Partial Transcript: IL: Alright, that leads perfectly into...
Segment Synopsis: Carla Raatz (CR) grew up on small farm between Mt. Horeb and Verona. She participated in extracurricular activities, was popular, and worked. CR wanted to be a math teacher.
Keywords: Mt. Horeb, WI; Verona, WI; education; farming; math; teaching
Partial Transcript: IL: How big of a high school was it?
Segment Synopsis: CR attended a high school of around 400 students. She learned typing, at which she excelled, and short-hand. CR choose to attend college at Stevens Point. About her experience at Stevens Point: CR stays a year but was running out of money. CR recalls a very difficult math class that discoruaged her from pursuing teaching.
Keywords: UW Stevens Point; education; high school
Partial Transcript: IL: So then, what made you decide to move to Madison?
Segment Synopsis: CR describes job opportunities in Madison at the time. She interviewed at two departments at UW and decided to take a staff position at Nuclear Physics. The interview process was much more casual than it is now. Professor Ray Herb conducts interview, who later became a family friend. CR reflects on work environment in Nuclear Physics.
Keywords: Nuclear Physics
Partial Transcript: IL: Thinking about that position a little more, when you first started...
Segment Synopsis: CR describes the wide range of responsibilities she held in her role at Nuclear Physics, including: monitoring grant money, payroll, requisitions, and technical typing. Explains technical typing processes. Responsible for checking radiation detecters and mailing results to a monitoring agency.
Keywords: Nuclear Physics
Partial Transcript: IL: This is maybe backtracking a little bit...
Segment Synopsis: CR reflects on how she learned tasks at Nuclear Physics. She mainly learned tasks on her own, working with another part-time staff member. CR describes her office and the layout of Sterling. Mentions a long-time employee, Mike Murray who did repairs in the building.
Keywords: Nuclear Physics
Partial Transcript: CR: But then, in '70, when we had the Sterling Hall bombing...
Segment Synopsis: CR begins to describe the impact of Sterling Hall bombing on Nuclear Physics. CR notes that most Nuclear Physic's research materials were destroyed in the blast. CR recalls hearing blast from home in Middleton. Moved to alternative office to work on an upcoming conference. CR reflects on unrest on campus.
Keywords: Nuclear Physics; Sterling Hall
Partial Transcript: IL: You mentioned you tried to avoid...
Segment Synopsis: CR describes how tear gas and national guard presence had an impact but was able to keep working. CR then reflects on the damage of the bombing. Recalls Paul Quinn, a postdoc who was in CR's office at the time of the bombing and survived the blast. Reflects on the depressed mood in the department. Faculty and grad students had to recreate their research. Mentions that some grad students never finished, and took jobs elsewhere.
Keywords: Nuclear Physics; Sterling Hall Bombing; depression; survivors
Partial Transcript: IL: You said you've kept in touch with...
Segment Synopsis: CR lists the faculty in her unit and breaks down the various faculty groups working on physics. Explains structure of physics department, and that Nuclear Physics functioned as a sub-department. CR then traces her promotions within Nuclear Physics. She left Nuclear Physics during the rebuilding in October of 1971.
Keywords: 1970s; Nuclear Physics; UW Madison; colleagues
Partial Transcript: IL: So, what was the opportunity in L&S....
Segment Synopsis: L&S heard about CR and asked her to move to the Dean's office as a Payroll Clerk 2. Works mainly with Classified staff. CR reflects on very few unclassified staff titles in contrast to the wide array of academic staff titles today, and outlines the title structure at UW at the time. CR describes the personnel work she does in L&S. Notes that in '70s, staff received significant raises.
Keywords: Administration; Classified Staff; Human Resources
Partial Transcript: CR: ...classified budget for College of Letters and Science...
Segment Synopsis: CR notes $5 million classified budget for L&S. CR describes her involvement in budgeting and spreading money between departments. CR worked with an Assistant Dean at the time. Phil Helmuth. She reflects on learning about university structure and hierarchies.
Keywords: Administration; Human Resources
Partial Transcript: IL: Did you like working in L&S?
