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00:00:00 - Beginning of interview 00:00:27 - Interviewee Background Information and Background Surrounding Restructuring

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Okay so why don't we start with the basics

Segment Synopsis: Talks about relocation to Madison in 2017 as Provost of Academic Affairs. Discusses surprise at restructuring plans, introduction to the UW system and plans for the UW system prior to restructuring, including academic planning and recovery from prior regionalization changes. Says change felt abrupt, and that plans for system changed as a result, but decision for confidentiality was not out of the norm in her professional experiences.

Keywords: academic affairs; administrative affairs; communication; enrollment; organizational structure; regionalization; restructuring; staff; staff culture

00:05:34 - Discussion of Career Commitments

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Um sort of like what do you think like how do you think your status as a newcomer

Segment Synopsis: Discusses career commitments of faculty and personnel at the UW System, and long term attachments. Talks about reasons for coming to the UW Colleges, and impact of restructuring on role.

Keywords: UW Colleges; academic affairs; mission; restructuring; staff culture

00:07:49 - UW Colleges Institutional Mission and Restructuring

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Partial Transcript: LEH: What would say were like the most immediate concerns

Segment Synopsis: Discusses faculty mission of UW Colleges in providing open access and transfer support, importance of autonomy, and focus of faculty on these as potential issues. Talks about enrollment and skills emphasized at the UW Colleges, drive for tuition from the state, and challenges to the budget from a tuition standpoint.

Keywords: UW Colleges; UW System; mission; non-traditional students; open access; restructuring; teaching; transfer

00:14:01 - Restructuring, Tuition, and Enrollment

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Partial Transcript: LEH: So do you think that um... can you sort of expand on how that dependency on tuition

Segment Synopsis: Talks about current attempts to determine the impact of restructuring on current (2019) enrollments, and impact of issues with retention and overall declining enrollment at the UW Colleges. Notes that recruitment may have made more complicated by messaging surrounding restructuring, but that number of students has been consistently dropping.

Keywords: UW Colleges; branch campus; budget; enrollment; marketing; receiving institution; recruitment; restructuring; tuition

00:19:27 - Discussion of Branch and Receiving Campus Relationships

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Partial Transcript: LEH: No that was great, really interesting... I think some of the messaging

Segment Synopsis: Discusses natural pathways of transfer for students and geography as factors, citing Barron County as an example, and how recruitment changed as a result.

Keywords: UW Colleges; branch campus; communication; demographics; organizational structure; receiving campus; recruitment; restructuring; transfer

00:23:44 - Collaborative Degrees and Programming at the Former UW Colleges

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Makes a fair amount of sense, yeah. So you made a

Segment Synopsis: Talks about degree programs at UW Colleges that worked with other campuses to make agreements/articulate programs, and connect programs to bachelor degree program. Discusses examples of programs between partner campuses. Discusses level of demand in communities for specific programs, and duplicate programs between campuses.

Keywords: UW Colleges; academic affairs; collaborative degrees; community relations; demographics; inter-institutional agreements; restructuring; transfer

00:28:56 - The UW Colleges Associate's Degree and Programming during Restructuring

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Yeah yeah I think the general education degree that

Segment Synopsis: Talks about focus on accreditation and decision making being shifted to 7 branch campuses after restructuring. Goes into differences between degree programs, initial decision to move to two associate's degrees with pathways for arts and science, and decision after restructuring to leave curriculum the same and not move to two separate arts and science programs. Discusses curriculum building, faculty decision making, and debate over curriculum changes.

Keywords: Higher Learning Commission; UW Colleges; academic affairs; academic programs; branch campus; curriculum; non-traditional students; organizational structure; receiving institution; restructuring

00:36:13 - The UW Colleges Associate's Degree and Planning during Restructuring

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Partial Transcript: KS: Reimagining of the degree and doing it in their own new institutional context

Segment Synopsis: Discusses differences in curriculum between institutions after restructuring process. Discusses governance and survey that helped inform decision making around decision to continue with the same curriculum/catalog. Talks about faculty discontent around decision making.

