Partial Transcript: So, David, the first question I ask is a pretty general one.
Segment Synopsis: Approached by Herbert Howe of Ford Program. Wanted to attend University of Chicago. Graduated from HS in Milwaukee. Little previous association with UW.
Keywords: Ford Scholars; Herbert Howe; Milwaukee; UW-Madison; University of Chicago; University of Wisconsin; college counselor; school counselor
Partial Transcript: Do you recall, as you came here, what your initial impressions were, first of the campus?
Segment Synopsis: Lived in Lakeshore dorms. Class registration process.
Keywords: Ford Scholars; Herbert Howe; Lakeshore dorms; Madison, Wisconsin; Tripp Hall; UW-Madison; campus housing; campus life; class registration; field house; punch cards; residence halls
Partial Transcript: During your time here on campus-- I have some general questions about what you experienced...
Segment Synopsis: Classics lecturers. Profs Agard and McKendrick. Discusses college advisors. Time in University Orchestra. Deep impression made by Geneticist Jim Crow. Playing music in Crow's home. Crow assists in changing fraternities exclusionary clauses.
Keywords: Classics Department; Elizabeth Brandeis; Ford Scholars; Herbert Howe; ILS; Integrated Liberal Studies; James Crow; Jim Crow; Paul McKendrick; Richard Church; UW-Madison; University Orchestra; Walter Agard; academic advisor; fraternity integration; genetics; humanities; viola
Partial Transcript: David, could we go back to the viola? I'm going to assume here, but you can elaborate...
Segment Synopsis: First interest in Viola in HS. Violinist "by origin". Recalls borrowing tuxedo from Howe for concert. Recalls experiences in University Orchestra.
Keywords: Ford Scholars; Herbert Howe; Richard Church; UW-Madison; University Orchestra; viola
Partial Transcript: Since we're still on professors and classes, what were some of the buildings you took classes in...
Segment Synopsis: Classes in Bascom. Job scooping ice cream in Babcock. New library and memories of moving books.
Keywords: Babcock Hall; Babcock hall dairy store; Babcock ice cream; Bascom Hill; Memorial library; UW-Madison; WHS; Wisconsin State Historical Society
Partial Transcript: David, were you -- Did you attend church while you were here on campus?
Keywords: Daily Cardinal; Intramural sports; UW-Madison; concert reviews; intramural softball; religious life; student organizations
Subjects: Religious experience. Worked for Daily Cardinal as a concert reviewer. Athletics.
Partial Transcript: I think you alluded to this earlier when you talked about Jim Crow's involvement in the changing of the fraternity charters...
Segment Synopsis: Door-to-door campaigns during McCarthy-era. McCarthyism on campus. Moved by debate between politicians over the screening of guest speakers at universities.
Keywords: Campus politics; Ford Scholars; Joseph McCarthy; Labor Youth league; McCarthyism; UW-Madison; UW-Whitewater; University of Wisconsin; anti-communism; campus speakers; censorship; free speech; political debate
Partial Transcript: So now I just have some final questions. This one, I'm guessing, is sort of obvious...
Segment Synopsis: Leaving the University. Dropping out of Med. School. Odd jobs. MA candidacy in history. Stringer for Milwaukee Journal. Leaves for Iowa in 57. Submits an MA essay in economic history.
Keywords: George Mosse; Iowa; Milwaukee Journal; Red Dot Potato Chips; Rondo Cameron; graduate school; graduation; journalism; medical school; odd jobs
Partial Transcript: How often or do you come back to campus since you left?
Segment Synopsis: Returns to campus. Ford Scholar reunions. Landing job at the Milwaukee Journal stringer in 56 or 57.
Keywords: Babcock dairy store; Babcock ice cream; Ford Scholars; Iowa City; Madison; Memorial Union terrace; Milwaukee; Milwaukee Journal; On Wisconsin Magazine; reunions
Partial Transcript: Did you-- one more thing. Did you continue to play the violin or viola?
Segment Synopsis: Continuing musical practice. Published book on the violin. Longstanding string quartet. Invention of artist-in-residence in the 1930s. Officer in the film society. Relationship to extension division and College of Agriculture.
Keywords: 16mm film; College of Agriculture; Henry Breitrose; Pro Arte Quartet; UW-Extension; UW-Madison; University Orchestra; University of Wisconsin; Viola; Violin; artist-in-residence; film screenings; film society; foreign films; music history; publishing