Segment Synopsis: CR liked working in L&S. Again, she moved up within the office multiple times, and became quite knowledgeable about Classified Staff. She didn't receive formal training, but had a lot of mentors. CR reflects on process whereby she was promoted internally. Overall, her work was very independent within the L&S offices. CR describes Personnel Action forms and reading the Payroll.
Keywords: Administration; Classified Staff; Human Resources
Partial Transcript: IL: Say a little bit more about...
Segment Synopsis: Not many minorities working on campus, not much diversity. Staff spend a lot of their time on the phone. CR got to know payroll staff within other departments of L&S. CR recalls the absence of supervision but also on always enjoying what she was doing.
Keywords: Administration; Human Resources
Partial Transcript: IL: Anything else about your time in L&S...
Segment Synopsis: CR remembers the challenge of learning the whole civil service system. She reflects on how staffing titles and classifications have changed over the years, and the politics of titles. She mentions status perceptions of classified staff on campus.
Keywords: Academic Staff; Administration; Classified Staff; Human Resources
Partial Transcript: IL: I think we have a little time...
Segment Synopsis: CR was "poached" by Central Administration and moved to the Peterson building. CR's job was to travel around campus and meet with employees who were up for reclassification. CR describes the office dynamics and challenges of that office's all-male office staff. CR reflects on how isolated the Peterson building was from the rest of campus and how that influenced the work environment.
Keywords: Administration; Human Resources
Partial Transcript: IL: Why do you think that that is?
Segment Synopsis: CR talks about the differences in working alongside faculty. CR offers some final thoughts about technology on campus at the time and switching to the Wang "green-screen" computer while in Nuclear Physics.
Keywords: campus life; computers; faculty; staff; technology
Partial Transcript: IL: So, where we last left off, you were just leaving...
Segment Synopsis: CR was recommend for the Academic Personnel Office (APO) in Bascom in part to help with impending audit from Dept. of Labor. CR helps develop the position vacancy listing process. CR describes the informalities of older faculty and staff processes and how drastic the change was of implementing official policies. CR reflects on her mentor Cyrena Pondrom, an assistant chancellor under chancellor Ed Young. Looking at titles for academic staff. Titles start to grow more descriptive in order to help with recruitment.
Keywords: Academic Staff; Administration; Classified Staff; Human Resources
Partial Transcript: IL: Could you maybe say a little bit more...
Segment Synopsis: CR discusses how the new PVL process was received on campus. New policies went to faculty senate. Faculty told they had to go through the recruitment process. Cyrena Pondrom was somewhat unpopular as a result of acting on behalf of the chancellor. Working with affirmative action office. CR outlines the structure of APO. APO receives multiple copies of personnel action forms which then gets transmitted to the payroll office. Piles of paper, hard copies kept and circulated across campus to pay employees.
Keywords: Administration; Human Resources
Partial Transcript: IL: How were positions before the jobs...
Segment Synopsis: CR recalls that faculty were asked to send out notices and list a "recruitment effort plan", which needed to accompany every position vacancy listing. Affirmative Action office also involved.
Keywords: Administration; Human Resources
Partial Transcript: IL: So, you're in the APO, before you became director...
Segment Synopsis: CR explains she was on the phone 90% of the time with divisions. Divisions then work with departments. Lots of paper shuffling. Irv Shane removes Cyrena Pondrom in 1977, and brings in Bryant Kearl. CR caught between different supervisors. Kearl petitions to have Carla's position reclassified as academic personnel in April, 1978.
Keywords: Administration; Human Resources
Partial Transcript: CR: So, that happened in '78.
Segment Synopsis: CR describes the "clearinghouse" where a graduate student would make referrals matching vacancies to interested staff. CR describese other activies conducted by APO while she worked as director. CR also explains how audits of academic staff worked. The thing that was especially difficult was dealing with Personnel policies and procedures because not a lot was in writing. CR mentions TAA strike of 1970.
Keywords: Administration; Human Resources; TAA
Partial Transcript: CR: Then, in '78 I became Assistant Director, and between '78...
Segment Synopsis: CR describes the development and implementation of the Integrated Appointment Data System to organize payroll and keep records of all the jobs in the UW system. CR comments on the challenge of integrating system schools after the merger and noting the longevity of some these early computerized systems on campus.
