pay to get permission to use the same
illustrations. That's what I think the holdup is, I don't know this for certain.
JOHN TORTORICE: Well, the whole publishing industry has changed so radically,
it's unbelievable.
PAUL GRENDLER: Oh, has it ever.
JOHN TORTORICE: I think we're coming up to the end of our time here. We are
running out of tape. But is there anything else you'd like to say before we end?
PAUL GRENDLER: Well, I'd like to say this, I don't do the kind of History Mosse
does, but boy, he certainly has had an influence on me. I wouldn't be the
historian I now I am, if it were not for him.
JOHN TORTORICE: Well, thank you so much. Professor Grendler. That was
extraordinary. Please stay on. I'm going to stop the recording now, but please stay.