Partial Transcript: "Claire, you began teaching at the UW in
Segment Synopsis: Claire Van Vliet (CV) met Warrington Colescott in Philadelphia, and he was impressed with the typographic lab at the Philadelphia College of Art, now the University of the Arts. He asked CV to apply to be his sabbatical replacement in 1965 and to organize the printmaking area at the UW. She lived in an apartment near Lake Mendota and the Capitol Square. She cleaned up the etching area, which had acid on the floor.
Keywords: Madison, WI; Philadelphia College of Art; UW Art Department; University of Wisconsin; University of the Arts; Warrington Colescott; acid; lythography; printmaking; typography
Partial Transcript: "What about some of the students that you taught while you
were here?"
Segment Synopsis: CV was impressed with the graduate students, and she taught a graduate seminar in printmaking, in which they developed a book project. Colescott asked CV to establish a typography shop with equipment, and she applied for a grant shortly after she started. The university wanted to make sure the new press shop wasn't going to become a commercial enterprise.
Keywords: UW staff; Warrington Colescott; book arts; bookmaking; commercial printing; graduate students; grants; printmaking; teaching; undergraduate students
Partial Transcript: "And Claire, could we talk a little bit more about some of
the specific students..."
Segment Synopsis: Bill Weege was in CV's graduate seminar, and Lois Johnson was also one of CV's students. Jack Damer got a new staff position teaching lithography, but his equipment was in a hallway. Don Anderson and Phil Hamilton welcomed having letterpress as part of the program.
Keywords: Bill Weege; Don Anderson; Jack Damer; Lois Johnson; Phil Hamilton; Xerox; faculty; lithography; offset printing; printmaking; room assignments
Partial Transcript: "I know that ultimately you decided not to stay at the
Segment Synopsis: There were 29 men on the faculty and only one woman, Marjorie Kreilick. It wasn't a very collegial atmosphere, so CV decided not to stay for a second year when Colescott's sabbatical was extended. CV arranged for Moishe Smith to step in as a replacement for Colescott in 1966-1967. CV sat in on Walter Hamady's interview, and the UW hired him to teach book arts in 1996.
Keywords: Marjorie Kreilick; Moishe Smith; Walter Hamady; book arts; demotion; dissatisfaction; faculty; hiring committee; loneliness
Partial Transcript: "You decided to become an independent artist and not to
rely on teaching..."
Segment Synopsis: CV decided to become an independent artist and not to rely on teaching for her income, because the print market was strong. She could earn as much selling prints as she could teaching. She moved to Vermont. Initially her prints supported her book habit, but since 1975 her books have supported her print habit.
Keywords: Vermont; bookmaking; independent artist; print market; print dealers; printmaking; selling prints
Partial Transcript: "Your book, "Woven and Interlocking Book
Structures," in that book you describe..."
Segment Synopsis: CV met Hedi Kyle at a conference, where Kyle made an impressive slip case without glue. Some years later, the two experimented with a kimono doll structure, and CV decided to use a diamond shape, rather than a rectangular one, for Aunt Sallie's Lament. This structure matched the symmetry of Aunt Sallie's poetic mutterances.
Keywords: Aunt Sallie's Lament; Hedi Kyle; book structure; bookbinding; kimono doll; poetry; symmetry
Partial Transcript: "And so, I made it out of hand-made
Segment Synopsis: The structures are dependent on hand papermaking. CV appreciated the improved paper palette and work of Katie MacGregor in suspending pigments in paper.
Keywords: Abaca; Aunt Sallie's Lament; Katie MacGregor; book structure; bookbinding; hand papermaking; suspending pigments; types of paper
Partial Transcript: "With the "Aunt Sallie's Lament," making it out
of the hand-made paper..."
Segment Synopsis: Chronicle Books asked CV to make a trade version of Aunt Sallie's Lament. In this version, CV changed the colors of the paper and borrowed the basic structure from Sam's Sandwich, a children's book by David Pelham. The books were printed using real colors, not the four-color (CMYK) process. CV went to Hong Kong for press checks.
Keywords: Aunt Sallie's Lament; Chronicle Books; Sam's Sandwich; bookmaking; four-color process; permalin paper; press checks; real colors; trade versions
Partial Transcript: "I'm curious, Claire, how did you get connected with
Chronicle in the first place?"
Segment Synopsis: CV made a third, altered version of Aunt Sallie's Lament. She used remaindered books from Chronicle and added to them.
Keywords: Aunt Sallie's Lament; Chronicle Books; altering books; bookbinding; remainder; special edition
Partial Transcript: "I wondered if we could talk a little bit about the Kohler
Art Library..."
Segment Synopsis: Kreilick introduced CV to Bill Bunce, who was very enthusiastic about CV's work. Her earlier books were sold to the Rare Books Department at Memorial Library.
Keywords: Bill Bunce; Kohler Art Library; Marjorie Kreilick; Rare Books Department; standing order