Keywords: Administration; Human Resources; Integrated Appointment Data System
Partial Transcript: CR: Also, during the '80s, Academic Staff Government started...
Segment Synopsis: CR notes the beginnigns of academic staff governance in the 80s and describes her involvement. CR worked closely with the Academic Staff Executive Committee. In 1980 CR initiates a complete academic staff review, which takes nearly a year, but establishes a system called the Academic Staff Review allowing vacancies to be reviewed and a standard salary set. CR mentions that prior to this system, no standard practice for setting salaries.
Keywords: Academic Staff
Partial Transcript: CR: Let's see, what are we missing here?
Segment Synopsis: CR explains how the administration decided to make changes. APO takes the lead in identifying issues. CR reflects on how well her team of employees work together. Faculty in School of Business heard about the Academic Staff review and ask CR to present in a business class how the Academic Staff Review project was organized. CR recalls holding "focus groups" and working with campus reps. but also credits her experience in a departments and a divisions in guiding policy implementation. CR notes not all employees switched to computers and kept using old paper forms.
Keywords: Academic Staff; Administration; Human Resources
Partial Transcript: IL: Was there a process whereby employees were trained...
Segment Synopsis: CR discusses training individuals on how to use the new system. Individuals trainings but no computer labs at the time or a real budget dedicated to technological improvements. CR contrasts this with more recent initiatives.
Keywords: Administration; Human Resources
Partial Transcript: IL: Maybe before we get to that, it would be good to reflect...
Segment Synopsis: CR discusses her approach to her work at APO. Becoming director was never CR's goal and she didn't view her promotion as a major change. CR worked right along with the staff she supervised. APO was a small office; even when CR becomes Vice Chancellor, her work life doesn't change much.
Keywords: Administration; Human Resources
Partial Transcript: IL: And so, you mentioned that this move...
Segment Synopsis: The move to being (acting) Vice Chancellor made communication easier. Phil Certain takes over afterwards. Hayes Hill Study - intended to replace Academic Staff Review. Lots of controversy over Hayes-Hill Study. Questions with how Madison position listings fit with system. Follow-up: what issues did the system schools have? Answer: need to recognize the uniqueness of UW-Madison job titles. UW-Madison ended up needing special titles, separate from other UW-System institutions.
Keywords: Administration
Partial Transcript: CR: I wanted to go back and just look a little bit more at that...
Segment Synopsis: What brings about Hayes-Hill Study? CR notes internal concerns about job titles. Library staff in particular concerned about salary and their job standing. CR also describes the creation and evolution of the Administrative Development Program.
Keywords: Administration; Hayes-Hill; Human Resources
Partial Transcript: CR: So, I'm not sure we covered this...
Segment Synopsis: After Hayes-Hill Study, position of Assoc. Vice Chancellor no longer needed, CR takes over as Director of HR. HR focuses on implementing Integrated Appointment Data System. CR recalls the Frankel Decision, evaluating employees and highlighting inequities in pay. Works closely with Bernie Cohen during his time as chancellor; contrasts his style to other chancellors. Describes work with academic staff governance structure.
Keywords: Administration; Hayes-Hill; Human Resources
Partial Transcript: CR: Now, we also had, you know, the TAA was still...
Segment Synopsis: CR describes the goals of working with TAA. Mentions experience at Harvard Management Institute. Lists several long-term employees in her office and the work environment. Reflects on David Ward becoming chancellor.
Keywords: Administration; Human Resources; TAA
Partial Transcript: IL: Can I ask–
CR: Sure.
Segment Synopsis: CR explains how new titles allow for easier internal promotion. Notes how Hayes-Hill study helped settle employees down. CR reflects on how raise and pay structure has changed over the years and how today employees move around much more. CR recalls working a lot with UW System, which likely led to her joining the Lawson Project.
Keywords: Lawson Project; UW System; employees; pay raise; staff
Partial Transcript: IL: Had there been, before, you joined in 2001...
Segment Synopsis: Chancellor John Wiley wanted to develop an internal HR system, that came to nothing. Within Lawson project, CR represented UW-Madison. Lawson replaced after five years with Peoplesoft. CR goes through campus HR re-organization (APBS project) and new systems. Reflects on tensions between Madison and UW System. Notes the growth of HR and her staff
Keywords: Administration; Human Resources; Lawson Project; Peoplesoft
Partial Transcript: IL: In the midst of all these...
