Partial Transcript: I gave you a list of questions, and we're going to go right from the top.
Segment Synopsis: Moved to Madison from St. Louis for the progressive community and strong public schools. Had worked at Washington University in St Louis, and was looking for another job in higher education. Applied as Assistant Dean of the Law School.
Keywords: Assistant Dean; Madison, WI; UW Law School; UW-Madison; Washington University (St Louis); higher education jobs
Partial Transcript: So, since you mentioned your previous work, one of the questions I sent to you was the difference between-- or maybe I didn't...
Segment Synopsis: The difference between working in law and working in medicine. BP had been an administrator in pediatric care, then biochemistry and biophysics. Medical research is more grant-driven, and the research is more hands-on. Had been teased about moving from medicine to law, but she has found that the Law School has many public service and interdisciplinary projects to be proud of.
Keywords: Assistant Dean; Center for Patient Partnerships; Human Resources; Innocence Project; Professor Alta Charo; Professor Keith Findley; UW Law School; Washington University of St Louis; bioethics; family law; grant funding; higher education administration; interdisciplinary; legal aid; legal research; medical school administration
Partial Transcript: So Bethany, the next question was, you know, what led to your work or research interests...
Segment Synopsis: Describes why she enjoys her work at the law school. The school is small and centralized, and she gets to do a lot of different things. Has a math degree, and considers her job like solving an algebraic equation, with a human element.
Keywords: UW Law School; budget; built environment; higher education administration; human resource; problem-solving
Partial Transcript: I think you sort of answered this, but these next few questions coming up will be sort of directly asking.
Segment Synopsis: Describes her job first as pushing paper, but is more like CFO, HR director, facilities manager, and IT supervisor all in one. Day-to-day, she meets with many different staff and faculty to strategize their individual projects and issues.
Keywords: academic staff; budget; contract negotiation; facilities management; higher education administration; human resources
Partial Transcript: How does one learn or what sort of training does one get to do what you do?
Segment Synopsis: Was not given much instruction, but has moved up through different job titles. The UW HR department is developing a community of practice to improve HR competency throughout the university. Success in HR requires experience, good mentors, and networking with other campus offices.
Keywords: budget; communities of practice; education administration; human resources; networking; private university; public university; soft skills
Partial Transcript: You talked about good mentors along the way. I wonder if you have examples of good mentors here.
Segment Synopsis: Her deans had different styles, but each was supportive of their staff members. Steve Lund has been a good mentor in HR, on how to bend the rules appropriately to help people. Academic staff is meant to support students and faculty.
Keywords: Steve Lund; academic staff; budget; higher education administration; human resources; leadership; management; support staff
Partial Transcript: The next question is about technology and how technology has changed your work.
Segment Synopsis: Has overseen IT departments in various jobs. Has had to learn more about technology in order to manage and properly budget for IT. Has had robust email for work since 1987. Email has changed expectations for immediate communication, but it can be less thoughtful or personal. Interviewer TR notes how wireless internet is even more immediate. BP encourages her team not to check work email on the weekend.
Keywords: IT; budget; cyber-security; email; higher education administration; information technology; wireless internet
Partial Transcript: The other part of administration - or another part of administration - is just what you alluded to, supervising people.
Segment Synopsis: Had no supervisory experience in her first administrative experience. Anecdote about an early job interview. Has sought professional development in supervising. It's easier when you control the hiring and choose the right people. The goal is to recognize people's talents and maximize them. Describes a continuum of management, from strict to lax, and she prefers staff to do the tasks they are best at. When hiring new staff, the team collaborates on how to redistribute work based on their strengths and opportunities. Most of her staff is very new right now.
Keywords: higher education administration; management; professional development; supervision
Partial Transcript: Have you been or were you involved in academic staff governance or groups?
Segment Synopsis: Worked as limited staff (LTE), and did not think she was eligible for governance. Has served on campus committees, including the Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI). UW-Madison, as a fully public school, allows the staff to have a lot of impact on governance, compared to private universities.
Keywords: Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI); LTE; private university; public university; university governance
Partial Transcript: The-- The specific event that happened, sort of the historical, global event that happened during your time on campus was September 11th, 9/11/2001.
Segment Synopsis: Was not at UW during 9/11, had been recruited to a job in Portland, Oregon at the time. Anecdote about a UW faculty member who had a brother who died in the attack. 9/11 gave her clarity about wanting to return to Madison.
Keywords: 9/11; September 11th; UW-Madison
Partial Transcript: You talk about how it made you want to come back and, I think how you phrased it was sort of made you think about what you wanted to do when you came back...
Segment Synopsis: BP's predecessor at the UW Law School had dealt with updating the technology, wiring for internet, supplying office computers, but he had more problem dealing with staffing and human resources. After 9/11, BP realized that bureaucratic problems and clashes in personality were not insurmountable. UW-Madison, as a large public institution, makes changes incrementally.
Keywords: 9/11; September 11; UW Law School; computers; higher education administration; human resources; internet; management; supervision; technology
Partial Transcript: I wonder if you can tell us the story behind receiving the Academic Staff Excellency Award
Segment Synopsis: Was nominated by the dean, faculty, and colleagues. Got to read the nomination letters, which was the most moving experience. Attended the reception, and made a short speech. Her former dean returned for the ceremony.
Keywords: Academic Staff Excellency Award; chancellor
Partial Transcript: Yeah, we have a couple minutes. It's the legacy question. I don't know when you're retiring...
Segment Synopsis: Hopes to be remembered as someone who was supportive, who made the teaching, research, and service possible. She keeps an open door and listens to problems, even when she can't make changes.
Keywords: academic staff; faculty; higher education administration