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00:00:00 - Name Check and Interview Introduction 00:00:52 - Professional Background and History with UW System

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LEH: So I guess I'll just start with the first question, which is what brought you to the UW System

Segment Synopsis: Discusses background as a first-generation college graduate and graduate of UW Madison, and background with previous applications to the UW System/interest in joining the System. Talks about reputation within the System and previous jobs/strengths.

Keywords: UW System; administration; budget; communications; non-traditional student; public service

00:04:00 - Background with State Agencies, Public Perceptions, and Budgets

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Partial Transcript: LEH: What you're talking about with having the strengths of that background

Segment Synopsis: Talks about previous experiences with managing in emergencies and state policies, and knowledge of state budget. Talks about seeing things from the perspective of the public, and importance of getting through budget after large funding cuts. Talks about funding and "slush" funds, and dealing with perception of UW budget.

Keywords: UW System; budget; communications; public perception; state government

00:09:00 - Roll Out, Reporting of, and Initial Communication of Restructuring

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Absolutely, um... yeah I guess that sort of brings us a little into restructuring

Segment Synopsis: Discusses goal of restructuring from her end as explaining why restructuring was necessary, the benefits, and compiling materials for stakeholders. Discusses call from reporter at Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and request for a comment, and feelings surrounding reporting of restructuring. Talks about importance of communication from within and planned announcement, as well as discussion surrounding enrollment declines.

Keywords: UW System; communications; enrollment; restructuring; staff; staff culture; timeline

00:13:57 - Communicating Need for Restructuring and Background of Restructuring

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Sort of with that original plan, what were the like discussions

Segment Synopsis: Talks about process of entering higher education as a professional, perspective from outside of state service, and importance of explaining loss of funding. Discusses what funding was meant for and importance of understanding financial/enrollment struggles. Talks about discussion around UW System as a whole, and differences in recruitment for increasing enrollment.

Keywords: UW Colleges; UW System; budget; communication; enrollment; higher education administration; recruitment; restructuring; staff culture

00:23:28 - Discussion of Perception of Higher Education and Restructuring

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Yeah, I just, I don't know, we didn't even have a lot of recruitment

Segment Synopsis: Discusses perception of UW System as an "ivory tower" of higher education, and difference in perspective between the private sector and public institutions such as the UW System. Talks about importance of UW System campuses, and perception of restructuring in other sectors as "common" and not controversial. Talks about difference in tone due to leaking of story.

Keywords: UW Madison; UW System; higher education; higher education administration; public perception; recruitment; restructuring; staff culture

00:30:44 - Faculty and Staff Reactions to Restructuring and Communications Goals

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LEH: Yeah did you find, after the project had started that

Segment Synopsis: Talks about recalling people wanting more faculty involvement and more of a faculty review process, and fear that process might result in loss of time and ability to take action. Talks about need for consistency on issues and communication on roll-out of project across/between campuses. Discusses initial discussion surrounding name changes for former UW Colleges campuses, concerns over layoffs, and data surrounding UW Colleges/UW Online.

Keywords: UW Colleges; UW System; branch campus; budget; communication; demographics; faculty; naming conventions

00:39:03 - Discussion of Changes in Higher Education

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Partial Transcript: SM: And that's I mean I know this is maybe perhaps

Segment Synopsis: Talks about discussion in restructuring process as surrounding delivery of coursework and changes in higher education. Discusses sustainability of higher education.

Keywords: UW System; academic affairs; higher education; restructuring

00:41:54 - Communication Needs with Individuals Within and Outside of the UW System

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LEH: Yeah I guess so sort of like how do you deal with

Segment Synopsis: Discusses workflow and monthly meetings, calls with other communications officials, and need for consistency in messaging. Talks about need for reminding people about why the process was occurring and the goals of the project in serving students. Discusses importance of understanding students and keeping goals of the UW System in mind.

Keywords: UW Colleges; UW System; UW System mission; communications; marketing; messaging; restructuring; restructuring goals; students

00:50:51 - Demographics, Public Perception, and Communicating Information

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Alright so let's see.. so I guess there are a couple of other questions

Segment Synopsis: Talks about previous work looking at demographics within the Department of Health Services, within other sectors of government aside from higher education. Discusses perceptions, shutting down misperceptions, and creating a website with information. Discusses publishing of decisions and discussions surrounding decisions, and importance of communicating specific information and how/why decisions were made. Talks about this in the context of changing campus names.

Keywords: UW System; communications; demographics; naming conventions; public perception; public service; restructuring

01:00:05 - Final Thoughts

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LEH: Alright I guess that's pretty much all of my questions

Segment Synopsis: Talks about importance of higher education for herself, higher education as a whole, and importance of and belief in the UW System.

Keywords: UW System mission; communication; higher education; non-traditional student; restructuring

01:05:56 - End of May 26th 2020 Interview Session