Segment Synopsis: Lawson project was a difficult time, adding significant amounts of extra work. Steve Lund eventually took over until Lawson project finished. CR also recalls implementing Peoplesoft and assuming responsibility for the Service Center. CR reflects on how much work she undertook during this period was and contrasts this to work habits today.
Keywords: Lawson Project; Peoplesoft
Partial Transcript: IL: Did that involve, as you were rolling out...
Segment Synopsis: CR contrasts early campus work with DOIT to programs like Peoplesoft that are outsourced through consultants. CR details the ways in which UW has required unique systems and workarounds. Follow-up: what aspects of UW made it difficult for the systems? Answer: CR surveys various HR data systems and their relationships.
Keywords: DoIT; Peoplesoft
Partial Transcript: IL: And that, actually, I wanted to go back to one thing...
Segment Synopsis: CR reflects on the added complexities of being a part of UW System. Notes rumors of sentiment among system schools of a bias against UW-Madison. Speculates on what future HR systems will look like. Contrasts to earlier work with the Lawson Project.
Keywords: Administration; Human Resources; UW-System
Partial Transcript: IL: You mentioned that, over your tenure as HR director, your staff...
Segment Synopsis: CR reflects on her management style and says she was fortunate to work with good people. CR recalls working with Hector DeLuca. Getting to know people and link with the other offices was a key goal.
Keywords: Administration; Human Resources; Management
Partial Transcript: IL: Do you think, over the years, 'cause I think that is an important...
Segment Synopsis: CR notes that as HR office has grown, it's become more difficult to maintain relationships. She reflects on the value of forming relationships between different units on campus. CR mentions getting to know other HR heads at BigTen directors meetings.
Keywords: Administration; Human Resources
Partial Transcript: CR: And it varies by division.
Segment Synopsis: CR notes how office dynamics vary across campus. She describes her own approach to relationships with employees. CR ponders future changes on campus, while reflecting on the continued need to develop institutional memory.
Keywords: Administration; Management
Partial Transcript: IL: Has that ever been a tension in your career...
Segment Synopsis: Interviewer asks about tension in administration between tradition and innovation? CR agrees this does happen. CR's own approach to this is in taking time with employees to explain how different systems and processes work.
Keywords: Administration; Management
Partial Transcript: IL: I also, I want to, this is a little unrelated, but I want to backtrack...
Segment Synopsis: CR reflects on how her gender has affected her career, and how her thinking has changed over her career. CR speculates on how her attitude has helped her as she's been promoted.
Keywords: Gender dynamics
Partial Transcript: IL: It sounds like you've, in a lot of ways, kept a very consistent work ethic...
Segment Synopsis: CR feels she has grown considerably. Reflects on how her public speaking abilities, knowledge, and overall confidence have increased. CR accomplished a lot and usually people listened to projects she wanted to undertake. For CR, the bigger issue was too much going on, making balance difficult.
Keywords: balance; confidence; public speaking
Partial Transcript: IL: Changing gears slightly, what was the move like to 21 North Park...
Segment Synopsis: CR describes the isolating impact of the move to 21 N. Park. Contrasts to the Peterson building, which wasn't a great space. CR explains the design problems with 21. N. Park.
Keywords: 21 North Park Street; Administration; Human Resources
Partial Transcript: IL: And so, and I don't know how much the new space...
Segment Synopsis: CR explains her various considerations in deciding to retire in 2009. But, because of numerous staffing gaps, CR comes back to help out. Interviewer asks if she ever wishes she had stayed longer as director? Answer: CR says no, joking that supervision is hard.
Keywords: Administration; Human Resources; Retirement
Partial Transcript: IL: I think I know the answer to this, but I'm curious...
Segment Synopsis: Did you ever think of leaving UW-Madison? CR shares short story of being recommend for another postion in the private sector that she turned down. Follow-up: How did you balance work and your family? Answer: CR credits a good babysitter. CR never took many breaks during her career, even when pregnant.
Keywords: Working Mother; balance; children; family