Keywords: UW Colleges; academic programs; governance; organizational structure; restructuring; staff culture

00:46:35 - Impact of Restructuring on Branch Campuses

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Partial Transcript: KS: Faculty who could create their own faculty for the associate's degree program

Segment Synopsis: Discusses difference of faculty structures after restructuring, and levels of autonomy in faculty structures between campuses. Talks about creation of new degrees to meet community needs and differences between campuses. Talks about emphasis on student services and support services for introductory students, then brings in example of a University College and its mission at UW Stevens Point. Discusses branding and efforts to connect former UW Colleges with partner institutions.

Keywords: UW Colleges; academic affairs; branch campus; community relations; faculty; governance; receiving institution; restructuring; student services

00:53:30 - Regionalization, Support Services, and the former UW Colleges

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Partial Transcript: LEH: So you talked briefly about support services, could you talk more about that

Segment Synopsis: Discusses impact of prior regionalization on support services and elimination of positions. Discusses processing of records with less people and removal of resources from campuses to remote services. Talks about UW Colleges and culture of "doing less with less," as well as difficulty and disruption with regionalizing student services. Goes into level of quality of services and use of technology for students.

Keywords: UW Colleges; academic affairs; human resources; organizational structure; regionalization; restructuring; staff; student affairs

01:01:12 - Loss and Transfer of Services during Restructuring

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Partial Transcript: KS: Went through the restructuring as quickly as we did

Segment Synopsis: Discusses impact of less services during restructuring on evaluations between former UW Colleges and the Higher Learning Council. Talks about continued need for resources, and potential benefits for UW Shared Services.

Keywords: Higher Learning Commission; UW Colleges; branch campus; receiving institution; restructuring; student services; transfer

01:04:38 - UW Online, the UW Colleges, and Restructuring

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Partial Transcript: LEH: In terms of like, online services, you talked about Shared Services, online

Segment Synopsis: Discusses operation of former UW Online as a "virtual campus" and benefits for students and faculty. Talks about course exchanges, and growth of UW Online at campuses, and positive revenue returns of UW Online. Discusses relationship between Continuing Learning (CEOEL), Higher Learning Committee, and UW Online. Goes into process of decision making as to where UW Online would go in the restructuring process. Ultimate decision was collaborative effort between all institutions, and process of developing a collaborative curriculum for the new online model. Discusses markets and mission statements of Continuing Learning and UW Online.

Keywords: CEOEL; Higher Learning Committee; UW Colleges; academic affairs; academic programs; adult education; collaborative degrees; continuing studies; non-traditional students; online classes; online programs; restructuring; transfer

01:15:15 - Collaboration and Academic Programming

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Partial Transcript: LEH: You said that the models for the collaborative environments

Segment Synopsis: Discusses meaning of "demand driven" collaborative programs, and talks about example of collaborative model at UW Stevens Point. Talks about volume of people needed general education courses and value.

Keywords: UW Colleges; academic affairs; academic programs; business; community relations; demographics; restructuring

01:19:23 - Discussion of Movement of UW Extension

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Could you maybe elaborate on the Extended Campuses and that part

Segment Synopsis: Talks about integration of former CEOEL into system administration, and movement to Office of Academic and Student Affairs. Discusses shifts in administrative officials, operations, and new branding.

Keywords: CEOEL; UW Colleges; UW Extension; administrative affairs; organizational structure; restructuring

01:25:35 - Discussion of Role of the Steering Committee

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Partial Transcript: LEH: Um so I'm kind of also curious about um the Steering Committee

Segment Synopsis: Talks about engagement at beginning of the Steering Committee and focus on the UW Colleges. Talks about residual issues being with receiving institutions and non-receiving institutions. Says committee served purpose of giving people outlet for engagement. Discusses general evolution of academic concerns, and emphasis on faculty concerns and financial aid, then later oversight.

Keywords: Steering Committee; UW Colleges; academic affairs; branch campus; faculty; governance; organizational structure; receiving institution; restructuring; staff culture

01:31:45 - End of Interview