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00:00:00 - Stanley Payne discusses his research program during his early career at UW. He completed books on the Spanish revolution and the history of Spain and Portugal. 00:08:58 - He describes some of the major personalities in the history department in the early 1970s, including John Leddy Phelan, Kemal Karpat, and Robert Frykenberg. 00:12:50 - SP feels that he truly learned Spanish history when he began writing his two-volume history of Spain and Portugal. 00:16:42 - He organized a conference group on modern Portugal that placed Portuguese studies on the map in the US. 00:23:51 - He talks about the UW Spanish department. 00:25:49 - SP commences to give an overview of the evolution of his research interests. He gained an international reputation on the strength of his first two books. During his research on the Spanish revolution, he realized that the Spanish leftists had abandoned democracy to a greater extent than he had supposed. 00:29:02 - In the early 1970s he wrote a book on early Basque nationalism. 00:30:12 - His project during the late 1970s was to conceptualize an interpretation of European fascism. 00:31:05 - During his chairmanship of the history department, he wrote an overview of Spanish Catholicism. 00:31:47 - Stanley Payne continues to discuss the development of his research interests over the course of his career. In the mid-1980s he worked on a general history of the Franco regime. In the late 1990s he wrote a complete history of Spanish fascism. 00:34:39 - He does not consider his books to be strikingly revisionist. 00:35:42 - The successful democratization of Spain after Franco compelled SP to think about why the first Spanish attempt at democracy failed in the 1930s. He generated several books on the topic of the Second Republic. 00:37:17 - His book on Spanish communism 1931-39 provided the first full account of Soviet intervention in the Spanish Civil War. 00:39:40 - SP discusses his revisionist interpretation of the breakdown of Spanish democracy before the Civil War. The revival of polemical views of the Civil War in contemporary Spanish politics has elevated his role as a public intellectual. 00:42:40 - He and George Mosse frequently discussed their shared interest in European fascism. He talks the analytical issues involved in the study of fascism. Mosse encouraged him to write a history of fascism. 00:49:06 - SP discusses the use of the word “fascism” in contemporary political discourse. 00:51:29 - He describes the political climate on campus in the late 1960s. SDS activists disrupted one of his courses in late 1969; three of the activists were arrested, leading to the decline of radical politics on campus. 00:51:57 - The Sterling Hall bombing traumatized student activists and made 1970-71 a more tranquil year.